Yves Derains

Derains & Gharavi
25 rue Balzac
75008 Paris
Practicing Lawyer as Partner at Derains & Associés (2008–1995) ; Partner at Derains-Gelinas & Associés (1985–1994); Practicing Lawyer as Partner at Philips & Vineberg, a Canadian Law firm (1982–1984)
Secretary General of the Arbitration Court of the ICC and Director of the Legal Department of the ICC (1977–1981)
Author of many publications on International Commercial Arbitration and International Business Law such as: “Arbitrator’s Contract and Competence-Competence”, note sous CA Paris, 6 January 2011, n°10/20243, Mr. M. c./ Neftegaz, in “Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration” 2011-2, 2011; “Les techniques anti-abus”, in “CIRDI, 45 ans après, Bilan d’un système”, Editions A. Pedone, 2011; “The basis for applying EU competition law from a continental perspective” in EU and US Antitrust Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, 2011; “Is there a group of companies doctrine?” in Multiparty Arbitration, Dossiers Institute of World Business Law, 2010; “El concepto de inversión según la jurisprudencia arbitral” in “Arbitraje internacional y medios alternativos de solución de litigios: retos y realidades”, published by the Association Andrés Bello des Juristes Franco-Latino-Américains and the Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba, 2010; “Aplicación de la ley más favorable en la ejecución de laudos”, in Revista del Club Español del Arbitraje, 5-2009, Spain Arbitration Review, 2009; “El Arbitraje internacional: costo y duración” in El Arbitraje en el Perú y el Mundo, Director, Carlos Soto, Lima, 2008; “La aplicación de la Convención a laudes a-nacionales” in El Arbitraje Commercial Internacional, Guido Tawil, Eduardo Zuleta, co-directors, Buenos-Aires, 2008; “Langue et langages de l’arbitrage”, in Mélanges en mémoire de l’honneur de Pierre Tercier, Bâle, 2008; “How to improve the presentation of evidence in international arbitration” in Liber Amicorum, D. Mitrovic, Belgrade, 2007; “How proceedings are managed up to the hearing” in Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation, A. Rovine, Editor, The Fordham Papers 2007; “Améliorer l’efficacité de la production de documents devant les tribunaux arbitraux - un point de vue continental”, ICC Bulletin, Special Supplement, 2006; “La durée et le coût des procédures d’arbitrage international” Le Magazine des Affaires, Novembre 2005, no. 9; “Conflits d’intêrets et impartialité de l’arbitre,” Le Magazine des Affaires, Juin 2005, no. 6; “Amendments to the claims and new claims: where to draw the line” in “Arbitral procedure at the dawn of the new millenium” in Actes du Colloque International du CEPANI, 15 Octobre 2004, Bruylant, Bruxelles 2005; “Le témoin en matière d’arbitrage international” in Mélanges en l’honneur de François Knoepfler” Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 2005; “La pratique du délibéré arbitral” in “Global Reflections on International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolution,” in Liber Amicorum in honour of Robert Briner, (ICC Publishing,2005); co-author with Eric Schwartz of A Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration (Kluwer Law International, 2005); Report on the Law of Arbitration in France,Vol. VI 1981, VII 1982 of Yearbook Commercial Arbitration; “France as a Place for International Arbitration” in Liber Amicorum, ed. Pieter Sanders (Denveter, 1982); “Normes d’Application Immédiate et Arbitrage” in Études Offertes à Berthold Goldman (Paris, 1983); “Possible Conflict of Law Rules and the Rules Applicable to the Substance of the Dispute” ICCA Congress Series (Denveter, 1984).