Paul M. Lalonde

Dentons Canada LLP
77 King Street West Suite 400
Toronto M5K 0A1
McCarthy Tétrault – Associate: 1990 to 1993; Flavell Kubrick & Lalonde – Associate and Partner: 1993 to 2000; Heenan Blaikie LLP – Senior Associate and Partner: 2000 to 2014.
Law Society of Upper Canada; Barreau du Québec; American Bar Association; Canadian Bar Association; International Bar Association; ICC Canada Arbitration Committee.
ICC Canada Arbitration Committee; Roster of Panelists under the Agreement on International Trade – Canada (formerly).
ICC arbitration No. 19 375/AGF (party-appointed arbitrator); Article 1704 Panel Concerning the Dispute Between Alberta / British Columbia and Ontario Regarding Ontario’s Measures Governing Dairy Analogs and Dairy Blends (party-appointed arbitrator, Agreement on Internal Trade); Article 1716 Panel Concerning the Dispute Between Farmers Co-operative Dairy Limited of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Regarding New Brunswick’s Fluid Milk Distribution Licensing Measures (party-appointed arbitrator, Agreement on Internal Trade); Canadian Cattlemen for Fair Trade v. United States of America, NAFTA Chapter 11 arbitration (claimant’s counsel); Gottlieb Investor Group v. Government of Canada, NAFTA Chapter 11 claim (claimant’s counsel); Yugraneft v. Rexx Management Corp. 2010 SCC 19, [2010] 1 S.C.R. 649 (Intervener’s counsel); Seidel v. TELUS Communications Inc., 2011 SCC 15, [2011] 1 S.C.R. 531 (Intervener’s counsel); Inuvialuit Regional Corporation v. Government of Canada, Inuvialuit Final Agreement Arbitration Board, 1995 (claimant’s counsel).
“Yugraneft v. Rexx Management: Limitation periods under the New York Convention”, Canadian Bar Association National Section on International Law's 2010 International Law Conference entitled The Future of Canada-U.S. Cross-Border Relations, Vancouver, May 6-7, 2010; "Does UPS Have a Claim? Some Initial Thoughts on the Latest NAFTA Chapter 11 Claim Against Canada", Tradeweek, August 9, 2000, Vol. 110, No.6.
Several publications in other areas of the law. For full list, see: