Philippe Leboulanger
Leboulanger & Associés
5 Rue de Chaillot
75116 Paris
Lecturer on International Commercial Arbitration and International Trade Law at University of Panthéon-Assas, Paris II (France), visiting Professor of International Arbitration Law at University of Cairo (Egypt), Birzeit University (West Bank) and University of Bucharest,
Faculty of Law (Romania). Appearing as Counsel, Expert and appointed as Co-Arbitrator, Sole Arbitrator and Chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal in numerous international arbitrations (ICC, UNCITRAL, LCIA, ICSID, Cairo Arbitration Centre, Ad Hoc).
Chairman, Comité Français de l'Arbitrage (CFA). Member: Comité Français de Droit International Privé, International Law Association (ILA), International Bar Association (IBA), Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA), Egyptian Society of International Law, Franco-British Lawyers Society. Member: LCIA, Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Switzerland), Vilnius Centre of Commercial Arbitration (Lithuania), CRCICA (Egypt), Dakar Arbitration Centre (Senegal), Madagascar Arbitration and Mediation Centre.
CRCICA; LCIA; ICC; Vilnius International Commercial Arbitration (Lithuania); Dakar Arbitration Centre (Senegal); Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Switzerland); Madagascar Arbitration and Mediation Centre.
Acting as Counsel and Arbitrator (co-Arbitrator, Sole Arbitrator or Chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal) in over 200 international arbitrations. Expert witness on arbitration law issues and enforcement actions before domestic courts.
-Selective Bibliography-Arbitration Agreement: Still Autonomous? ICCA Congress Series, 2007; International Arbitration and Ethics (in French), in Ethics in International Economic Relations, 2006; Collegiality and Arbitral Deliberation, (in French), Mélanges François Knoepfler, 2005; Arbitration and Bilateral Investment Treaties, (in French), Tunisian Arbitration Review 2005; The concept of "Interests" of international Trade (in French), Revue de l'arbitrage, 2005; Some Issues in ICC Awards Relating to State Contracts, ICC Bulletin, 2004; Immunities and Arbitration (in French), in Droit international des immunités: contestation or consolidation?, Larcier, LGDJ, 2004; Contracts between States and Foreign Companies (in French), Preface by Prof. Berthold Goldman, Economica Ed., Paris, 1985; numerous articles on international arbitration and private international law.