International Arbitration and Public Policy

Page Count:
250 pages
October, 2014
Practice Areas:
International Arbitration and Public Policy includes articles that originally appeared in the Stockholm Arbitration Report (SAR) and the Stockholm International Arbitration Review (SIAR). The articles have been revised and updated for this publication. The authors and articles selected include a wide range of perspectives and include judges, arbitrators, seasoned practitioners and well-respected scholars that can account for the first-hand practice-orientated developments of international arbitration. The book is set out in two parts.
In the first part of the book the authors tackle the daunting task of articulating the architecture and function of international public policy, highlighting its domestic and transnational dimensions as well as procedural and substantive contours. In the second part of the book, the authors tease out specific manifestations of the international public policy concept, addressing issues commonly seen in the application of the public policy concept in various jurisdictions and regions of the world, including the United States, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and East Asia, as well as under New York Convention.
About the Editors
About the Authors
Part I: Public Policy - An Overview
Lord (Peter) Goldsmith
Richard Kreindler
Stephen Jagusch
Part II: Specific Manifestations
Elie Kleiman
Finn Madsen
Laurent Lévy and Tetiana Bersheda
Pierre A. Karrer
Timur Bondaryev and Markian Malskyy
Piero Bernardini
Michael Hwang and Shaun Lee
About the Editors
Devin Bray is an international arbitration counsel, OAS Academic Scholarship and SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship recipient, and a SJD Candidate in the International Trade & Business Law Program at the University of Arizona. Mr. Bray is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
Heather L. Bray is a PhD Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law for the Lex Mercatoria Publica Project. She is an international arbitration counsel and a SJD Candidate in the International Trade and Business Law Program at the University of Arizona. Ms. Bray is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
About the Authors
Elie Kleiman, born in 1963, is admitted as an Avocat à la cour in France
and qualified as a Foreign Legal Consultant in the State of New York.
He joined Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP’s dispute resolution
group in August 2000 as partner of the litigation and arbitration groups
and is now managing partner of the Paris office. He specialises in
international commercial arbitration and litigation. He has intervened in
disputes involving investment, trade, joint ventures, long-term contracts,
representation and warranties, licensing, distribution and construction in
a wide range of sectors such as aeronautics, energy and natural resources,
chemicals, infrastructure and transport, financial institutions,
telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, media and technology. His
arbitration practice also includes accelerated proceedings in conjunction
with court proceedings, in a variety of areas. He also has experience as
an arbitrator in international and domestic commercial disputes and as
counsel in mediations. Elie often speaks at seminars and conferences on
arbitration and litigation and teaches at the Université de Paris. He has
also published widely in the field of international dispute resolution. He
has been recognized by, among others, Who’s Who Legal in Commercial
Arbitration and Chambers Global. Elie Kleiman graduated from
Universités de Paris X and II—Panthéon-Assas with an undergraduate
degree in private law and a post-graduate degree in private international
law. A native French speaker, he is also fluent in English. Contact:
Finn Madsen has a LL.B (Swe: jur kand) in 1980 and a LL.D. (Swe:
Juris Doctor honoris causa) in 2011 from Lund University, Sweden for
his contribution to International Arbitration Law. Mr. Madsen is the
author of Commercial Arbitration in Sweden, published by Oxford
University Press (3rd edition), 2007 and in Mandarin by Law Press China
2008. Mr. Madsen has held a number of positions, including Service in
Swedish District Courts and Court of Appeal (1980 – 1986) and the Head
of Legal Department, Gota Bank, Southern Region (1992 – 1993), and
Advokatfirman Vinge KB (1993 – 1995), of which he has been a partner
since 1995. Mr. Madsen is also admitted to CIETAC’s list of arbitrators,
a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a Swedish member of
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) network of lawyers
(FraudNet) specialising in asset tracking and recovery and Chairman of
the Arbitration Association of Southern Sweden 2008 to 2011. Mr.
Madsen is referred to in a number of Law Directories and he has acted as
counsel in numerous domestic arbitrations, co-arbitrator for domestic
arbitral tribunals in numerous cases, Chairperson in numerous domestic
arbitrations, Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Arbitral Council of the
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and by the
Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), and
Chairperson appointed by the SCC. He has also acted as counsel and coarbitrator
in a number of cases under the ICC, the SCC, The Danish
Institute of Arbitration and the UNCITRAL Rules, appointed Sole
Arbitrator by the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris and
appointed Sole Arbitrator and chairperson by the SCC. Mr. Madsen has
extensive experience in commercial litigation (including, but not limited
to, areas such as trade and finance, joint ventures and industrial
cooperation, mergers and acquisitions, company law, agency and
distribution, intellectual property rights, construction, finance and
banking) in the courts of law in Sweden. A number of cases have been
brought before the Supreme Court. Mr. Madsen is a member of the
Swedish Bar Association since 1993 and member of the International Bar
Laurent Lévy, Founding Partner, Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, Geneva. A
dual Swiss and Brazilian national, Dr. Lévy studied law in Paris and
Geneva. Dr. Lévy is admitted to the Geneva Bar. Prior to co-founding
Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler in 2008, he was a founding Partner at
Schellenberg Wittmer, Geneva and Zurich. He is a visiting professor at
the School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London since 2007. Dr.
