Reflections on International Arbitration - Essays in Honour of Professor George Bermann

This Festschrift was put together to honor Professor George Bermann’s pivitol role in the development of international arbitration. To mark his 75th birthday, the world’s leading arbitration and comparative law practitioners have banded together to produce a singular volume worthy of the great man. This book promises to be the single most important volume on the state of arbitration in a generation and will serve as a brilliant collection of insights from the world’s leading thinkers on where we are and where we might go.
The book features over 85 essays and articles from more than 100 authors. Chapters are organized into seven subject areas including George Bermann’s impact on the Legal Profession and current issues in the Practice of Arbitration, Transnational Litigation, Comparative Law and Legal Systems, Treatment of Arbitration in National Courts, Scope Arbitration Agreements, and Public International Law and Investor-State Dispute Settlement. Chapters can be purchased individually from the Table of Contents tab.
About Professor George A. Bermann
George A. Bermann, Professor of Law, at Columbia Law School, is a highly experienced international arbitrator in both commercial and investment arbitration. He has conducted arbitration regularly since 1980 before all the leading international arbitral institutions.
He arbitrates disputes in all sectors, including general commercial contract, construction, intellectual property, energy, oil and gas, competition law, insurance, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, distributorship and franchising, transportation, and employment.
Professor Bermann also serves regularly as expert witness before international arbitral tribunals as well as before courts in cases arising out of arbitration agreements, arbitral proceedings and arbitral awards. He also serves as co-counsel and advisor to counsel in international arbitral proceedings and in arbitration-related litigation.
Professor Bermann is Chief Reporter of the American Law Institute’s “Restatement of the U.S. Law of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration” and co-author (with Emmanuel Gaillard) of the UNCITRAL Guide to the New York Convention.
He is also professor affilié at the Ecole de droit, Institut des Sciences Politiques (Paris), professor in the Geneva LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS), and adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center.
Professor Bermann was Founding Member, Governing Board of International Court of Arbitration of the ICC (Paris). He is currently member of the Standing Committee of International Court of Arbitration of the ICC and of the ICC Commission on International Arbitration. He co-chairs the Global Board of Advisers, New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC) and is Council Member of the American Arbitration Association and Board Member of the Center for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR). He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London).
Professor Bermann in Co-Editor-in-Chief (with Rob Smit) of the American Review of International Arbitration (ARIA) and editorial board member of the Revue de l’Arbitrage. He is the recipient of several university honorary degrees.
Preface by Patrick W. Pearsall
A. Impact of Professor Bermann on the Legal Profession
Chapter 1 - Professor Bermann: A Gateway to International Arbitration
Viren Mascarenhas
Chapter 2 - The Enrichment of International Arbitration by Comparative Law: George Bermann as a Model
Richard Kreindler
Chapter 3 - An Appreciation of George A. Bermann
Richard L. Mattiaccio
Chapter 4 - Professor Bermann’s “Who Decides” Bombshell: Bold, Brave, and Beautiful
Joseph R. Profaizer and Dominique Borde
Chapter 5 - George Bermann and the American Law Institute Restatement of the U.S. Law of International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration
Guy Miller Struve
Chapter 6 - George Bermann’s Imaginary Answers to the Proust Questionnaire Revisited
Catherine Kessedjian
Chapter 7 - How We Started and a Brief Note on Arbitrability
Robert B. Davidson
Chapter 9 - George Bermann and the Parking Lot Brawl
James H. Carter
Chapter 10 - A French Language International Arbitration Course for U.S. Law Students
Viviane Grosswald Curran
Chapter 11 - Professor George Bermann – A Pillar of the Community and Guiding Force Behind the Restatement
Claudia Salomon
Chapter 12 - George Bermann, the Scholar and the Friend
Yas Banifatemi
Chapter 13 - ALI Restatement
Stephanie Middleton and Ricky Revesz
Chapter 14 - Liber Amicorum George Bermann – Diversity in International Arbitration
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler
B. Current Issues in the Practice of Arbitration
Chapter 15 - Iactura – Verum Hostis Arbitri
Klaus Reichert
Chapter 16 - The Attorney-Client Privilege in International Arbitrations
Daniel Schimmel, Shrutih Tewarie, and Chris Modlish
