Thierry F. Ador

44, Avenue Krieg
P.O. Box 45
CH-1211 Geneva 17
Partner of Perreard, de Boccard, Kohler, Ador & Partners (1985- ); Associate with Rogers & Wells (Clifford Chance), New York (1983-1985); Associate with Borel & Barbey, Geneva (1981-1983).
Swiss Bar Association; New York & American Bar Associations; Geneva Association of Business Law; International Association of Lawyers; Young Lawyer’s International Association; International Bar Association; International Commercial and Industrial Arbitration Association (ARICI).
ARICI; International Chamber of Commerce; Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce; London Court Arbitration; American Arbitration Association.
Numerous arbitrations (as arbitrator, counselor, co-counsel); Attorney for appeals and/or enforcement of arbitration awards.
Co-author of International Recognition and Enforcement of Money Judgments (G. Paley, ed. 1994); Réforme du Droit Suisse des Sociétés Anonymes 1994 (Fusions & Acquisitions); La pratique des Conventions de Garantie 1991 (Conference du Forum du Droit des Affaires); Les Engagements Futurs et Conditionnels, Art. 670 CO? 1980 (Faculté de Droit de Genève); Debt Collection Proceedings in Switzerland 1196 (Commercial Law Bulletin).