Ronald A. Cass

10560 Fox Forest Drive
Great Falls, Virginia 22066
Commissioner & Vice-Chairman, U.S. International Trade Commission; Dean & Melville Madison Bigelow Professor of Law, Boston Univ. School of Law; Visiting Professor, Univ. Lyon III; Visiting Professor, Univ. Aix-Marseille III; Distinguished Lecturer, Univ. Francisco Marroquin; Sesquicentennial Associate, Center for Advanced Studies, Univ. Virginia; Assistant Professor, Univ. Virginia; Associate, Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn; Law Clerk, Hon. Collins Seitz, Ch. J., US Ct of Appeals, Third Circuit; Fellow, International Labor Organization
American Law Institute, Life Member & Adviser, Project on World Trade Law; American Bar Assn., Council Member, International Law Section, Liaison to World Trade Organization, Member, Standing Comm. Federal Judiciary & frmr Chair, Administrative Law Section; American Law Deans Assoc., frmr President; Federalist Soc., Chair, Administrative Law Practice Group & frmr Chair, International Law Practice Group; Trans-Atlantic Policy Network, Rapporteur, Task Force on Intellectual Property Rights; International Centre on Economic Research, Sr. Fellow; Mont Pèlerin Soc.; Roger Williams Law School, Bd. Dirs.; Humanitarian Settlement Fund, Bd. Dirs.; Spec. Nom. Commission, Supreme Judicial Court; Legal Issues of Econ. Integration, Bd. Eds.
Member, ICSID Panel of Conciliators, designated by United States
Served as chairman & party-appointed arbitrator in commercial, international, & intellectual property rights disputes brought under NAFTA, UNCITRAL, ICSID, ICC and AAA rules (cases from North America, Europe, Africa & Middle East). Also has served as a consultant in international arbitration proceedings. Affiliated with the London Court of International Arbitration
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (with Colin S. Diver, Jack M. Beermann, & Jody Freeman), Aspen Law/WoltersKluwer, New York, 2016 (7th edition); LAWS OF CREATION: PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE WORLD OF IDEAS (with Keith N. Hylton), Harv. Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2013; INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW – INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF ESSAYS IN LAW AND LEGAL THEORY, 2D SERIES (with Michael Knoll eds.), Ashgate Pub. Co., London, 2003; THE RULE OF LAW IN AMERICA, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, 2001; INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS (with John Haring), MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1998; ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (with Colin S. Diver), Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1987; Property Rights and the Rule of Law, in THE ELGAR COMPANION TO PROPERTY RIGHT ECONOMICS 222-248, Enrico Colombatto ed., Edward Elgar Pub., Cheltenham, 2004; Economic Perspectives on International Economic Law, in PERSPECTIVES IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 279-308, Asif H. Qureshi ed., Kluwer Law Int’l, London, 2002; Domestic Regulation and International Trade: Where’s the Race?—Lessons From Telecommunications and Export Controls (with John R. Haring), in THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF ROBERT E. HUDEC 111-154, Daniel L.M. Kennedy & James D. Southwick editors, Cambridge University Press, New York, New York, 2002 (also published in 11 J. ÉCONOMISTES ET ÉTUDES HUMAINES 531-574, 2001; Introduction: Economics and International Law, in ECONOMIC DIMENSIONS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW: COMPARATIVE AND EMPIRICAL PERSPECTIVES 1-42, Jagdeep Bhandari & Alan O. Sykes eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 1997; Causality and Coherence in Administration of International Trade Laws (with Warren F. Schwartz), in FAIR EXCHANGE: REFORMING TRADE REMEDY LAWS 24-90, Michael Trebilcock & Robert York eds., C.D. Howe Inst., Toronto, 1990; Economics and Politics of Trade in Services: A United States Perspective (with Eli M. Noam), in RULES FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN SERVICES: TELECOMMUNICATIONS, BANKING AND INSURANCE 43-87, Ernst Mestmacher & Daniel Friedman eds., Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 1990; Quality and Quantity in Constitutional Interpretation: The Quest for Analytic Essentials in Law, 46 EUR. J. L. & ECON. 183 (Issue No. 2, 2018); Delegation Revisited: A Delegation Doctrine for the Modern Administrative State, 40 HARV. J. L. & PUB. POL’Y 147 (2016); Lessons from the Smartphone Wars: Patent Litigants, Patent Quality, and Software, 16
MINN. J. L., SCI. & TECH. 1 (2015); Vive La Deference? Rethinking the Balance Between Administrative and Judicial Discretion, 83 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1294 (2015); Antitrust for High-Tech and Low: Regulation, Innovation, and Risk, 9 J. L. ECON. & POL’Y 169 (2013); Competition in Antitrust Regulation: Law Beyond Limits, 6 J. COMP’N L. & ECON. 119 (2010); The Rule of Law in Time of Crisis, 51 HOW. L. REV. 101 (2008); Antitrust Intent (with Keith N. Hylton), 74 S. CAL. L. REV. 657 (2001)