Bernard R. Hanotiau

Avenue Louise 480, 9th floor
Brussels B - 1050
Assistant Professor of Law, University of Louvain, 1970-71 (Private International Law); Aspirant, Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, (1971-75); Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, (1973-1975); First Assistant Professor of Law, University of Louvain, 1976-1979 (Professor François Rigaux, Private International Law); Professor of Law, University of Louvain (1979-2012).
Member of the Panel of arbitrators of, or receives appointments as arbitrator by, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC, Paris), The London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), ICSID, the American Arbitration Association (ICDR), the Cairo Arbitration Center, the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, the Russian Arbitration Association, SIAC (Singapore), HKIAC (Hong Kong), CIETAC (Beijing), BAC (Beijing), the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association, TRAC (Teheran), KLRCA (Kuala Lumpur), KCAB (Seoul), the BVI International Arbitration Center, the Permanent Court of International Arbitration (PCA, The Hague); also on the PCA specialized panel of arbitrators for disputes relating to outer space activities), WIPO (Geneva), CEPANI (Belgium), the Netherlands Arbitrage Institute (NAI), the Swiss Arbitration Chambers, the Pacific International Arbitration Centre (PIAC), VCCA (Vilnius), the Dubai International Arbitration Center (DIAC), the Danish Institute of Arbitration, the Lima Centro de Arbitraje, the French Arbitration Association, the French-German Chamber of Commerce (Paris), IATA (Geneva), CAS, Lausanne; also frequently appointed as arbitrator in UNCITRAL and other ad-hoc arbitration cases.
Has been involved since 1978 in more than 500 cases as party-appointed arbitrator, chairman, sole arbitrator, counsel and expert in various parts of the world.; amongst the parties engaged in these arbitrations have been states (including on the basis of bilateral investment treaties) and state entities, high technology and telecommunications corporations, construction and real estate companies, airport designers and developers, owners and lessees of shopping malls, shopping parks, department stores and hypermarkets, oil, gas and mining companies, pipeline manufacturers (and related industries), dredging companies, water and electricity suppliers, pharmaceutical and chemical companies, providers of medical services, automobile manufacturers and manufacturers of parts for the automobile industry, distributors and manufacturers of various kinds of goods and equipments, fashion merchants and retailers, owners and retailers of luxury brands, food suppliers, breweries, manufacturers of military supplies and satellites, airlines and railways, GDS’ operators, banks and investment companies, hotel management corporations and casinos, insurance and reinsurance companies
Complex Arbitrations – Multiparty, Multicontract, Multi-Issue and Class Actions, Kluwer Law International, 2006 (410 pages); author of more than 120 articles most of them relating to international commercial law and arbitration, and he frequently lectures on this topic