Emmanuelle Cabrol

Herbert Smith LLP
66 Avenue Marceau
Paris 75008
Herbert Smith Hong-Kong (2000); Paris (2000-2003 and 2005-); London (2003-2005); Guest lecturer on arbitration at the school of the Paris Bar (2003-2007), Queen Mary University (London) (2005), and Univ. of Versailles (2008-)
International Law Association (ILA); Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (CFA); Comité Français de la Chambre de Commerce Internationale (ICC France); London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA); German Institution of Arbitration (DIS); Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)
Sole arbitrator in ICC arbitration; Counsel in
numerous international arbitration proceedings, both ad hoc (including
UNCITRAL) and under the rules of the ICC, ICSID and LCIA. Public cases
include: ABCI Investments NV v. Republic of Tunisia (ICSID Case No.
ARB/04/12): Currently acting for the Republic of Tunisia in proceedings
brought by a foreign investor under a Bilateral Investment Treaty and the
Tunisian investment law. The dispute concerns alleged expropriation claims.
Partial Award on jurisdiction is expected shortly; Eurotunnel v. France and United Kingdom (Ad hoc Arbitration, Permanent Court of Arbitration): Representing Eurotunnel against France and the United Kingdom regarding the situation caused by asylum seekers from the Sangatte hostel trying to cross the English Channel. Partial Award on liability was rendered on 30 January 2007 (http://www.pca-cpa.org/showpage.asp?pag_id=1210); Société d’Exploitation des Mines d’Or de Sadiola S.A. v. Republic of Mali (ICSID Case No. ARB/01/5): Representing a foreign investor against the Republic of Mali, in a dispute arising out of duties imposed on export operations. Award was renderedon 25 February 2003
Column on International Investment Law, Int’l Bus. LJ. (2007-) (with W. Ben Hamida, F. Horchani); “The Notion of Investment Under BilateralInvestment Treaties: Does “Investment” Really Mean “Every Kind of Asset”?” in Y.B. Int’l Investment Law & Policy 2009-2010, 217, K. P. Sauvant ed., Ed. Oxford University Press, 2010; “Taking appropriate intervening measures”, Global Arbitration Review (2008) (co-authored); Obs. on Cass., 20 February 2007, Stockholm International Arbitration Review (2007); “A Comment on the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest: the Fragile Balance between Principles and Illustrations and the Mystery of the Subjective Test”, 15(3-4) Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 599 (2004) (with L. Shore).