10 Years of Swiss Rules of International Arbitration - ASA Special Series No. 44
AAA Handbook on Arbitration Practice - Second Edition
AAA Handbook on Commercial Arbitration - Third Edition
AAA Handbook on Construction Arbitration and ADR - Third Edition
AAA Handbook on Employment Arbitration and ADR - Third Edition
AAA Handbook on Labor Arbitration and ADR - Third Edition
AAA Handbook on Mediation - Third Edition
AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law - 23rd Edition
AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law - 24th Edition
AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law - 25th Edition
AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law - 26th Edition
AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law - 27th Edition
AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law - 28th Edition
AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law - 29th Edition
AAA Yearbook on Arbitration and the Law - 30th Edition
ABCs of ADR and So Much More - A Complete Practice Manual for Lawyers and Judges
ADR and the Law - 20th Edition
ADR and the Law - 21st Edition
ADR and the Law - 22nd Edition
Advocacy in International Commercial Arbitration: ASA Special Series No. 36
Alternate Dispute Resolution in the Futures Industry
American Journal of Construction Arbitration & ADR (AJCA)
American Review of International Arbitration - ARIA
Annulment of ICSID Awards - IAI Series No. 1
Anti-Suit Injunctions in International Arbitration
Anti-Suit Injunctions in International Arbitration - IAI Series No. 2
Arbitral Institutions Under Scrutiny: ASA Special Series No. 40
Arbitrating Armed Conflict: Decisions of the Israel - Lebanon Monitoring Group
Arbitration Clauses for International Contracts - Second Edition
Arbitration in Asia - Second Edition
Arbitration in the MENA
Arbitration Law and Practice in Africa - Second Edition
Arbitration Law and Practice in Asia - Second Edition
Arbitration Law and Practice in Central and Eastern Europe - Second Edition
Arbitration Law and Practice in Latin America - Second Edition
Arbitration Law and Practice in the Middle East - Second Edition
Arbitration Law of Australia: Practice and Procedure
Arbitration Law of Austria: Practice and Procedure
Arbitration Law of Brazil: Practice and Procedure - Second Edition
Arbitration Law of Canada: Practice and Procedure - Fourth Edition
Arbitration Law of Czech Republic: Practice and Procedure
Arbitration Law of Korea: Practice and Procedure
Arbitration Law of Russia: Practice and Procedure
Arbitration Law of Sweden: Practice and Procedure
Arbitration Law of Switzerland: Practice & Procedure
Arbitration Law of Turkey: Practice and Procedure
Arbitration of Intellectual Property Disputes in the United States
Arbitration of International Disputes in New York
Arbitration of International Intellectual Property Disputes - Second Edition
Arbitration Rules - International Institutions - Third Edition
Arbitration Rules - National Institutions - Second Edition
Arbitrator's Initiative: When, Why and How Should It Be Used? - ASA Special Series No. 45
Art of Advocacy in International Arbitration
Art of Advocacy in International Arbitration - Second Edition
Asian Leading Arbitrators' Guide to International Arbitration
Attachment of Assets
B2C Arbitration: Consumer Protection in Arbitration
Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2010-2011
Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2011-2012
Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2012-2013
Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2013-2014
Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2014-2015
Behind the Scenes in International Arbitration
Between East and West: Essays in Honour of Ulf Franke
Boundaries of Investment Arbitration
Business Disputes in China - Third Edition
Carbonneau on Arbitration: Collected Essays
Carbonneau on International Arbitration: Collected Essays
Case Preparation and Presentation: A Guide for Arbitration Advocates and Arbitrators
Case Preparation and Presentation: A Guide for Arbitration Advocates and Arbitrators - Softcover
Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary
Collective Bargaining: How it Works and Why - Third Edition
College of Commercial Arbitrators Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration - Fourth Edition
Commentary on the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2010: A Practitioner's Guide
Commercial Mediation and Arbitration in the NAFTA Countries
Comparison of Asian International Arbitration Rules
Comparison of Asian International Arbitration Rules - Third Edition
Comparison of Gulf International Arbitration Rules
Comparison of International Arbitration Rules - Sixth Edition
Comparison of MENA International Arbitration Rules
Confidential and Restricted Access Information in International Arbitration - ASA Special Series No. 43
Conflict of Laws in International Commercial Arbitration
Construction Schedules: Analysis, Evaluation, and Interpretation of Schedules in Litigation and Dispute Resolution - Fifth Edition
Construction Schedules: Analysis, Evaluation, and Interpretation of Schedules in Litigation and Dispute Resolution - Fifth Edition - 2023 Supplement
Counsel as Client’s First Enemy in Arbitration?
Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration - 2011: The Relationship between Constitutional Values, Human Rights, and Arbitration
Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration - 2012: Party Autonomy versus Autonomy of Arbitrators
Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration - 2013: Borders of Procedural and Substantive Law in Arbitral Proceedings
Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration - 2014: Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators
Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration - 2015: Interaction of Arbitration and Courts
Dispute Resolution in China - Second Edition
Dispute Resolution Journal (DRJ)
Electronic Disclosure in International Arbitration
Employment Arbitration - Second Edition
Energy Dispute Resolution: Investment Protection, Transit and the Energy Charter Treaty
Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Against Sovereigns
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia
Enforcement of Money Judgments
Essays on International Arbitration
EU Law and International Investment Arbitration - IAI SERIES NO. 11
EU-PIL: European Union Private International Law in Contract and Tort
European International Arbitration Review (EIAR)
Expert Evidence: Conflicting Assumptions and How to Handle Them in Arbitration - ASA Special Series No. 46
Fifteen Years of NAFTA Chapter 11 Arbitration - IAI Series No. 7
Force Majeure and Hardship in the Asia-Pacific Region
French International Arbitration Law Reports: 1963-2007
French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2008
French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2009
French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2010
French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2011
French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2012
French International Arbitration Law Reports: 2013
Fundamentals of Labor Arbitration
Handbook on International Commercial Arbitration - Second Edition
Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration - Second Edition
ICDR Awards and Commentaries - Volume 1
ICDR Awards and Commentaries - Volume 2
ICDR Handbook on International Arbitration & ADR - Third Edition
ICDR Handbook on International Arbitration Practice - Second Edition
Impact of EU Law on International Commercial Arbitration
Inherent Powers of Arbitrators
Inside the Black Box: How Arbitral Tribunals Operate and Reach Their Decisions - ASA Special Series No. 42
Interim and Emergency Relief in International Arbitration - International Law Institute Series on International Law, Arbitration and Practice
Interim Measures in International Arbitration
Interim Measures in the United States in Aid of Arbitration
International Arbitration and Public Policy
International Arbitration and the Courts
International Arbitration Checklists - Third Edition
International Arbitration Court Decisions - Third Edition
International Arbitration Law and Practice - Third Edition
International Arbitration Treaties - Third Edition
International Commercial Arbitration in Asia - Third Edition
Investment Arbitration and the Energy Charter Treaty
Investment Arbitration Decisions
Investment Arbitration in Eastern Europe: In Search of a Definition of Expropriation
Investment Arbitration Library
Investment Protection and The Energy Charter Treaty
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 1
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 10
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 11
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 12
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 13
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 14
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 15
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 16
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 17
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 2
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 3
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 4
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 5
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 6
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 7
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 8
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 9
Investor-State Arbitration--Lessons for Asia
Iura Novit Curia in International Arbitration
Journal of American Arbitration (JAA)
Journal of Damages in International Arbitration (JDIA)
Journal of Enforcement of Arbitration Awards
Journal of Technology in International Arbitration
Jurisdiction in Investment Treaty Arbitration - IAI Series No. 8
Law and Practice of United States Arbitration - Seventh Edition
Leading Arbitrators' Guide to International Arbitration - Fourth Edition
Leading Arbitrators' Guide to International Arbitration - Third Edition
Leading Practitioners’ Guide to International Oil & Gas Arbitration
Limits to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration
Lowenfeld on International Arbitration: Collected Essays Over Three Decades
Mandatory Rules in International Arbitration
Mediation: Approaches and Insights - Complete Book
MENA Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration
Monads or Triads: Conflict and Cooperation among Arbitrators
National Arbitration Laws - Second Edition
Natural Resources and the Law of the Sea: Exploration, Allocation, Exploitation of Natural Resources in Areas under National Jurisdiction and Beyond - International Law Institute Series on International Law, Arbitration and Practice, Volume 2
Navigating Maritime Arbitration: The Experts Speak - Second Edition
Negotiation: On and Off the Record
Obtaining Evidence for Use in International Tribunals under 28 U.S.C. § 1782 - Second Edition
Pechota Bibliography on Arbitration - Second Edition
Performance as a Remedy: Non-Monetary Relief in International Arbitration: ASA Special Series No. 30
Post Award Issues: ASA Special Series No. 38
Post-Hearing Issues In International Arbitration
Practical Guide to International Arbitration
Practice of International Litigation - Second Edition
Practitioner's Guide to Arbitration in the Middle East and North Africa
Practitioner's Guide to the CISG - Second Edition
Practitioner's Handbook On International Arbitration And Mediation- Third Edition
Precedent in International Arbitration - IAI Series No. 5
Pro-Arbitration Revisited: A Tribute to Professor George Bermann from his Students Over the Years
Reflections on International Arbitration - Essays in Honour of Professor George Bermann
Review of International Arbitral Awards - IAI Series No. 6
Revolution in the International Rule of Law: Essays in Honor of Don Wallace, Jr.
Rise of Transparency in International Arbitration
Roster of International Arbitrators - 30th Edition
SCC Arbitral Awards 1999-2003
SCC Arbitral Awards 2004-2009
Search for Truth in Arbitration: Is Finding the Truth What Dispute Resolution Is About? - ASA Special Series No. 35
Securing and Enforcing Judgments in Latin America - Revised Edition
Securities Arbitration: Practice and Forms - Second Edition
Securities Arbitration: Practice and Forms - Third Edition
Sense and Non-sense of Guidelines, Rules and Other Para-regulatory Texts in International Arbitration - ASA Special Series No. 37
Soft Law in International Arbitration - Second Edition
Sports Arbitration: A Coach for Other Players? - ASA Special Series No. 41
State Entities in International Arbitration - IAI Series No. 4
Stockholm Arbitration Report (SAR)
Stockholm Arbitration Report (SAR) - (Individual Back Issue)
Stockholm International Arbitration Review (SIAR)
Swedish Arbitration Act of 1999, Five Years On: A Critical Review of Strengths and Weaknesses
Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports - 2007 Vol. 1 Nos. 1 & 2
Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports - 2008 Volume 2 No. 1
Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports - 2008 Volume 2 No. 2
Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports - 2009 Vol. 3 Nos. 1 & 2
Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports 2010 Vol. 4 Nos. 1 and 2
Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, 2007-2009 Vols. 1-3
Swiss International Sports Arbitration Reports (SISAR) - Vol. 1
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Take the Witness: Cross-Examination in International Arbitration - Second Edition
The Dark Side of Arbitration
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The Reasoned Arbitration Award in the United States: Its Promise, Problems, Preparation, and Preservation
Towards a Uniform International Arbitration Law? - IAI Series No. 3
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UNCITRAL Model Law after Twenty-Five Years: Global Perspectives on International Commercial Arbitration
World Arbitration and Mediation Review (WAMR)
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