Paolo Marzolini

Rue Pedro-Meylan 5
CH – 1208 Geneva
Paolo Marzolini is a partner of Patocchi & Marzolini, the law firm established with Paolo Michele
Patocchi on 1 January 2014. Paolo is acting as counsel representing clients and is sitting as arbitrator
in Switzerland and a number of other jurisdictions under various sets of arbitration rules (including, but
not limited to, the ICC Rules, Swiss Rules, UNCITRAL Rules and WIPO Rules).
Paolo has worked in the international dispute resolution departments of leading law firms in Geneva
and London.
He is former co-chair (2015-2016) and current member of the Advisory Board of ArbIt – Italian Forum
for Arbitration and ADR as well as member of the International Bar Association (IBA), the International
Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb), the Swiss
Arbitration Association (ASA), ASA Below 40, the Italian Arbitration Association (AIA), the Geneva Bar
Association and the Pavia Bar Association.
Paolo has served as case manager at the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan in the period 2003-2007 and,
in that capacity, he has acted as administrative secretary to domestic and international arbitral tribunals
in over 150 arbitrations.
(co-author: D. DURANTE), Legittimità del Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport: game, set, match? La
recente giurisprudenza del Tribunale federale svizzero e della Corte Europea dei Diritti
dell’Uomo, Rivista dell’arbitrato, 4, 2018, 655-677.
Counsel Ethics in International Arbitration: Is There Any Need for Regulation?, Indian Journal of
Arbitration Law, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2018, 124-132.
(co-author: P.M. PATOCCHI), La deroga convenzionale della giurisdizione in favore dell’arbitrato,
in: BENEDETTELLI/CONSOLO/RADICATI DI BROZOLO (Eds.), Commentario breve al diritto dell’arbitrato
nazionale ed internazionale, 2nd ed., Milan 2017, 715-792.
7th Annual Conference, Counsel Ethics in International Arbitration: Enough or More
Regulation, Chamber of Arbitration of Milan, Milan, 25 November 2016, Conference review,
in: Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage - The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 4, Paris 2016,
The Arbitrator as a Dispute Manager – The Exercise of the Arbitrator’s Powers to Act as
Settlement Facilitator, in: BAIZEAU/SPOORENBERG (Eds.), The Arbitrators’ Initiative: When, Why
and How Should It Be Used, ASA Special Series No. 45, Huntington 2016, 99-119.