Lévy is a Vice President of the ICC Arbitration Court, a Council member
of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, a member of the Institut pour
l’arbitrage international, the Comité français de l’arbitrage, the Association
suisse de l’arbitrage and the Milan Club of Arbitrators. He is also a former
member and Vice-President of the London Court of International
Arbitration and a former member of the Arbitration Committee of the
Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Lévy is an experienced
international arbitrator and has handled more than 200 arbitration
proceedings, mostly as an arbitrator.
Markian Malskyy is an attorney-at-law, Dr. jur., specializes in
providing legal support in investment projects (commercial, real estate
and corporate law matters) as well as representing clients’ interests
before judicial authorities of Ukraine and dispute settlement under the
procedures of commercial and investment arbitration. He has extensive
experience in corporate dispute settlement in the energy sector,
contractual disputes, trade and real estate disputes, enforcement of
foreign court judgments and arbitral awards, real estate and M&A
transactions. As an attorney-at-law he represented one of the major oil
producing company of the Russian Federation in a dispute on collection
of more than 200 million USD of losses caused by improper execution of
the shareholders agreement. He handled cases under the Arbitration
Rules of ICSID, ICC, SCC, UNCITRAL, LCIA and ICAC. In total
Markian Malskyy has been involved in settlement of over 300 disputes.
Since 2010 Mr.Malskyy is a Head of Alternative Dispute Resolution
Desk at Arzinger. Prior to joining Arzinger attorney-at-law Malskyy
worked as a lawyer in the international arbitration team in the firm
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Paris. In 2012 Markian Malskyy has
obtained his doctoral degree (Dr. jur.) with thesis: “Arbitration
agreement as condition for dispute resolution in international commercial
arbitration” at the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Markian
Malskyy is the author of two books on commercial dispute settlement,
published more than 70 legal articles. Mr. Malskyy has managed the
German translation of the Rules of the International Commercial
Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The monograph "ARBITRATION AGREEMENT. Theoretical and
Practical Aspects" (in Ukrainian) by Markian Malskyy has been
published in 2013. The Chambers Global 2013 anв Chambers Europe
2013 recommended Markian Malskyy in dispute resolution. The Legal
500 - Europe, Middle East & Africa 2013 recognized Markian as
experienced ADR practitioner in the Dispute resolution chapter.
Michael Hwang, a Senior Counsel (“S.C”) of the Supreme Court of
Singapore (the equivalent of Queen’s Counsel in England), and Chief
Justice of the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts, received his
undergraduate and postgraduate legal education at Oxford University
where he was a College Scholar and Prizewinner. He has taught at the
Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney and the National University
of Singapore (“NUS”) and, until recently, was an Adjunct Professor at
NUS. Hwang is active in international dispute resolution as arbitrator
Swiss, HKIAC and SIAC Rules) as well as mediator. His arbitrations
and mediations have involved disputes in a host of countries all over the
world. He has conducted arbitrations in over 34 cities and spoken at
conferences in over 40 cities. He is an accredited arbitrator of more than
22 arbitration centres and has also conducted arbitrations under the
auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and ICSID. Hwang has
served in various capacities, including as a Judicial Commissioner of the
Supreme Court of Singapore; Singapore’s Non-Resident Ambassador to
Switzerland; President of the Law Society of Singapore; Vice Chairman
of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of
Commerce; Vice-President of the International Council for Commercial
Arbitration (“ICCA”); Court Member of the London Court of
International Arbitration (“LCIA”); Council Member of the International
Council of Arbitration on Sports (“ICAS”); and as a Commissioner of
the United Nations Compensation Commission (“UNCC”), a body set up
under the Security Council to assess claims against Iraq arising from the
Gulf War. Hwang, who currently practices as a Barrister and
International Arbitrator in Singapore, has many publications on
arbitration to his credit. His publications on arbitration have appeared in
books and journals published in 10 countries.
Lord (Peter) Goldsmith QC, PC, Chair of European and Asian
Litigation, joined Debevoise as European Chair of Litigation in
September 2007. Lord Goldsmith served as the UK’s Attorney General
from 2001-2007, prior to which he was in private practice as one of the
leading barristers in London. Lord Goldsmith has a long practice in
arbitration and in the interface between arbitration and litigation. He
appears as counsel for leading cases in a number of jurisdictions and
different arbitral institutions, including ICC, LCIA and ad hoc in
London, Paris, Singapore and India. He also sits as an arbitrator in
London, Paris and Singapore. He is a member of the Council of the Hong
Kong International Arbitration Centre, on the panel of arbitrators for the
Dubai International Arbitration Centre, on the emergency panel for the
Singapore International Arbitration Centre, and is closely connected with
both the LCIA and the ICC. He recently co-Chaired a Task Force on ICC
arbitration involving States and State entities which recommended
changes to the ICC rules of arbitration to take account of special issues
faced by States in ICC arbitrations. Lord Goldsmith regularly speaks on
arbitration issues. Engagements include teaching international arbitration
at the University of Milan Summer School. He is a member of the
European Commission Expert Group on the interface between Brussels I
Regulation and Arbitration. He graduated in law from Cambridge
University with double first class honours and a Master’s from
University College London. He was admitted to the Bar of England and
Wales in 1972 and New South Wales in 2010. Lord Goldsmith was made
a Life Peer in 1999 and Privy Counsellor in 2001. In 1996, he founded
the Bar of England and Wales’ Pro Bono Unit, of which he is now
President. He is a Bencher of Gray’s Inn.