Chapter 17 - Consent Awards: The Intersection of Party Autonomy and Arbitrator Discretion
Patricia Shaughnessy
Chapter 18 - Unconscious Impediments to Settlement and the Proactive Arbitrator
Edna Sussman
Chapter 19 - The Anatomy of an International Arbitration Lawyer
Rahim Moloo
Chapter 20 - Expert or Advocate? How to Present Foreign Law
John M. Townsend
Chapter 21 - Ethics Responsibilities of Arbitral Institutions: Unenumerated and Immune in Any Event
Mark Kantor
Chapter 22 - Reports of the Death of Physical Hearings Have Been Exaggerated
Michael Young
Chapter 23 - Legitimacy and Efficacy in Arbitration
John Fellas
Chapter 25 - Twenty-First Century Arbitration: The Question of Trust
Sophie Nappert
Chapter 26 - In International Arbitration There Are No Tribes
Jennifer Kirby
Chapter 27 - Improvements to International Arbitration
Neil Kaplan
Chapter 28 - Reconsidering the Role of Legal Experts as a Means to Greater Arbitral Efficiency
Donald Francis Donovan, David W. Rivkin, Catherine Amirfar and Natalie L. Reid
Chapter 29 - Legal and Pragmatic Controls in International Arbitration
Julian D M Lew
Chapter 30 - The Multiple Futures of International Arbitration
Victoria Shannon Sahani
Chapter 31 - Reflections on the Restatement (Especially Class Arbitration)
Andrea K. Bjorklund
C. Current Issues in Transnational Litigation
Chapter 32 - Mandatory Rules in International Business Litigation
Bernard Audit
Chapter 33 - The Use of Anti-Anti-Suit Injunctions in International Litigation
Donald Earl Childress III
Chapter 34 - George Bermann: A Scholar and a Friend
M. Margaret McKeown
Chapter 35 - Transnational Arbitration as Private International Law
Diego P. Fernández Arroyo
Chapter 36 - Dispute Resolution in the Age of Crisis and Beyond
Nayla Comair-Obeid
Chapter 37 - The U.S. Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976: International Commercial Disputes and Exceptions to Sovereign Immunity
Andrew E. Hashim
D. Current Issues in Comparative Law and Legal Systems
Chapter 38 - The Three Paradigm Shifts of International Arbitration
Anton Chaevitch
Chapter 39 - The Art of Comparative Law Argument in International Arbitrations
Joshua Karton
Chapter 40 - The Virtues of Episodic Justice
Joseph E. Neuhaus
Chapter 41 - American Arbitration Idiosyncrasies
Christopher R. Drahozal
Chapter 42 - All Roads Lead to Rome? Comparing the IBA Rules and the Prague Rules on Evidence in International Arbitration
Kabir A.N. Duggal and Rekha Rangachari
Chapter 43 - Shaping International Arbitral Decisions: Patterns in Interactive Systems
David J. Gerber
E. Current Issues in the Treatment of Arbitration in National Courts
Chapter 44 - Why Pro-arbitration?
Robert H. Smit
Chapter 45 - Contractual Expansion of Judicial Review of Arbitral Awards: French and American Perspectives
Laurence Franc-Menget
Chapter 46 - Looking Past “Pro-Arbitration”
E Jin Lee
Chapter 48 - Another Gateway Issue: The Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement – the UK Supreme Court’s Landmark Decision in Enka v. Chubb
Klaus Peter Berger
Chapter 49 - First Options and Arbitrability
Louis B. Kimmelman
Chapter 50 - Competence-competence and Asking the Right Questions: A German View on Schein v. Archer
Stefan Kröll
Chapter 51 - An Old Story of Bias and Refusal to Comply
Alexis Mourre
Chapter 53 - Fish Out of Water? Foreign Recognition and Enforcement of U.S. Class Arbitration Awards
Guled Yusuf
Chapter 54 - Annulled Arbitration Awards
William W. Park
Chapter 55 - Discretionary Suspension of an Award Subject to Foreign Enforcement Proceedings by the Court of the Seat: The Emerging Position in England and Wales
Can Yeğinsu and Joshua Folkard
F. Current Issues in the Scope of the Arbitration Agreement
Chapter 57 - Of Implied Choices and Close Connections: Two Pervasive Issues Concerning the Law Governing the Arbitration Agreement
Maxi Scherer and Ole Jensen
Chapter 58 - Brief Remarks on the Applicability of the International Uniform Substantive Law Conventions in International Arbitration
Franco Ferrari
Chapter 59 - To Defer or Not to Defer: A Dissent in Bayer Dow
Thomas D. Halket
Chapter 60 - The Issue of Non-Signatories: The Draft Restatement of the U.S. Law Compared to the Law and Jurisprudence in Other Jurisdictions
Bernard Hanotiau
Chapter 61 - Intent, Consent, and Fairness: The Outer Boundaries to Arbitration by Nonsignatories
Carolyn B. Lamm, Eckhard Hellbeck and Hannelore Sklar
Chapter 62 - Outokumpu and the Rights of “Non-Signatories”
Alan Scott Rau
Chapter 63 - Arbitration Legitimacy and Party Autonomy Under The Restatement of the Law, the U.S. Law of International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration
Katharine Menéndez de la Cuesta
G. Current Issues in Public International Law and Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Chapter 64 - Overcoming Fragmentation in International Law: The Case of De Facto Employees under International Administrative Law
Giuditta Cordero-Moss
Chapter 65 - The UN Charter: A Global Constitution?
