Juan M. Marchan

Republica del Salvador avenue N36/140
Mansion Blanca Building, 9th floor
Quito 170106
Professor of International Arbitration at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (200..- ); Arbitrator at the Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce and the Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce (20.. – ); Secretary of the Arbitral Tribunals of the Quito Chamber of Commerce and the Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce (2003-2013); Director of the Ecuadorian Arbitration Institute (2012- ); National and international lecturer.
Director of the Ecuadorian Arbitration Institute (2012- )
Arbitrator at the Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce and the Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce (20.. – ); Secretary of the Arbitral Tribunals of the Quito Chamber of Commerce and the Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce (2003-2013).
Advisory services to an English client in the settlement of an arbitration and legal dispute lasting more than 10 years; Advisory services to a Japanese company in an international arbitration process against the Ecuadorian State under UNCITRAL; Advisory services to a Spanish client in a pre-arbitration dispute proceeding under the Ecuador-United States bilateral investment treaty; Advisory services to a Chinese company in an international arbitration proceeding against the Ecuadorian State.
Ecuador International Arbitration (World Arbitration Reporter, 2014); El Arbitraje Comercial Internacional en Ecuador, El Arbitraje Comercial Internacional en Iberoamérica, Marco Legal y Jurisprudencial (Wolters Kluwer, Pereira, 2012); La nulidad de laudos arbitrales en el Ecuador (Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje, Quito, 2011); Breves Reflexiones sobre el Arbitraje Fast track (co-authored with Rodrigo Jijón Letort, Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje, 2010); National and International Arbitration in Ecuador (co-authored with Rodrigo Jijón, The Arbitration Review of the Americas, 2014); Arbitration Ecuador (co-authored with Rodrigo Jijón, Getting the Deal Through, 2014); National and International Arbitration in Ecuador (co-authored with Rodrigo Jijón, The Arbitration Review of the Americas, 2013); Arbitration Ecuador (co-authored with Rodrigo Jijón, Getting the Deal Through, 2012); Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Ecuador (co-authored Rodrigo Jijón, Getting the Deal Through, 2013); Arbitration Ecuador (co-authored with Rodrigo Jijón, Getting the Deal Through, 2012); Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Ecuador (Getting the Deal Through, 2012); Arbitration Ecuador (co-authored with Rodrigo Jijón, LatinLawyer, 2011).