Piero Bernardini is currently Of-Counsel for Studio Legale Ughi e
Nunziante in Rome, Italy. Prof. Bernardini has more than four decades of
legal experience. He was the Head Legal Counsel AGIP SpA and Ente
Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI) and he also served as the General Counsel
and Member of the Board and Executive Committee of ENI (Rome -
Milan). Prof. Bernardini’s arbitration experience is extensive and
includes over three hundred arbitration cases relating to construction
mergers and acquisitions, financial transactions, State contracts,
investment protection under BITs. He is currently engaged as arbitrator
and chairman in various ICSID and non-ICSID investment treaty
arbitration cases and in several commercial arbitration cases (ICC and ad
hoc). He has also participated as an annulment committee member in
various ICSID cases. Prof. Bernardini is author of several articles in the
field of arbitration, investment and state contracts, published in Rivista
del Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, Rivista dell’arbitrato, ICSID
Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, The Journal of World
Investment, Arbitration International, Revue de l’Arbitrage, ICC Court
Bulletin and others. He is also author of several books including, among
others: “Arbitration Law”, Laterza, 1998 (in Italian). “The Italian Law on
Arbitration”, Kluwer 1998 (in English), Italy, ICCA Handbook on
Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer 2000 and 2006 (in English),
“Arbitration Code”, Giuffrè, 2000 (with A. Giardina), “The international
commercial arbitration”, Giuffrè, 2000 (in Italian), Conciliation, EGEA
2001 (in Italian) and “Arbitration in International Trade and
Investments” Giuffrè, 2008 (in Italian). Prof. Bernardini received a
Doctor of Jurisprudence, Magna cum laude from the University “La
Sapienza” of Rome, Italy. His professional memberships include: Vice-
President until 31.12.2005: ICC International Court of Arbitration;
President: Italian Arbitration Association; Panel of ICSID conciliators
and arbitrators (by Italian government appointment); Member: London
Court of International Arbitration (until mid-2005); Member: ICCA –
International Council for Commercial Arbitration, Milan Chamber of
Arbitration attached to the local Chamber of Commerce until 2010; and
Rome Chamber of Arbitration attached to the local Chamber of
Commerce until 2010. Prof. Bernardini is fluent in Italian, English,
French and Spanish (working knowledge).
Pierre A. Karrer has been in private practice for over 40 years and
practices as a full-time arbitrator from his “boutique” premises in Zurich.
He has been chairman and arbitrator in well over 300 international
commercial arbitrations all over the world. He is former Honorary
President of the Swiss Arbitration Association, former Court Member of
ICC, former Vice President of the Stockholm Institute, former Vice
President of the LCIA, FCIArb, and listed arbitrator in numerous arbitral
institutions worldwide. After studies in Zurich, Göttingen, Padova, and
The Hague, he obtained a Dr.iur. from the University of Zurich, and an
LL.M. from Yale. He taught at the Tulane University School of Law in
New Orleans, Louisiana, and at other universities. He chairs arbitrations
in English, French, German, and Italian. He also speaks Dutch and some
Spanish. Contact:
Richard Kreindler, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Frankfurt.
Richard is a professor of law and a full-time advocate, acting as counsel,
arbitrator and expert in major commercial and investment arbitration and
litigation matters throughout the world for the past 28 years. He is a
member of the New York and Paris Bars. He is also an Honorary
Professor of Law at the University of Münster, Germany, where he has
taught for well over a decade. Richard is a graduate of Harvard, Munich,
Columbia and Münster Universities. He is a Fellow and Chartered
Arbitrator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London. Richard
delivered the lectures in Private International Law at the Hague Academy
of International Law in Summer 2012, which were published in the
Recueil des cours, Vol. 361, in 2013. He has also published several
other treatises and over 400 other publications and lectures on
international arbitration, litigation and compliance/anti-corruption issues.
He has been a member of the Editorial Board or Advisory Board of
leading arbitral publications and institutions; he is also a Council
Member of the ICC Institute of World Business Law. Richard was
Chairman of the IBA working group resulting in the 2010 IBA Rules on
the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration.
