Christophe Lapp

45 rue de Tocqueville
Paris 75017
Partner at RAMBAUD MARTEL until 2005; Partner at PROSKAUER ROSE until 2009; Participated in ALTANA’s creation in November 2009
Member of the ASA (Association Suisse d’Arbitrage); Member of the legal committee of the FNTP (Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics); Member of the AFDC (Association Française du Droit de la Construction); Senior lecturer at the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas
Co-Arbitrator regarding a disagreement between 3 African states and a Spanish company for the construction of a dam; Co-Arbitrator regarding a disagreement between a US and a French company on a hotel exploitation in the Caribbean area; Co-Arbitrator in an ICC case between an Italian and Algerian company on a construction and operating energy plant in Algeria; Co-arbitrator in an ICC case between two French companies regarding a pharmaceutical issue; Counsel in a Franco-African EFD arbitration case concerning roadways; Counsel in a Franco-German ICC arbitration case on the airport facilities
- “Les personnes publiques et l’arbitrage internationa” - Recueil Dalloz – October 27th 2011
- “Le droit applicable au marché des collectivités territoriales exerçant une activité d'opérateurs de réseaux” - BJCP - Décember 2006