Michael W. Doyle
Chapter 66 - Black Tom and the U.S./Germany Mixed Claims Commission
Paul Friedland
Chapter 67 - The Validity of Inter-state Arbitral Awards and Recourse to the World Court
Clara Reichenbach and Stephen M. Schwebel
Chapter 68 - Fragmentation in International Investment Law
Michael Waibel
Chapter 69 - Arbitrating Trade Disputes in the WTO: Vestiges of the Past, and Shibboleths of the Future
Petros C. Mavroidis
Chapter 70 - The Singapore Convention’s Null and Void Refusal Grounds and Related Matters
Jack J. Coe, Jr.
Chapter 71 - Foreign Sovereign Immunity in the Enforcement of Investor-State Awards
William S. Dodge
Chapter 72 - The UNCITRAL ISDS Reform – Mandate, Working Methods and the Way Forward
Anna Joubin-Bret and David Nikolaus Probst
Chapter 73 - The Residual Application of the New York Convention to ICSID Awards
Meg Kinnear and Francisco Grob
Chapter 74 - The Reverse Umbrella Clause: A Note in the Quest for the Conceptualization of Another Elephant in the Room
Crenguta Leaua
Chapter 75 - Departures from the Blueprint for Execution of ICSID Awards: Recognition, Enforcement and National Court Practice
Barton Legum and Antoine Weber
Chapter 76 - “Autonomous” versus International: The European Union’s Conversion from Vertical Confederation to Horizontal Empire-Building
Charles N. Brower and Pem C. Tshering
Chapter 77 - “No Man Is an Island” – Arbitration Between Sovereigns, Disputed Islands and the Rise of the Professional Adjudicator
Timothy G. Nelson
Chapter 78 - International Law’s Failures to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons
W. Michael Reisman
Chapter 79 - The Political Backlash Against Investor-State Arbitration
Tai-Heng Cheng and Z.J. Jennifer Lim
Chapter 80 - Trade and Human Health and Safety: WTO Law, Transparency and Dispute Resolution in the Context of COVID-19
Cesar Pereira and Roberta Jardim de Morais
Chapter 81 - International Arbitration, International Relationships and the Politics of International Law
Stavros Brekoulakis
Chapter 82 - The Impact of Brexit on Investment Treaty Protection in the European Union
Manish Aggarwal and Gaëtan Verhoosel
Chapter 83 - Annulment of ICSID Awards: A de Novo Review or Not for Jurisdictional Error?
Isabelle Michou
Chapter 85 - Arbitration in a Changing World
Caline Mouawad
Julie Bédard is Head of Skadden’s International Litigation and Arbitration Group for the Americas. She is a prior member of Skadden’s Policy Committee, the firm’s governing body. Fluent in French, Spanish and Portuguese, Ms. Bédard practices in four languages in complex disputes and investigations.
Trained in both civil and common law, Ms. Bédard has a doctorate in conflict of laws and represents clients in connection with litigation and arbitration proceedings throughout the world, raising disputes on governing law, jurisdiction, the enforcement of arbitration agreements, extraterritoriality and international judgment enforcement.