Shaun Lee is an associate in the Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
practice at Olswang Asia LLP. Shaun started his pupilage and practice
under Mr. Michael Hwang S.C. and has experience as an arbitral
secretary on various SIAC, LCIA and ICC claims involving, amongst
others, mis-selling of derivative/hedging financial products, breach of
joint venture contracts, breach of confidentiality and general commercial
disputes. He has assisted, advised and represented clients in the
Technology, Media & Telecommunications, oil & gas, energy, domestic
security, real estate and construction industry on issues concerning
regulatory compliance; breach of contract; misuse of confidential
information; delay and disruption on projects; breaches of escrow
agreements; employment and tenancy disputes; freezing injunctions;
search orders and dispute settlement strategy. Shaun has also advised and
represented clients on cross-border restructuring & insolvency exercises
within the ASEAN region and has conducted several compliance and
investigatory exercises involving, inter alia, breaches of the FCPA, UK
Anti-Bribery Act and other foreign anti-corruption legislation. He is
currently blogs at the Singapore International Arbitration Blog
( and contributes regular
articles and commentaries to Singapore Law Watch and the Singapore
Law Gazette.
Stephen Jagusch is Global Chair of Quinn Emanuel's International
Arbitration Practice. He specialises in international commercial and
investment treaty arbitration, having acted as adviser and advocate in
dozens of ad hoc and institutional international arbitrations, conducted in
many countries around the world, and subject to a wide variety of
governing substantive and procedural laws. A great many of Stephen's
cases have been for or against sovereign states or substantial multinational
organizations, and he has been lead counsel in many of the world's
leading investment treaty cases. Stephen is recognised as a leading
expert in the field of international arbitration and disputes arising under
contacts and bilateral or multilateral investment treaties, and is highly
ranked by all international and domestic legal publications in
international arbitration and public international law. Leading directories
recognise Stephen as a leader in his field. Stephen routinely speaks at
leading conferences and seminars, and is widely published, on the
subject of international arbitration. Prior to joining Quinn Emanuel,
Stephen was Chair of the Global International Arbitration Practice of
Allen & Overy LLP. Stephen regularly sits as an arbitrator and has sat as
Chair, Sole or Co-Arbitrator in dozens of cases around the world.
Tetiana Bersheda is a Swiss lawyer practicing in Geneva, Switzerland
and in Monaco. She received her master degree in law (magna cum
laude), with specialization in European law, from the University of
Fribourg (Switzerland) in 2004 and a PhD (summa cum laude) in 2007
from the same University. Her PhD thesis in the field of corporate and
insolvency law has been awarded the prize of the Swiss Insolvency Law
Association in 2008. She has also obtained an LL.M. in commercial law
from the University of Cambridge (UK) and a master in international
private law from the Institute of International Relations of the University
of Kiev (Ukraine). After her traineeship with one of the most prominent
Geneva-based law firms, she passed her bar exam in Geneva and then
worked as an associate and later as a partner in several law firms in
Geneva specialized in commercial law and international arbitration. She
founded the firm Bersheda Avocats on 1st January 2011, before joining,
as a partner, the firm Canonica Valticos de Preux + Associés in
November 2013. Tetiana Bersheda is specializing in settlement of
international disputes and in business law. She acts both as counsel and
arbitrator in international commercial disputes. She also exercises as a
legal advisor in the Principality of Monaco. Tetiana Bersheda publishes
extensively peer-reviewed articles in international legal journals and
speaks at international conferences on various topics of commercial law
and international arbitration.Tetiana Bersheda is a member of the Ordre
des Avocats of Geneva, the Swiss Bar Federation, the Swiss Arbitration
Association (ASA), the London Court of International Arbitration
(LCIA) and of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (ICC).
She speaks English, French, Russian, Ukrainian, German and Spanish.
Timur Bondaryev is an Attorney, Managing Partner and Head of the
Real Estate and Construction Practice at Arzinger. Timur specializes in
advising on real estate and construction transactions; mergers &
acquisitions and is an expert on antitrust and privatization issues. He has
extensive experience in working at state authorities and large
corporations. He was Head of Division in the Legal Department at the
State Property Fund of Ukraine and Head of the Legal Department at
Ukrainian Aluminium, a subsidiary of Russian Aluminium Company.
Timur Bondaryev is a highly respected law practitioner enjoying an
excellent reputation in the local and international market. Timur
Bondaryev is a senior lecturer at the Department of Specialised Legal
Sciences at the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, one of the
country’s best universities and oldest higher education institution in
Eastern Europe (founded in 1632). Timur is also an advisor to the mayor
of Lviv on attracting foreign investment as well as public-private
partnership; a regular lecturer on Ukrainian law at the Austrian Chamber
of Commerce. He is the Board Member of the Ukrainian Bar Association
and European Business Association. Timur Bondaryev is a Young
Members liaison officer within the Real Estate Committee of the
International Bar Association (IBA). He is also a co-author of the first
Ukrainian scientific and practical commentary to the Law of Ukraine
“On Protection against Unfair Competition” (October 2013) composed in
cooperation with Gennady Androshchuk, Deputy Head of the Laboratory
for Legal Support to the Science and Technology Development at the IP
Scientific and Research Institute of the National Law Academy of
Ukraine, D.Sc., assistant professor, Sergiy Shklyar, Founding Partner at
Arzinger, Dr. jur., attorney-at-law, and Natalia Ivanytska, Senior
Associate at Arzinger, Dr. jur., attorney-at-law. Best Lawyers 2013
highly recommends Timur Bondaryev in the sphere of arbitration and
mediation, corporate law and management, compliance, mergers and
acquisitions, and real estate. Chambers Europe 2013 recommends Timur
Bondaryev in real estate sphere.
