Loretta Malintoppi

39 Essex Chambers #02-16, 32 Maxwell Road Maxwell Chambers
Singapore 069115
Eversheds LLP, Of Counsel, Paris and Singapore offices, 1991-2016; OECD (Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development), IEA (International Energy Agency), 1988-1990: Legal Advisor in the Office of the Legal Counsel. Coudert Brothers, New York, N.Y., 1986-1987: Foreign Associate, focusing mainly on international commercial arbitration. Studio Legale D’Ercole, Rome, 1985-1986: International commercial arbitration, private international law, international commercial transactions.
Member of the Governing Board of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (“ICCA”); Member of the Governing Board for the Centre for International Law (“CIL”) of the National University of Singapore (“NUS”); Founding Member of the Singapore Branch of the International Law Association (“ILA”) and Member of the Council of the Branch; Member of the ILA Committee on rules of procedure of international courts and tribunals; Member of the ILA International Arbitration Committee; Member of the American Society of International Law (“ASIL”). Regional co-leader of the Swiss Arbitration Association (“ASA”), South East Asia Chapter; Member of the Advisory Board of the Investment Treaty Forum of British Institute of International and Comparative Law (“BIICL”); Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration; Member of the ICC Latin American Arbitration Group; Member of the Council of the ICC Business Institute;
ICSID (designated by the Chairman of the Administrative Council in 2017), IDRC, SIAC, HKIAC, KLRCA, CIETAC and KCAB. Vice-President of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce from 2009 to 2015. From 2000 to 2009, Italian Alternate Member and Member of the Court. Member of the International Arbitration Institute (“IAI”).
Acting as Sole Arbitrator, presiding arbitrator and party appointed arbitrator in numerous international commercial arbitrations under the following rules: International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”), London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”), Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”), Dubai International Arbitration Chamber (“DIAC”) and Milan Chamber of Arbitration (“CAM”). The cases concern disputes arising from a variety of international transactions (including construction contracts, infrastructure projects, international sale of goods, agency, oil and gas, shareholders’ agreements, and distribution). Procedures conducted in English, French, Italian and Spanish. Counsel and advocate in a number of cases before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and in ad hoc arbitrations involving, inter alia, maritime and land boundary disputes and matters of compensation and State responsibility.
Select Bibliography: The ICSID Convention: A Commentary, 2d Edition, co-authored with C. Schreuer, A. Reinisch and A. Sinclair, Cambridge University Press, 2009. Investment Protection in Southeast Asia: A Country-by-Country Guide on Arbitration Laws and Bilateral Investment Treaties, editor, with Charis Tan, Martinus Nijhoff, 2017; “The Non-Disputing State Party in Investment Arbitration: An Interested Player or the Third Man Out?”, co-authored with Hussein Haeri, in Practising Virtue, Inside International Arbitration, D. Caron, S. W. Schill, A. C. Smutney, E. E. Triantafilou, Oxford University Press, 2015; “Living in Glass Houses? The Debate on Transparency in International Investment Arbitration”, co-authored with Natalie Limbasan, Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution, International Arbitration Review, Vol. 1, May 2015, N. 2, p. 31; “A Cautionary Tale: the Singapore and Hong Kong Chapters of the Astro v First Media Saga”, Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage 2015-4; “Is there an ‘Asian Way’ for Investor-State Dispute Resolution?”, KLRCA Newsletter 19, July-September 2015; “Inter-State Arbitration of Disputed Sovereignty and Maritime Delimitation Issues”, paper delivered at the ICCA Congress 2016, ICCA Congress Series, 2017, pp. 45-76; “Fact-Finding and Evidence before the International Court of Justice (Notably in Scientific-Related Disputes)”, “Challenges of Arbitrators in International Investment Arbitration; Still Work in Progress?” co-authored with Alvin Yap, in Arbitration Under international Investment Agreements; A Guide to the Key Issues, Katia Yannaca-Small ed., 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2018;