She represents clients in federal and state courts in the United States and has served as counsel in international arbitration proceedings held under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the American Arbitration Association (AAA), the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). She regularly advises clients on protecting their global investments under international treaties and provides strategic advice on drafting dispute resolution clauses in international commercial contracts.
Patrick W. Pearsall is a Partner in the Washington, D.C office of Allen & Overy LLP.
Patrick has extensive experience representing parties in international disputes and providing strategic advice on investments, particularly in the energy and extractive sectors. He served in the U.S. State Department for nearly a decade, working on natural resource diplomacy, and departed as the Chief of Investment Arbitration.
Patrick has successfully resolved claims involving billions of dollars. He is often called upon to provide strategic counsel to parties when they face international disputes, including matters related to energy and natural resources, and has experience with nearly all of the major international commercial arbitration rules. He is a trusted adviser to Fortune 500 companies and governments alike.
Alan Scott Rau Julian D M Lew
Alexis Mourre Kabir A.N. Duggal
Andrea K. Bjorklund Katharine Menéndez de la Cuesta
Andrew E. Hashim Klaus Peter Berger
Anna Joubin-Bret Klaus Reichert
Antoine Weber Laurence Franc-Menget
Anton Chaevitch Linda Silberman
August Reinisch Louis B. Kimmelman
Barton Legum M. Margaret McKeown
Bernard Audit Manish Aggarwal
Bernard Hanotiau Mark Kantor
Caline Mouawad Maxi Scherer
Can Yeğinsu Meg Kinnear
Carolyn B. Lamm Michael Nolan
Catherine Amirfar Michael W. Doyle
Catherine Kessedjian Michael Waibel
Cesar Pereira Michael Young
Charles N. Brower Natalie L. Reid
Chris Modlish Nayla Comair-Obeid
Christopher R. Drahozal Neil Kaplan
Clara Reichenbach Ole Jensen
Claudia Salomon Patricia Shaughnessy
Crenguta Leaua Paul Friedland
Daniel Schimmel Pem C. Tshering
David J. Gerber Petros C. Mavroidis
David Nikolaus Probst Pierre Kirch
David P. Stewart Rahim Moloo
David W. Rivkin Rekha Rangachari
Diego P. Fernández Arroyo Richard Kreindler
Dominique Borde Richard L. Mattiaccio
Donald Earl Childress III Ricky Revesz
Donald Francis Donovan Robert B. Davidson
E Jin Lee Robert H. Smit
Eckhard Hellbeck Roberta Jardim de Morais
Edna Sussman Shrutih Tewarie
Francisco Grob Sophie Nappert
Franco Ferrari Stavros Brekoulakis
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler Stefan Kröll
Gaëtan Verhoosel Stephanie Middleton
Giuditta Cordero-Moss Stephen M. Schwebel
Guled Yusuf Tai-Heng Cheng
Guy Miller Struve Thomas D. Halket
Hannelore Sklar Timothy G. Nelson
Isabelle Michou Tolu Obamuroh
Jack J. Coe, Jr. Victoria Shannon Sahani
James H. Carter Viren Mascarenhas
Jennifer Kirby Viviane Grosswald Curran
John Fellas W. Michael Reisman
John M. Townsend William S. Dodge
Joseph E. Neuhaus William W. Park
Joseph R. Profaizer Yas Banifatemi
Joshua Folkard Z.J. Jennifer Lim
Joshua Karton
Julie Bédard is Head of Skadden’s International Litigation and Arbitration Group for the Americas. She is a prior member of Skadden’s Policy Committee, the firm’s governing body. Fluent in French, Spanish and Portuguese, Ms. Bédard practices in four languages in complex disputes and investigations.
Trained in both civil and common law, Ms. Bédard has a doctorate in conflict of laws and represents clients in connection with litigation and arbitration proceedings throughout the world, raising disputes on governing law, jurisdiction, the enforcement of arbitration agreements, extraterritoriality and international judgment enforcement.
She represents clients in federal and state courts in the United States and has served as counsel in international arbitration proceedings held under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the American Arbitration Association (AAA), the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). She regularly advises clients on protecting their global investments under international treaties and provides strategic advice on drafting dispute resolution clauses in international commercial contracts.
Patrick W. Pearsall is a Partner in the Washington, D.C office of Allen & Overy LLP.