Author/Editor Detail:
About the Editors
Devin Bray is an international arbitration counsel, OAS Academic Scholarship and SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship recipient, and a SJD Candidate in the International Trade & Business Law Program at the University of Arizona. Mr. Bray is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
Heather L. Bray is a PhD Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law for the Lex Mercatoria Publica Project. She is an international arbitration counsel and a SJD Candidate in the International Trade and Business Law Program at the University of Arizona. Ms. Bray is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
About the Authors
Elie Kleiman, born in 1963, is admitted as an Avocat à la cour in France
and qualified as a Foreign Legal Consultant in the State of New York.
He joined Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP’s dispute resolution
group in August 2000 as partner of the litigation and arbitration groups
and is now managing partner of the Paris office. He specialises in
international commercial arbitration and litigation. He has intervened in
disputes involving investment, trade, joint ventures, long-term contracts,
representation and warranties, licensing, distribution and construction in
a wide range of sectors such as aeronautics, energy and natural resources,
chemicals, infrastructure and transport, financial institutions,
telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, media and technology. His
arbitration practice also includes accelerated proceedings in conjunction
with court proceedings, in a variety of areas. He also has experience as
an arbitrator in international and domestic commercial disputes and as
counsel in mediations. Elie often speaks at seminars and conferences on
arbitration and litigation and teaches at the Université de Paris. He has
also published widely in the field of international dispute resolution. He
has been recognized by, among others, Who’s Who Legal in Commercial
Arbitration and Chambers Global. Elie Kleiman graduated from
Universités de Paris X and II—Panthéon-Assas with an undergraduate
degree in private law and a post-graduate degree in private international
law. A native French speaker, he is also fluent in English. Contact:
Finn Madsen has a LL.B (Swe: jur kand) in 1980 and a LL.D. (Swe:
Juris Doctor honoris causa) in 2011 from Lund University, Sweden for
his contribution to International Arbitration Law. Mr. Madsen is the
author of Commercial Arbitration in Sweden, published by Oxford
University Press (3rd edition), 2007 and in Mandarin by Law Press China
2008. Mr. Madsen has held a number of positions, including Service in
Swedish District Courts and Court of Appeal (1980 – 1986) and the Head
of Legal Department, Gota Bank, Southern Region (1992 – 1993), and
Advokatfirman Vinge KB (1993 – 1995), of which he has been a partner
since 1995. Mr. Madsen is also admitted to CIETAC’s list of arbitrators,
a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a Swedish member of
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) network of lawyers
(FraudNet) specialising in asset tracking and recovery and Chairman of
the Arbitration Association of Southern Sweden 2008 to 2011. Mr.
Madsen is referred to in a number of Law Directories and he has acted as
counsel in numerous domestic arbitrations, co-arbitrator for domestic
arbitral tribunals in numerous cases, Chairperson in numerous domestic
arbitrations, Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Arbitral Council of the
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and by the
Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), and
Chairperson appointed by the SCC. He has also acted as counsel and coarbitrator
in a number of cases under the ICC, the SCC, The Danish
Institute of Arbitration and the UNCITRAL Rules, appointed Sole
Arbitrator by the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris and
appointed Sole Arbitrator and chairperson by the SCC. Mr. Madsen has
extensive experience in commercial litigation (including, but not limited
to, areas such as trade and finance, joint ventures and industrial
cooperation, mergers and acquisitions, company law, agency and
distribution, intellectual property rights, construction, finance and
banking) in the courts of law in Sweden. A number of cases have been
brought before the Supreme Court. Mr. Madsen is a member of the
Swedish Bar Association since 1993 and member of the International Bar
Laurent Lévy, Founding Partner, Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, Geneva. A
dual Swiss and Brazilian national, Dr. Lévy studied law in Paris and
Geneva. Dr. Lévy is admitted to the Geneva Bar. Prior to co-founding
Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler in 2008, he was a founding Partner at
Schellenberg Wittmer, Geneva and Zurich. He is a visiting professor at
the School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London since 2007. Dr.
Lévy is a Vice President of the ICC Arbitration Court, a Council member
of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, a member of the Institut pour
l’arbitrage international, the Comité français de l’arbitrage, the Association
suisse de l’arbitrage and the Milan Club of Arbitrators. He is also a former
member and Vice-President of the London Court of International
Arbitration and a former member of the Arbitration Committee of the
Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Lévy is an experienced
international arbitrator and has handled more than 200 arbitration
proceedings, mostly as an arbitrator.
