Fernando Mantilla-Serrano

Latham & Watkins
45 rue Saint Dominique
Paris 75007
Partner, Shearman & Sterling LLP (France); Partner, Garrigues Law Firm (Spain), Head of the International Arbitration Practice; Legal Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration (France); Senior Associate, Mantilla Abogados (Colombia); Foreign associate, Bracken & Margolin (New York); In-house Counsel, Acerías Paz del Río (Steel Mill) (Colombia); In-house Counsel, Colombian Banking Association (Colombia)
ICC, Colombian National Committee; AAA-ICDR; Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC); Local Chambers of Commerce: Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Bucaramanga, Santiago de Chile; Centro Empresarial de Conciliación y Arbitraje de Venezuela – CEDCA
As arbitrator: Some experience includes: Coarbitrator: In Paris, construction of an electrical power grid in an African country, Belgian law; In Paris, directors’ liability and breach of the shareholders’ agreement governing the exercise of the controlling interest in a large conglomerate of companies, Spanish Law; In Geneva, Swiss law, design and implementation of telecommunications software; Sole Arbitrator: In Bogotá, Colombian Law, sub-contract for civil works (dredging and piling) concerning extra-work, change in design and delay claims; In Madrid, Spanish Law, right to the payment of the additional price agreed between the parties for the acquisition of a dairy products processing and distribution business. Chairman: In Mexico, pre-closing obligations arising out of a Share Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of an insurance company, Mexican law; In Madrid, Italian Law, assembly and supply of military equipment; In Paris, Portuguese Law, termination of an airplane maintenance and technical support agreement. In Miami, Laws of Dominican Republic, warranties and undertakings under an Hotel Purchase and Sale Agreement; In Paris, Uncitral Rules, investment protection, Romak v. Uzbekistan (PCA Case No. AA280, award published). As Counsel: Both in ad hoc (UNCITRAL, EDF Rules) and institutional (ICC, ICSID, Zurich Chamber of Commerce, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Bruxelles and IACAC) proceedings, applying the laws of Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, France, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, New York, Peru, Puerto Rico, Republic of Moldava, Spain, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom and Venezuela
Books and book chapters: ¿Existe Hostilidad hacia el arbitraje de inversión en América Latina?, in Liber Amicorum in honor of Bernardo Cremades, p. 789 (La Ley, 2010); Laudo no nacional – La segunda hipótesis del artículo I.1 en Convenio de Nueva York. 50 años de aplicación, G.Tawil y E. Zuleta eds., AbeledoPerrot (2008); Arbitraje Internacional, Tensiones Actuales (Editor and Co-author), Legis, 364 p. (2007); Ley de Arbitraje – Una perspectiva internacional. Comentarios Breves, Iustel, 404 p., Madrid, 2005. Articles (a selection): Algumas notas sobre a execução das sentenças arbitrais anuladas e a Convenção de Nova Iorque, Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, (24) 2009; La Convención de Nueva York y los Derechos Nacionales: a propósito de la ejecución de los laudos anulados en su país de origen, Arbitraje. Revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones, Vol. II (2), pp. 468-479, 2009; Commentaire sur la sentence arbitrale finale rendue dans l’affaire CCI n° 12305 en 2004, Chronique des sentences arbitrales de la Cour internationale d’arbitrage de la Chambre de commerce internationale. Journal du droit international, Ed. Clunet, 2009