Patrick has extensive experience representing parties in international disputes and providing strategic advice on investments, particularly in the energy and extractive sectors. He served in the U.S. State Department for nearly a decade, working on natural resource diplomacy, and departed as the Chief of Investment Arbitration.
Patrick has successfully resolved claims involving billions of dollars. He is often called upon to provide strategic counsel to parties when they face international disputes, including matters related to energy and natural resources, and has experience with nearly all of the major international commercial arbitration rules. He is a trusted adviser to Fortune 500 companies and governments alike.
Alan Scott Rau Julian D M Lew
Alexis Mourre Kabir A.N. Duggal
Andrea K. Bjorklund Katharine Menéndez de la Cuesta
Andrew E. Hashim Klaus Peter Berger
Anna Joubin-Bret Klaus Reichert
Antoine Weber Laurence Franc-Menget
Anton Chaevitch Linda Silberman
August Reinisch Louis B. Kimmelman
Barton Legum M. Margaret McKeown
Bernard Audit Manish Aggarwal
Bernard Hanotiau Mark Kantor
Caline Mouawad Maxi Scherer
Can Yeğinsu Meg Kinnear
Carolyn B. Lamm Michael Nolan
Catherine Amirfar Michael W. Doyle
Catherine Kessedjian Michael Waibel
Cesar Pereira Michael Young
Charles N. Brower Natalie L. Reid
Chris Modlish Nayla Comair-Obeid
Christopher R. Drahozal Neil Kaplan
Clara Reichenbach Ole Jensen
Claudia Salomon Patricia Shaughnessy
Crenguta Leaua Paul Friedland
Daniel Schimmel Pem C. Tshering
David J. Gerber Petros C. Mavroidis
David Nikolaus Probst Pierre Kirch
David P. Stewart Rahim Moloo
David W. Rivkin Rekha Rangachari
Diego P. Fernández Arroyo Richard Kreindler
Dominique Borde Richard L. Mattiaccio
Donald Earl Childress III Ricky Revesz
Donald Francis Donovan Robert B. Davidson
E Jin Lee Robert H. Smit
Eckhard Hellbeck Roberta Jardim de Morais
Edna Sussman Shrutih Tewarie
Francisco Grob Sophie Nappert
Franco Ferrari Stavros Brekoulakis
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler Stefan Kröll
Gaëtan Verhoosel Stephanie Middleton
Giuditta Cordero-Moss Stephen M. Schwebel
Guled Yusuf Tai-Heng Cheng
Guy Miller Struve Thomas D. Halket
Hannelore Sklar Timothy G. Nelson
Isabelle Michou Tolu Obamuroh
Jack J. Coe, Jr. Victoria Shannon Sahani
James H. Carter Viren Mascarenhas
Jennifer Kirby Viviane Grosswald Curran
John Fellas W. Michael Reisman
John M. Townsend William S. Dodge
Joseph E. Neuhaus William W. Park
Joseph R. Profaizer Yas Banifatemi
Joshua Folkard Z.J. Jennifer Lim
Joshua Karton
Preface by Patrick W. Pearsall
A. Impact of Professor Bermann on the Legal Profession
Chapter 1 - Professor Bermann: A Gateway to International Arbitration
Viren Mascarenhas
Chapter 2 - The Enrichment of International Arbitration by Comparative Law: George Bermann as a Model
Richard Kreindler
Chapter 3 - An Appreciation of George A. Bermann
Richard L. Mattiaccio
Chapter 4 - Professor Bermann’s “Who Decides” Bombshell: Bold, Brave, and Beautiful
Joseph R. Profaizer and Dominique Borde
Chapter 5 - George Bermann and the American Law Institute Restatement of the U.S. Law of International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration
Guy Miller Struve
Chapter 6 - George Bermann’s Imaginary Answers to the Proust Questionnaire Revisited
Catherine Kessedjian
Chapter 7 - How We Started and a Brief Note on Arbitrability
Robert B. Davidson
Chapter 9 - George Bermann and the Parking Lot Brawl