Markian Malskyy is an attorney-at-law, Dr. jur., specializes in
providing legal support in investment projects (commercial, real estate
and corporate law matters) as well as representing clients’ interests
before judicial authorities of Ukraine and dispute settlement under the
procedures of commercial and investment arbitration. He has extensive
experience in corporate dispute settlement in the energy sector,
contractual disputes, trade and real estate disputes, enforcement of
foreign court judgments and arbitral awards, real estate and M&A
transactions. As an attorney-at-law he represented one of the major oil
producing company of the Russian Federation in a dispute on collection
of more than 200 million USD of losses caused by improper execution of
the shareholders agreement. He handled cases under the Arbitration
Rules of ICSID, ICC, SCC, UNCITRAL, LCIA and ICAC. In total
Markian Malskyy has been involved in settlement of over 300 disputes.
Since 2010 Mr.Malskyy is a Head of Alternative Dispute Resolution
Desk at Arzinger. Prior to joining Arzinger attorney-at-law Malskyy
worked as a lawyer in the international arbitration team in the firm
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Paris. In 2012 Markian Malskyy has
obtained his doctoral degree (Dr. jur.) with thesis: “Arbitration
agreement as condition for dispute resolution in international commercial
arbitration” at the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Markian
Malskyy is the author of two books on commercial dispute settlement,
published more than 70 legal articles. Mr. Malskyy has managed the
German translation of the Rules of the International Commercial
Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The monograph "ARBITRATION AGREEMENT. Theoretical and
Practical Aspects" (in Ukrainian) by Markian Malskyy has been
published in 2013. The Chambers Global 2013 anв Chambers Europe
2013 recommended Markian Malskyy in dispute resolution. The Legal
500 - Europe, Middle East & Africa 2013 recognized Markian as
experienced ADR practitioner in the Dispute resolution chapter.
Michael Hwang, a Senior Counsel (“S.C”) of the Supreme Court of
Singapore (the equivalent of Queen’s Counsel in England), and Chief
Justice of the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts, received his
undergraduate and postgraduate legal education at Oxford University
where he was a College Scholar and Prizewinner. He has taught at the
Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney and the National University
of Singapore (“NUS”) and, until recently, was an Adjunct Professor at
NUS. Hwang is active in international dispute resolution as arbitrator
Swiss, HKIAC and SIAC Rules) as well as mediator. His arbitrations
and mediations have involved disputes in a host of countries all over the
world. He has conducted arbitrations in over 34 cities and spoken at
conferences in over 40 cities. He is an accredited arbitrator of more than
22 arbitration centres and has also conducted arbitrations under the
auspices of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and ICSID. Hwang has
served in various capacities, including as a Judicial Commissioner of the
Supreme Court of Singapore; Singapore’s Non-Resident Ambassador to
Switzerland; President of the Law Society of Singapore; Vice Chairman
of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of
Commerce; Vice-President of the International Council for Commercial
Arbitration (“ICCA”); Court Member of the London Court of
International Arbitration (“LCIA”); Council Member of the International
Council of Arbitration on Sports (“ICAS”); and as a Commissioner of
the United Nations Compensation Commission (“UNCC”), a body set up
under the Security Council to assess claims against Iraq arising from the
Gulf War. Hwang, who currently practices as a Barrister and
International Arbitrator in Singapore, has many publications on
arbitration to his credit. His publications on arbitration have appeared in
books and journals published in 10 countries.
Lord (Peter) Goldsmith QC, PC, Chair of European and Asian
Litigation, joined Debevoise as European Chair of Litigation in
September 2007. Lord Goldsmith served as the UK’s Attorney General
from 2001-2007, prior to which he was in private practice as one of the
leading barristers in London. Lord Goldsmith has a long practice in
arbitration and in the interface between arbitration and litigation. He
appears as counsel for leading cases in a number of jurisdictions and
different arbitral institutions, including ICC, LCIA and ad hoc in
London, Paris, Singapore and India. He also sits as an arbitrator in
London, Paris and Singapore. He is a member of the Council of the Hong
Kong International Arbitration Centre, on the panel of arbitrators for the
Dubai International Arbitration Centre, on the emergency panel for the
Singapore International Arbitration Centre, and is closely connected with
both the LCIA and the ICC. He recently co-Chaired a Task Force on ICC
arbitration involving States and State entities which recommended
changes to the ICC rules of arbitration to take account of special issues
faced by States in ICC arbitrations. Lord Goldsmith regularly speaks on
arbitration issues. Engagements include teaching international arbitration
at the University of Milan Summer School. He is a member of the
European Commission Expert Group on the interface between Brussels I
Regulation and Arbitration. He graduated in law from Cambridge
University with double first class honours and a Master’s from
University College London. He was admitted to the Bar of England and
Wales in 1972 and New South Wales in 2010. Lord Goldsmith was made
a Life Peer in 1999 and Privy Counsellor in 2001. In 1996, he founded
the Bar of England and Wales’ Pro Bono Unit, of which he is now
President. He is a Bencher of Gray’s Inn.
