William G. Bassler

130 Bodman Place, Suite 15
Red Bank, NJ 07701
Served for 15 years on the U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey; three years on the Superior Court of the State of New Jersey; and 23 years in private practice.
Executive Committee, AAA’s Board of Directors; Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb); Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators (CCA); Fellow, American Bar Foundation; International Arbitration Club of New York City; LCIA North American Users’ Council; International Chamber of Commerce; International Commercial Disputes Committee; Certified Mediator, International Mediation Institute (IMI) and IMI Bronze Patron US; International Council Commercial Arbitration (ICCA); ALI’s Consultative Group on the Restatement Third; The U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration; American Law Institute; American College of Probate Counsel; International Bar Association; New York City Bar Association; New York Intellectual Property Law Association, NJ Intellectual Property Law Association.
On the Panel of Neutrals at International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), American Arbitration Association (AAA), CPR Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (International and Judicial Panels), and FedArb.
For the past nine years, I have served as an arbitrator in 27 arbitrations, five as the chairman, twelve as a sole arbitrator, and ten as a
panelist. See description of highlighted arbitrations below:
• Co-arbitrated claim seeking over 100 million U.S. in damages for fraudulent inducement of tax sharing agreement, breach of contract, aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duty, rescission and disgorgement.
• Chaired arbitration of claim for 5 million U.S. for alleged distribution and reselling of software in breach of license agreement. (Case settled.)
• Chaired arbitration between U.S. and Japanese company for interim and permanent injunction, breach of contract for termination of development of drug in Japan and $5 million interim payment. (Case settled.)
• Co-arbitrated an arbitration of imputation-based defenses of in pari delicto and lack of reliance involving a $160 million claim by an investment bank against an accounting firm for accountant malpractice and breach of contract.
• Co-arbitrated a published arbitration under the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with various tobacco companies and U.S. States and Territories in which tobacco company signatories sought an over $1 billion reduction in their 2003 settlement payments.
For a complete list of arbitrations and mediations, please visit
- The Symbiotic Relationship Between International Arbitration and National Courts, IBA’s Dispute Resolution International, November 2013;
- Challenges to Collegiality, Reported in submissions at ASA’s Annual Conference, Zurich, February 2013;
- A Primer on Taking Evidence Abroad, coauthored with Christian Stueben, Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, June 2011;
- Mistakes Mediators Make, co-authored with Jack Levin, New Jersey Lawyer Magazine (a publication of the New Jersey State Bar Association), April 2011;
- Reasons for Mediating International Environmental Tort Claims in the Shadow of the Alien Tort Claims Act, co-authored with Yitzchok Segal, AAA Handbook on International Arbitration and ADR (Second Edition, 2010);
- Are the Halcyon Days of Patents Over, co-authored with Katherine A. Helm, Bloomberg Corporate Law Journal, Spring 2008;
- How to Select the Best Seat for Your Int’l Arbitrations, co-authored with Robert Davidson, Mealey’s Int’l Report, January 2008;
- Hitting the Mark: Fundamentals of Preparing For and Conducting an Effective Markman Hearing, 189 New Jersey Law Journal, July 30, 2007;
- The Importance of Predictability in Maritime Disputes, 38 The Arbitrator, January 2007;
- More About More, The Catholic Lawyer published by St. John’s Law Review, Volume 41, Spring 2002, Number 4;
- Cert. Granted: The Practical and Philosophical Reasons Why New Jersey Should Adopt a Certification Procedure, co-authored with Michael R. Potenza, Esq., 29 Seton Hall L. Rev. 491 (1998).