Detlev Kühner

29, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
Paris 75008
Maître de Langues, Institut de Droit comparé, University of Paris II, 1996; Associate in Paris based international law firm 1997; Counsel at the ICC International Court of Arbitration (1998-2004); Senior Associate BMH AVOCATS (2005-2008); Partner BMH AVOCATS (2009-).
ICC Commission on Arbitration & ADR; Standing Committee of the ICC International Centre for ADR, Association Suisse d’Arbitrage (ASA); Association Française d’Arbitrage (AFA); International Arbitration Institute (IAI); Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS); Association des Juristes Français et Allemands (AJFA).
Over 30 cases as party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator, chairman, or counsel in ad hoc and institutional arbitration (ICC, SCC, Swiss Rules, DIS, German-French Chamber of Commerce CFACI). Counsel activity overlooking more than 500 ICC cases as Counsel at the ICC International Court of Arbitration.
Chapter on “ICC Arbitration in Germany” in: Böckstiegel/Kröll/Nacimiento, Arbitration in Germany-Law and Practice, Kluwer, first edition (2007) and second edition (2015); “The impact of party Impecuniosity on Arbitration Agreements: The Example of France and Germany” (2014) 31 J. Int’l Arb., 807–818; “Survie de la clause compromissoire en cas de disparition de l’institution d’arbitrage-l’exemple de la DIS”, Rev. Arb. 2012, 805-810; “Das neue französische Schiedsrecht”, SchiedsVZ 3/2011, 125-131; “The Revised IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration” (2010) 27 J. Int’l Arb., 667–677; The Paris J. Int’l Arb., permanent author of “Panorama of World Case Law – Germany/Austria”, since 2010; “Die neue Schiedsordnung der Deutsch-Französischen Industrie- und Handelskammer”, Contact, January/February 2006, 28-31; “Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Public Private Partnership in Frankreich”, SchiedsVZ 6/2005, 282-284; Commentary on ICC Award, IHR, 1/2004, 21-25.