Piero Bernardini is currently Of-Counsel for Studio Legale Ughi e
Nunziante in Rome, Italy. Prof. Bernardini has more than four decades of
legal experience. He was the Head Legal Counsel AGIP SpA and Ente
Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI) and he also served as the General Counsel
and Member of the Board and Executive Committee of ENI (Rome -
Milan). Prof. Bernardini’s arbitration experience is extensive and
includes over three hundred arbitration cases relating to construction
mergers and acquisitions, financial transactions, State contracts,
investment protection under BITs. He is currently engaged as arbitrator
and chairman in various ICSID and non-ICSID investment treaty
arbitration cases and in several commercial arbitration cases (ICC and ad
hoc). He has also participated as an annulment committee member in
various ICSID cases. Prof. Bernardini is author of several articles in the
field of arbitration, investment and state contracts, published in Rivista
del Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, Rivista dell’arbitrato, ICSID
Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, The Journal of World
Investment, Arbitration International, Revue de l’Arbitrage, ICC Court
Bulletin and others. He is also author of several books including, among
others: “Arbitration Law”, Laterza, 1998 (in Italian). “The Italian Law on
Arbitration”, Kluwer 1998 (in English), Italy, ICCA Handbook on
Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer 2000 and 2006 (in English),
“Arbitration Code”, Giuffrè, 2000 (with A. Giardina), “The international
commercial arbitration”, Giuffrè, 2000 (in Italian), Conciliation, EGEA
2001 (in Italian) and “Arbitration in International Trade and
Investments” Giuffrè, 2008 (in Italian). Prof. Bernardini received a
Doctor of Jurisprudence, Magna cum laude from the University “La
Sapienza” of Rome, Italy. His professional memberships include: Vice-
President until 31.12.2005: ICC International Court of Arbitration;
President: Italian Arbitration Association; Panel of ICSID conciliators
and arbitrators (by Italian government appointment); Member: London
Court of International Arbitration (until mid-2005); Member: ICCA –
International Council for Commercial Arbitration, Milan Chamber of
Arbitration attached to the local Chamber of Commerce until 2010; and
Rome Chamber of Arbitration attached to the local Chamber of
Commerce until 2010. Prof. Bernardini is fluent in Italian, English,
French and Spanish (working knowledge).
Pierre A. Karrer has been in private practice for over 40 years and
practices as a full-time arbitrator from his “boutique” premises in Zurich.
He has been chairman and arbitrator in well over 300 international
commercial arbitrations all over the world. He is former Honorary
President of the Swiss Arbitration Association, former Court Member of
ICC, former Vice President of the Stockholm Institute, former Vice
President of the LCIA, FCIArb, and listed arbitrator in numerous arbitral
institutions worldwide. After studies in Zurich, Göttingen, Padova, and
The Hague, he obtained a Dr.iur. from the University of Zurich, and an
LL.M. from Yale. He taught at the Tulane University School of Law in
New Orleans, Louisiana, and at other universities. He chairs arbitrations
in English, French, German, and Italian. He also speaks Dutch and some
Spanish. Contact:
Richard Kreindler, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Frankfurt.
Richard is a professor of law and a full-time advocate, acting as counsel,
arbitrator and expert in major commercial and investment arbitration and
litigation matters throughout the world for the past 28 years. He is a
member of the New York and Paris Bars. He is also an Honorary
Professor of Law at the University of Münster, Germany, where he has
taught for well over a decade. Richard is a graduate of Harvard, Munich,
Columbia and Münster Universities. He is a Fellow and Chartered
Arbitrator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London. Richard
delivered the lectures in Private International Law at the Hague Academy
of International Law in Summer 2012, which were published in the
Recueil des cours, Vol. 361, in 2013. He has also published several
other treatises and over 400 other publications and lectures on
international arbitration, litigation and compliance/anti-corruption issues.
He has been a member of the Editorial Board or Advisory Board of
leading arbitral publications and institutions; he is also a Council
Member of the ICC Institute of World Business Law. Richard was
Chairman of the IBA working group resulting in the 2010 IBA Rules on
the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration.
Shaun Lee is an associate in the Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
practice at Olswang Asia LLP. Shaun started his pupilage and practice
under Mr. Michael Hwang S.C. and has experience as an arbitral
secretary on various SIAC, LCIA and ICC claims involving, amongst
others, mis-selling of derivative/hedging financial products, breach of
joint venture contracts, breach of confidentiality and general commercial
disputes. He has assisted, advised and represented clients in the
Technology, Media & Telecommunications, oil & gas, energy, domestic
security, real estate and construction industry on issues concerning
regulatory compliance; breach of contract; misuse of confidential
information; delay and disruption on projects; breaches of escrow
agreements; employment and tenancy disputes; freezing injunctions;
search orders and dispute settlement strategy. Shaun has also advised and
represented clients on cross-border restructuring & insolvency exercises
within the ASEAN region and has conducted several compliance and
investigatory exercises involving, inter alia, breaches of the FCPA, UK
Anti-Bribery Act and other foreign anti-corruption legislation. He is
currently blogs at the Singapore International Arbitration Blog
( and contributes regular
articles and commentaries to Singapore Law Watch and the Singapore
Law Gazette.
