Noah D. Rubins KC

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
2 rue Paul Cézanne
75008 Paris
Associate and Counsel, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Paris, France (2004-2010); Associate, Jones Day, Washington DC (2001–2003); Associate, Mayer Brown, Houston TX (2000–2001); Associate, Skadden, New York NY (1999–2000); Legal Clerk, White & Case, Paris, New York and Istanbul (1997–1998); Research Associate, Open Society Institute, New York NY (1996); Political Attaché, US Embassy, Moscow, Russia (1994–1995); Founder & Director, Kyrgyz Foreign Policy Forum, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (1993–1994).
Kuala Lumpur International Arbitration Centre; Stockholm Chamber of Commerce; Russian Arbitration Association; Kazakhstan International Arbitrage; International Arbitration Court of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry; International Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Belarus; International Arbitration Institute (; International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR/AAA); Vilnius International Arbitration Court.
Party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator, or chairman in 40 cases (ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, ICSID, SCC, VIAC and ICAC); Secretary of the Tribunal in four cases (two ICC, two UNCITRAL); Counsel in over 100 cases, including 35 ICC, 15 LCIA, 10 SCC, 15 ICSID, 15 UNCITRAL and other ad hoc.
Monographs: ICSID DECISIONS 1974-2002, Oxford U. Press, 2012 (with Richard Happ); ICSID DECISIONS 2003-2007, Oxford U. Press, 2009 (with Richard Happ); INVESTMENT TREATY ARBITRATION, Oxford U. Press, 2008 (with Chris Dugan and Don Wallace, 2d edition forthcoming 2019); INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT, POLITICAL RISK AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION, Dobbs Ferry: Oceana Publications, Inc., 2005 (with Stephan Kinsella, 2d edition forthcoming 2019); Over 40 articles in legal journals and book chapters, including: Particularities When Dealing with State Entities, in GUERRILLA TACTICS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION (G. Horvath, ed., Kluwer 2013); The Preparation of Expert Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration, INT’L BUS. L. J. 2009 (with M. Feutrill); Article V of the New York Convention: A Central Asian Perspective, 2008 (with G. Sur); Group of Companies Doctrine and the New York Convention, ENFORCEMENT OF ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION AWARDS, 2008; Russia’s Investment Treaty Program: Baiting the Bear?, BUSINESS L. INT’L, 2008 (with A. Nazarov); Mezhdunarodnyj arbitrazh i soglasheniia o zaschite investitsij [International Arbitration and Investment Protection Treaties], SCC NEWSLETTER, 2007; Awards and Decisions of ICSID Tribunals in 2007, GERMAN YBK. INT’L L., 2008 (with Richard Happ); Awards and Decisions of ICSID Tribunals in 2006, GERMAN YBK. INT’L L., 2007 (with Richard Happ); Transparency in Investment Arbitration: For Whose Benefit, At What Cost?, TRANSNATIONAL DISPUTE MANAGEMENT, 2006; Awards and Decisions of ICSID Tribunals in 2005, GERMAN YBK. INT’L L., 2006 (with Richard Happ); Judicial Review of Investment Arbitration Awards, 1 Inv. Treaty Law: Current Issues, 2006; Les Pays Exportateurs de Capitaux comme Défendeurs dans L’Arbitrage Relatif à l’Investissement, LE CONTENTIEUX ARBITRAL TRANSNATIONAL RELATIF À L’INVESTISSEMENT, Paris: Anthemis ed, 2006, pp 237-280; The Right of Shareholders, Subsidiaries and Parent Corporations to Initiate Arbitration under Investment Treaties, Arbitration Under Investment Treaties, 2005; Comments on Petrobart v. Kyrgyzstan, Stockholm Arb. Rep., 2005 (with G Petrochilos); Loewen v. United States: The Burial of an Investor-State Claim, ARB. INT’L, Vol 21, No 1, 2005, pp 1–36; Awards and Decisions of ICSID Tribunals in 2004, GERMAN YBK. INT’L L., 2005 (with Richard Happ); Enforcement and Annulment of International Arbitral Awards in Indonesia, AM. U. INT’L L. REV., Vol 20, No 2, 2005, pp 359–401; Regulatory Expropriation and the Tecmed Case, INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW AND ARBITRATION, Todd Weiler ed, London: Cameron May, 2005, pp. 597–667. (with Jack Coe, Jr.); The Notion of “Investment” in International Investment Arbitration, ARBITRATING FOREIGN INVESTMENT DISPUTES, The Hague: Kluwer Law Int., 2004, pp 283-324; Must the Victorious Investor–Claimant Relinquish Title to Expropriated Property?, J. OF WORLD. INV., Vol 4, No 3, June 2003, pp 481–491; The Allocation of Costs and Attorney’s Fees in Investor-State Arbitration, ICSID REVIEW, Vol 18, No 1, Spring 2003, pp 109–129; Betting the Farm on International Arbitration: Time to Offer an Appeals Option? AM. R. INT’L ARB., Vol 11, No 4, 2000, pp 531–565 (with William Knull, III); In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash: Security for Costs in International Commercial Arbitration, 11 AM. R. INT’L ARB, 2000, pp 307-378; Прописка и свобода передвижения в современной России, KONTINENT–PRILOZHENIYA, 1999.