Comparison of Asian International Arbitration Rules

This is a unique work for those who are involved in international arbitration. Utilizing a chart of parallel provisions it compares the leading sets of Asian international arbitration rules. It was first created by Simpson as an internal reference tool.
The Comparison of Asian International Arbitration Rules will be of great value in three distinct areas of international arbitration practice. First, in assisting clients in selecting arbitration rules and drafting arbitration provisions for their international commercial contracts. For example, where a client seeks to include a provision governing a specific procedural issue in an arbitration clause, the chart provides easy reference to the different provisions used in the leading sets of international arbitration rules. Second, the chart will assist in developing arguments on procedural issues in connection with representation of clients in international arbitration proceedings. Finally, comparison will facilitate evaluation by scholars, practitioners and the institutions themselves of the desirability and effectiveness of particular provisions in light of comparable ones.
Compiling this chart was a challenging process, primarily because the various sets of international arbitration rules deal with specific procedural issues very differently. Additionally, one of the most difficult tasks in compiling this chart was deciding which sets of Asian international arbitration rules to include in the chart in light of space and formatting limitations. Ultimately various factors were considered in deciding which sets of rules to include in the chart. The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC"), Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre ("HKIAC"), Japan Commercial Arbitration Association ("JCAA"), Korean Commercial Arbitration Board ("KCAB"), and Singapore International Arbitration Centre ("SIAC") rules were included as leading sets of institutional Asian international arbitration rules. Other Asian institutional arbitration rules are not included simply for reasons of manageability and space. The arbitration rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade ("UNCITRAL") were included as the preeminent set of ad hoc international arbitration rules, which are frequently used by parties in Asia as well as by Asian arbitration organizations, such as the HKIAC, as the basis for their institutional arbitration rules.
The structure of this chart follows the structure of the second edition of our chart on international arbitration rules, in part, to facilitate the use of the two charts together. Like the second edition of the chart on international arbitration rules, this chart contains an index of topics with page references to assist in locating subjects in the rules, and the full texts of the sets of arbitration rules are included in an appendix for ease of reference.
* Model Clause
* Effect of Arbitration Clause/Application of Rules
* Notice or Request for Arbitration
* Answer and Counterclaims/Reply Registration Fee/Advance on Costs
* Number of Arbitrators
* Nationality/Qualifications of Arbitrators
* Disclosure by Arbitrators
* Appointment of Arbitrators
* Challenge of Arbitrators
* Replacement of Arbitrators
* Truncated Tribunals
* Compensation of Arbitrators
* Communications Between Parties and Arbitrators Liability of Arbitrators/Arbitral Institutions
* Notices and Communications/Calculations of Periods of Time
* Place of Arbitration
* Language
* Representation and Assistance
* Confidentiality/Privacy
* Jurisdictional Issues
* Remedies/Punitive Damages
* Applicable Substantive Law
* Conduct of Proceedings Generally/Applicable Procedural Law
* Procedural Rulings
* Expedited Proceedings
* Terms of Reference/Procedural Timetable/Pre-Hearing Conference
* Statement of Claim
* Statement of Defense/Counterclaims/Reply
* Amendments to Claims/Defenses Further Written Statements
* Time Limits
* Disclosure/Discovery
* Hearings
* Evidence
* Witnesses
* Experts
* Interim Measures
* Default
* Waiver of Rules
* Closure of Hearings/Proceedings
* Time Limits for Award
* Quorum/Dissents
* Place, Form, Notification and Effect of Award
* Currency of Award/Interest
* Determination and Allocation of Arbitration Costs Correction, Interpretation or Supplementation of Award
* Settlement/Other Termination
* Recourse Against Award
The International Arbitration Practice Group of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP. The Group has conducted arbitrations in the major arbitration centers around the world. Simpson Thacher successfully represented Accenture in obtaining a final separation from Arthur Andersen and Andersen Worldwide. Andersen Worldwide had requested more than $14 billion in termination payments. None were awarded. This extraordinary result was achieved in one of the largest multiparty arbitrations in the history of the ICC.
The International Arbitration Practice Group of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP. The Group has conducted arbitrations in the major arbitration centers around the world. Simpson Thacher successfully represented Accenture in obtaining a final separation from Arthur Andersen and Andersen Worldwide. Andersen Worldwide had requested more than $14 billion in termination payments. None were awarded. This extraordinary result was achieved in one of the largest multiparty arbitrations in the history of the ICC.
* Model Clause
* Effect of Arbitration Clause/Application of Rules
* Notice or Request for Arbitration
* Answer and Counterclaims/Reply Registration Fee/Advance on Costs
* Number of Arbitrators
* Nationality/Qualifications of Arbitrators
* Disclosure by Arbitrators
* Appointment of Arbitrators
* Challenge of Arbitrators
* Replacement of Arbitrators
* Truncated Tribunals
* Compensation of Arbitrators
* Communications Between Parties and Arbitrators Liability of Arbitrators/Arbitral Institutions
* Notices and Communications/Calculations of Periods of Time
* Place of Arbitration
* Language
* Representation and Assistance
* Confidentiality/Privacy
* Jurisdictional Issues
* Remedies/Punitive Damages
* Applicable Substantive Law
* Conduct of Proceedings Generally/Applicable Procedural Law
* Procedural Rulings
* Expedited Proceedings
* Terms of Reference/Procedural Timetable/Pre-Hearing Conference
* Statement of Claim
* Statement of Defense/Counterclaims/Reply
* Amendments to Claims/Defenses Further Written Statements
* Time Limits
* Disclosure/Discovery
* Hearings
* Evidence
* Witnesses
* Experts
* Interim Measures
* Default
* Waiver of Rules
* Closure of Hearings/Proceedings
* Time Limits for Award
* Quorum/Dissents
* Place, Form, Notification and Effect of Award
* Currency of Award/Interest
* Determination and Allocation of Arbitration Costs Correction, Interpretation or Supplementation of Award
* Settlement/Other Termination
* Recourse Against Award