Stephen Jagusch is Global Chair of Quinn Emanuel's International
Arbitration Practice. He specialises in international commercial and
investment treaty arbitration, having acted as adviser and advocate in
dozens of ad hoc and institutional international arbitrations, conducted in
many countries around the world, and subject to a wide variety of
governing substantive and procedural laws. A great many of Stephen's
cases have been for or against sovereign states or substantial multinational
organizations, and he has been lead counsel in many of the world's
leading investment treaty cases. Stephen is recognised as a leading
expert in the field of international arbitration and disputes arising under
contacts and bilateral or multilateral investment treaties, and is highly
ranked by all international and domestic legal publications in
international arbitration and public international law. Leading directories
recognise Stephen as a leader in his field. Stephen routinely speaks at
leading conferences and seminars, and is widely published, on the
subject of international arbitration. Prior to joining Quinn Emanuel,
Stephen was Chair of the Global International Arbitration Practice of
Allen & Overy LLP. Stephen regularly sits as an arbitrator and has sat as
Chair, Sole or Co-Arbitrator in dozens of cases around the world.
Tetiana Bersheda is a Swiss lawyer practicing in Geneva, Switzerland
and in Monaco. She received her master degree in law (magna cum
laude), with specialization in European law, from the University of
Fribourg (Switzerland) in 2004 and a PhD (summa cum laude) in 2007
from the same University. Her PhD thesis in the field of corporate and
insolvency law has been awarded the prize of the Swiss Insolvency Law
Association in 2008. She has also obtained an LL.M. in commercial law
from the University of Cambridge (UK) and a master in international
private law from the Institute of International Relations of the University
of Kiev (Ukraine). After her traineeship with one of the most prominent
Geneva-based law firms, she passed her bar exam in Geneva and then
worked as an associate and later as a partner in several law firms in
Geneva specialized in commercial law and international arbitration. She
founded the firm Bersheda Avocats on 1st January 2011, before joining,
as a partner, the firm Canonica Valticos de Preux + Associés in
November 2013. Tetiana Bersheda is specializing in settlement of
international disputes and in business law. She acts both as counsel and
arbitrator in international commercial disputes. She also exercises as a
legal advisor in the Principality of Monaco. Tetiana Bersheda publishes
extensively peer-reviewed articles in international legal journals and
speaks at international conferences on various topics of commercial law
and international arbitration.Tetiana Bersheda is a member of the Ordre
des Avocats of Geneva, the Swiss Bar Federation, the Swiss Arbitration
Association (ASA), the London Court of International Arbitration
(LCIA) and of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (ICC).
She speaks English, French, Russian, Ukrainian, German and Spanish.
Timur Bondaryev is an Attorney, Managing Partner and Head of the
Real Estate and Construction Practice at Arzinger. Timur specializes in
advising on real estate and construction transactions; mergers &
acquisitions and is an expert on antitrust and privatization issues. He has
extensive experience in working at state authorities and large
corporations. He was Head of Division in the Legal Department at the
State Property Fund of Ukraine and Head of the Legal Department at
Ukrainian Aluminium, a subsidiary of Russian Aluminium Company.
Timur Bondaryev is a highly respected law practitioner enjoying an
excellent reputation in the local and international market. Timur
Bondaryev is a senior lecturer at the Department of Specialised Legal
Sciences at the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, one of the
country’s best universities and oldest higher education institution in
Eastern Europe (founded in 1632). Timur is also an advisor to the mayor
of Lviv on attracting foreign investment as well as public-private
partnership; a regular lecturer on Ukrainian law at the Austrian Chamber
of Commerce. He is the Board Member of the Ukrainian Bar Association
and European Business Association. Timur Bondaryev is a Young
Members liaison officer within the Real Estate Committee of the
International Bar Association (IBA). He is also a co-author of the first
Ukrainian scientific and practical commentary to the Law of Ukraine
“On Protection against Unfair Competition” (October 2013) composed in
cooperation with Gennady Androshchuk, Deputy Head of the Laboratory
for Legal Support to the Science and Technology Development at the IP
Scientific and Research Institute of the National Law Academy of
Ukraine, D.Sc., assistant professor, Sergiy Shklyar, Founding Partner at
Arzinger, Dr. jur., attorney-at-law, and Natalia Ivanytska, Senior
Associate at Arzinger, Dr. jur., attorney-at-law. Best Lawyers 2013
highly recommends Timur Bondaryev in the sphere of arbitration and
mediation, corporate law and management, compliance, mergers and
acquisitions, and real estate. Chambers Europe 2013 recommends Timur
Bondaryev in real estate sphere.
Table of Contents:
About the Editors
About the Authors
Part I: Public Policy - An Overview
Lord (Peter) Goldsmith
Richard Kreindler
Stephen Jagusch
Part II: Specific Manifestations
Elie Kleiman
Finn Madsen
Laurent Lévy and Tetiana Bersheda
Pierre A. Karrer
Timur Bondaryev and Markian Malskyy
Piero Bernardini
Michael Hwang and Shaun Lee