Paolo Michele Patocchi

Lenz & Staehelin
Route de Chêne 30
P.O. Box 615
CH-1211 Geneva 17
First Chairman of the National Arbitration Committee and of the Special Committee of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce (2004–2006); Member of the Arbitration Committee (Appointing Authority) of the Chamber of Commerce of Lugano (1997–2007); Lecture in Law, Faculty of Law, Univ. of Geneva (1989–2006); Associate, Lenz & Staehelin, Geneva (1994–1996); Associate, Pestalozzi Lachenal Patry, Zurich (1992–1994); Foreign Attorney, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, London (1989–1992); Associate, Lalive & Partners, Geneva (1983–1986)
Swiss Arbitration Association (Committee Member); Swiss Association of International Law; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London (Associate); British Institute of International and Comparative Law; Member of the European Advisory Committee (EAC) of CPR (New York); Institute for Transnational Arbitration; IBA
ICC; LCIA; Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtswesen (DIS)
Counsel, party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator and chairman in some 175 international arbitration proceedings, ad hoc (including UNCITRAL) and under the aegis of the ICC, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of National and International Arbitration of Milan, the Zurich Chamber of Commerce (ZHK), the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG) and under the New Swiss Rules of International Arbitration, mainly in Switzerland, Italy, Paris, Amsterdam and London; Expert witness on Swiss arbitration law before foreign courts
(co-editor: M. Scherer), The Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports, Juris Publishing, New York 2008–2009 (published biannually); (coauthor: T. Niedermaier), UNCITRAL—Schiedsgerichtsordnung, in:
Institutionelle Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit—Kommentar, R.A. Schütze (Ed.), 2nd ed., Berlin 2010, 713–867; (co-author: C. Piscioneri Di Meglio), La deroga convenzionale della giurisdizione in favore dell’arbitrato, in:
Benedettelli/Consolo/Radicati Di Brozolo (Eds.), Commentario breve al diritto dell’arbitrato nazionale ed internazionale, Milan 2010, 619–681; Deciding on the Costs of the Arbitration—Selected Topics, in: ASA Conference, The Resolution of the Dispute—from the Hearing to the Award, 26 January 2007, Basel 2007; Switzerland, in: The Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration and Mediation, Rhoades/Kolkey/Chernick (Eds.), 2nd ed, Juris Publishing, New York 2007, 861–974; (co-author: C. Jermini), Art 192 of the Swiss Federal Private International Law Act, 1987, in: Basler Kommentar—Internationales Pivatrecht (IPRG), Honsell/Vogt/ Schnyder/Berti (Eds.), 2nd ed., Basel 2007, 1782–1802; (co-author H. Frey-Brentano), The Provisional Timetable in International Arbitration, in: Aksen/Böckstiegel/Mustill/Patocchi/Whitesell (Eds.), Global Reflections on International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolution—Liber Amicorum Robert Briner, Paris 2005; (co-author G. Schiavello), Arbitrato irrituale: How Should It Be Handled in a Non-Italian Jurisdiction? A Discussion from a Swiss Perspective, Arb. Disp. Res. L.J. 1998(2).