Walid Ben Hamida

44 Rue Duranton
Paris 75015
Invited Professor of Law (Egypt, Romania, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Oman, Soudan, Armenia, Bahrain, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Canada) ; Expert to UNCTAD, IDLO, FAO, ESCWA
Member, Broad of Editors, Journal of Arab Arbitration; Member of the International Arbitration Institute (“IAI”); Member of French Society of International Law (“SFDI”); Member of the International Law Association (“ILA”).
President of arbitral tribunal, sole arbitrator and co-arbitrator under many rules (ICC, CCJA (OHADA), UNCITRAL and Ad hoc arbitrations); Counsel in many investment and commercial cases including UNCITRAL (Romak v. Uzbekistan, BIT arbitration), ICSID (Courts (Indian Ocean) Limited and Courts Madagascar S.A.R.L. v. Republic of Madagascar, LTME Mauritius Ltd and Madamobil Holdings Mauritius Ltd v. Republic of Madagascar (ICSID Case No. ARB/17/28); Law Expert (Al Warack c./ Indonesia).
More than 30 articles in French, English and Arabic dealing with arbitration, investment law, Arab laws and dispute settlement.