Horst Becker

ARIATHES Rechtsanwälte
Prinzregentenplatz 14
81675 Munich
ARIATHES Rechtsanwälte
Emporium am Gendarmenmarkt
Mohrenstr. 34
10117 Berlin
ARIATHES Rechtsanwälte
22, Rue Lao
F-751116 Paris
Internship at the International Court of Arbitration of the Federal Chamber of Commerce in Vienna; profound experience as trial lawyer in commercial and IP-matters, experience as arbitrator and as party counsel; adjunct professor at the University of Strasbourg, France.
DIS (German Institution of Arbitration); GRUR (Association on Law of industrial property and copyright); ICC Germany; ICC Task Force Franchising; ICC Task Force Agency and Distribution; ICC Commission on Commercial Law an Practice; IBA (International Bar Association); UIA (International Association of Lawyers); DAV (German Lawyers’ Association); DFJ (German-French Lawyers’ Association), DFV (German Franchising Association).
DIS (German Institution of Arbitration) including Munich Court of Arbitration, Chambre Arbitrale de Paris, WIPO, AFA (Association Française d’Arbitrage/ French Assocation of Arbitration).
As Party Counsel: arbitration according to the rules of the Association Française d’Arbitrage.
As Sole Arbitrator and party appointed arbitrator: arbitrations according to the DIS-rules or the rules of the Munich Court of Arbitration.
Topics of arbitration proceedings: Mergers and Acquisitions, Distribution and Franchising (national and international).
Books: Co-author: Praxishandbuch Franchising, Verlag C.H. Beck, München 2003 – manual of Franchise Law; Traités: Traités des dessins & des modèles, Pierre Greffe, François Greffe, Pierre-Baptiste Greffe, LexisNexis SA; Traités – la publicité et la loi, Pierre Greffe, François Greffe, Pierre-Baptiste Greffe, LexisNexis SA – publicity and law; La protection du franchisé au début du XXIe siècle, L’Harmattan 2009 – the protection of franchisees at the beginning of the 21th century; Contribution in ICC Model International Franchising Contract, International Chamber of Commerce, ICC Publication No. 712E, Paris, 2011; Contribution in Using Franchising to Take Your Business International, chapter on area development, International Chamber of Commerce, ICC Publication No. 754E, Paris, 2014; Contribution in ICC Model Contract Commercial Agency, International Chamber of Commerce, ICC Publication No. 766E, Paris, 2015.
Legal Journals: Articles in: Gazette du Palais( May 2005), La Publicité, La nouvelle loi allemande du 7 juillet 2004 contre la concurrence déloyale – new German law against unfair competition; Gazette du Palais (November 2006), Droit de la Publicité, Le placement de produits en Allemagne – product placement in Germany; Gazette du Palais (December 2007), Droit de la Publicité, Le droit à l’image dans la publicité; As well as further articles in French legal journals.