James H. Carter
Chapter 10 - A French Language International Arbitration Course for U.S. Law Students
Viviane Grosswald Curran
Chapter 11 - Professor George Bermann – A Pillar of the Community and Guiding Force Behind the Restatement
Claudia Salomon
Chapter 12 - George Bermann, the Scholar and the Friend
Yas Banifatemi
Chapter 13 - ALI Restatement
Stephanie Middleton and Ricky Revesz
Chapter 14 - Liber Amicorum George Bermann – Diversity in International Arbitration
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler
B. Current Issues in the Practice of Arbitration
Chapter 15 - Iactura – Verum Hostis Arbitri
Klaus Reichert
Chapter 16 - The Attorney-Client Privilege in International Arbitrations
Daniel Schimmel, Shrutih Tewarie, and Chris Modlish
Chapter 17 - Consent Awards: The Intersection of Party Autonomy and Arbitrator Discretion
Patricia Shaughnessy
Chapter 18 - Unconscious Impediments to Settlement and the Proactive Arbitrator
Edna Sussman
Chapter 19 - The Anatomy of an International Arbitration Lawyer
Rahim Moloo
Chapter 20 - Expert or Advocate? How to Present Foreign Law
John M. Townsend
Chapter 21 - Ethics Responsibilities of Arbitral Institutions: Unenumerated and Immune in Any Event
Mark Kantor
Chapter 22 - Reports of the Death of Physical Hearings Have Been Exaggerated
Michael Young
Chapter 23 - Legitimacy and Efficacy in Arbitration
John Fellas
Chapter 25 - Twenty-First Century Arbitration: The Question of Trust
Sophie Nappert
Chapter 26 - In International Arbitration There Are No Tribes
Jennifer Kirby
Chapter 27 - Improvements to International Arbitration
Neil Kaplan
Chapter 28 - Reconsidering the Role of Legal Experts as a Means to Greater Arbitral Efficiency
Donald Francis Donovan, David W. Rivkin, Catherine Amirfar and Natalie L. Reid
Chapter 29 - Legal and Pragmatic Controls in International Arbitration
Julian D M Lew
Chapter 30 - The Multiple Futures of International Arbitration
Victoria Shannon Sahani
Chapter 31 - Reflections on the Restatement (Especially Class Arbitration)
Andrea K. Bjorklund
C. Current Issues in Transnational Litigation
Chapter 32 - Mandatory Rules in International Business Litigation
Bernard Audit
Chapter 33 - The Use of Anti-Anti-Suit Injunctions in International Litigation
Donald Earl Childress III
Chapter 34 - George Bermann: A Scholar and a Friend
M. Margaret McKeown
Chapter 35 - Transnational Arbitration as Private International Law
Diego P. Fernández Arroyo
Chapter 36 - Dispute Resolution in the Age of Crisis and Beyond
Nayla Comair-Obeid
Chapter 37 - The U.S. Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976: International Commercial Disputes and Exceptions to Sovereign Immunity
Andrew E. Hashim
D. Current Issues in Comparative Law and Legal Systems
Chapter 38 - The Three Paradigm Shifts of International Arbitration
Anton Chaevitch
Chapter 39 - The Art of Comparative Law Argument in International Arbitrations
Joshua Karton
Chapter 40 - The Virtues of Episodic Justice
Joseph E. Neuhaus
Chapter 41 - American Arbitration Idiosyncrasies
Christopher R. Drahozal
Chapter 42 - All Roads Lead to Rome? Comparing the IBA Rules and the Prague Rules on Evidence in International Arbitration
Kabir A.N. Duggal and Rekha Rangachari
Chapter 43 - Shaping International Arbitral Decisions: Patterns in Interactive Systems
David J. Gerber
E. Current Issues in the Treatment of Arbitration in National Courts
Chapter 44 - Why Pro-arbitration?
Robert H. Smit
Chapter 45 - Contractual Expansion of Judicial Review of Arbitral Awards: French and American Perspectives
Laurence Franc-Menget
Chapter 46 - Looking Past “Pro-Arbitration”
E Jin Lee
Chapter 48 - Another Gateway Issue: The Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement – the UK Supreme Court’s Landmark Decision in Enka v. Chubb
Klaus Peter Berger
Chapter 49 - First Options and Arbitrability
Louis B. Kimmelman
Chapter 50 - Competence-competence and Asking the Right Questions: A German View on Schein v. Archer
Stefan Kröll
Chapter 51 - An Old Story of Bias and Refusal to Comply
Alexis Mourre
Chapter 53 - Fish Out of Water? Foreign Recognition and Enforcement of U.S. Class Arbitration Awards
Guled Yusuf
Chapter 54 - Annulled Arbitration Awards
William W. Park
Chapter 55 - Discretionary Suspension of an Award Subject to Foreign Enforcement Proceedings by the Court of the Seat: The Emerging Position in England and Wales
Can Yeğinsu and Joshua Folkard
F. Current Issues in the Scope of the Arbitration Agreement
Chapter 57 - Of Implied Choices and Close Connections: Two Pervasive Issues Concerning the Law Governing the Arbitration Agreement
Maxi Scherer and Ole Jensen
Chapter 58 - Brief Remarks on the Applicability of the International Uniform Substantive Law Conventions in International Arbitration
Franco Ferrari
Chapter 59 - To Defer or Not to Defer: A Dissent in Bayer Dow
Thomas D. Halket
Chapter 60 - The Issue of Non-Signatories: The Draft Restatement of the U.S. Law Compared to the Law and Jurisprudence in Other Jurisdictions
Bernard Hanotiau
Chapter 61 - Intent, Consent, and Fairness: The Outer Boundaries to Arbitration by Nonsignatories
Carolyn B. Lamm, Eckhard Hellbeck and Hannelore Sklar
Chapter 62 - Outokumpu and the Rights of “Non-Signatories”
Alan Scott Rau
Chapter 63 - Arbitration Legitimacy and Party Autonomy Under The Restatement of the Law, the U.S. Law of International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration
Katharine Menéndez de la Cuesta
G. Current Issues in Public International Law and Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Chapter 64 - Overcoming Fragmentation in International Law: The Case of De Facto Employees under International Administrative Law
Giuditta Cordero-Moss
Chapter 65 - The UN Charter: A Global Constitution?
Michael W. Doyle
Chapter 66 - Black Tom and the U.S./Germany Mixed Claims Commission
Paul Friedland
Chapter 67 - The Validity of Inter-state Arbitral Awards and Recourse to the World Court
Clara Reichenbach and Stephen M. Schwebel
Chapter 68 - Fragmentation in International Investment Law
Michael Waibel
Chapter 69 - Arbitrating Trade Disputes in the WTO: Vestiges of the Past, and Shibboleths of the Future
Petros C. Mavroidis
Chapter 70 - The Singapore Convention’s Null and Void Refusal Grounds and Related Matters
Jack J. Coe, Jr.
Chapter 71 - Foreign Sovereign Immunity in the Enforcement of Investor-State Awards
William S. Dodge
Chapter 72 - The UNCITRAL ISDS Reform – Mandate, Working Methods and the Way Forward
Anna Joubin-Bret and David Nikolaus Probst
Chapter 73 - The Residual Application of the New York Convention to ICSID Awards
Meg Kinnear and Francisco Grob
Chapter 74 - The Reverse Umbrella Clause: A Note in the Quest for the Conceptualization of Another Elephant in the Room
Crenguta Leaua
Chapter 75 - Departures from the Blueprint for Execution of ICSID Awards: Recognition, Enforcement and National Court Practice
Barton Legum and Antoine Weber
Chapter 76 - “Autonomous” versus International: The European Union’s Conversion from Vertical Confederation to Horizontal Empire-Building
Charles N. Brower and Pem C. Tshering
Chapter 77 - “No Man Is an Island” – Arbitration Between Sovereigns, Disputed Islands and the Rise of the Professional Adjudicator
Timothy G. Nelson
Chapter 78 - International Law’s Failures to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons
W. Michael Reisman
Chapter 79 - The Political Backlash Against Investor-State Arbitration
Tai-Heng Cheng and Z.J. Jennifer Lim
Chapter 80 - Trade and Human Health and Safety: WTO Law, Transparency and Dispute Resolution in the Context of COVID-19
Cesar Pereira and Roberta Jardim de Morais
Chapter 81 - International Arbitration, International Relationships and the Politics of International Law
Stavros Brekoulakis
Chapter 82 - The Impact of Brexit on Investment Treaty Protection in the European Union
Manish Aggarwal and Gaëtan Verhoosel
Chapter 83 - Annulment of ICSID Awards: A de Novo Review or Not for Jurisdictional Error?
Isabelle Michou
Chapter 85 - Arbitration in a Changing World
Caline Mouawad