Philippe Pinsolle

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP
Avenue Pictet de Rochemont, 20
CH – 1207 Geneva
- Shearman & Sterling : Associate, 1991-2001; Partner, 2001-2012 ;
- Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan - Paris : Managing Partner from 2013 through mid- 2017 ;
- Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan – Geneva : Head of international arbitration for continental Europe since 2017.
Philippe Pinsolle has been involved in arbitrations under the auspices of virtually all major arbitration institutions including the ICC, the LCIA, the ICSID, the SCC, the AAA, the ICDR, the Swiss Chambers of Commerce, the AFA, as well as in ad hoc cases under the UNCITRAL rules or otherwise. Philippe Pinsolle has also served as arbitrator in more than 45 cases, as well as expert witness on arbitration and French law issues.
* General Editor, Global Arbitration Review: The Guide to Advocacy, Law Business Research Ltd, London
* General Editor, The French International Arbitration Law Report: 1963-2007, 2008, 2009, forthcoming 2010 and 2011, Juris Publishing (with T. Clay)
* General Editor, Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage/The Paris Journal of International Arbitration (with C. Kaplan)
* A French View on the Application of the Arbitration Agreement to Non-Signatories, in THE EVOLUTION AND FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION, under the editorship of Stravos Brekoulakis, Julian Lew QC and Loukas Mistelis, (Kluwer Law International, vol 37, 2016)
* A Call to Open the ICC Emergency Arbitrator Procedure to Investment Treaty Cases, in INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION UNDER REVIEW – ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF JOHN BEECHEY (ICC Pub. N°. 772E, 2015)
* Enforcement of Interim Relief in Investor/State Arbitration, in ENFORCEMENT OF INVESTMENT TREATY ARBITRATION AWARDS: A GLOBAL GUIDE, Julien Fouret, Castaldi Mourre, Consulting editor, Globe Law and Business (February 2015) (with T. Voisin)
* ABCI Investments Limited v Republic of Tunisia: How Explicit Must Be the Investor’s Consent to Arbitration?, ICSID Review 29, no. 3: 548–58 (October 2014)
* The EC as a Respondent in ECT Arbitration, in INVESTMENT TREATY LAW CURRENT ISSUES, Vol. IV (BIICL publication, 2013)
* Obligation de révélation et issue conflicts, Note following CA Paris, 10 March 2011 (EURL Tesco), CA Paris 10 March 2011 (Nykcool AB); CA Paris 1 July 2011 (SA Sobrior) and Cass. 1ère civ., 29 June 2011 (Papillon Group Corp.), PETITES AFFICHES, 11-14 November 2011, No. 225-26, at 14
* Le financement de l'arbitrage par les tiers, 2011(2) REVUE DE L'ARBITRAGE 385
* Selected Nationality Issues in ECT Arbitration, in LIBER AMICORUM BERNARDO CREMADES 965 (M.A. Fernandez-Ballesteros and D. Arias eds., La Ley, 2010)
* Les problèmes cachés de la proposition de suppression de l’exception d’arbitrage du Règlement 44/2001, 2010(1) CAHIERS DE L’ARBITRAGE/PARIS JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 31
* The Proposed Reform of Regulation 44/2001: A Poison Pill for Arbitration in the European Union, 12(4) INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION LAW REVIEW 62 (2009)
* Recent Significant French Judicial Decisions Involving International Arbitration, in CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION – THE FORDHAM PAPERS 2008, at 109 (A.W. Rovine ed., Martinus Nijhoff, 2009)
* The Status of Vacated Awards in France: The Cour de Cassation Decision in Putrabali, 24(2) ARBITRATION INTERNATIONAL 277 (2008)
* The dispute resolution provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty, 10(3) INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION LAW REVIEW 82 (2007)
* ‘Manifest’ Excess of Power and Jurisdictional Review of ICSID Awards, in INVESTMENT TREATY LAW 51 (F. Ortino, A. Sheppard and H. Warner eds., BIICL publication, 2006)
* Damages in Investment Arbitration—Are the Standards different from Commercial Arbitration?—The Need for Consistency, 6(1) JOURNAL OF WORLD INVESTMENT 45 (2005)
* Jurisdictional review of ICSID Awards, 5 JOURNAL OF WORLD INVESTMENT 613 (August 2004)
* The ICC Pre-Arbitral Referee; First Practical Experiences, 20(1) ARBITRATION INTERNATIONAL 13 (2004) (with E. Gaillard)
* Private Enforcement of European Community Competition Rules by Arbitrators, 7(1) INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION LAW REVIEW 14 (2004)
* Advocacy in International Commercial Arbitration in France, in THE ART OF ADVOCACY IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 133 (R.D. Bishop ed., 2004) (with E. Gaillard)
* Court Appointed Arbitrator: French Courts Expand Jurisdiction to Avoid Denial of Justice, 17(6) INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION REPORT 35 (June 2002) * For a full list of publications, see