Marcel Barth

MBN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Fuhrberger Str. 5
30625 Hannover
Gleiss Lutz, Germany (2003 – 2006); Davis, Polk & Wardwell, New York/USA (2007); Herbert Smith, Shanghai/China (2007); Gleiss Lutz, Associated Partner, Germany (2008 – 2011); PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal AG, Partner, Germany (2011 – 2015); MBN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Partner, Germany (2015 – today).
Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, American Bar Association, German-American Lawyers’ Association, German-Russian Forum, German-Singapore Lawyers’ Association, Toenisteiner Kreis.
Arbitrations as counsel, party-appointed arbitrator and chairman in proceedings under the ICC, DIS, CIETAC and Swiss Rules as well as in ad hoc proceedings.
Commentary on the ICC and DIS Rules (commentator, Dr. Otto Schmidt, 2013); Corporate Laws of the World (co-editor / co-author of the country reports Russia, China and Singapore, C.H. Beck, 2013); Commentary on the German Code of Civil Procedure (commentator, Luchterhand, 6th ed., 2013); The New Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, SchiedsVZ 2008, 86-90 (co-author); Arbitration Handbook, 2007, 59-87 (co-author, Nomos, 2007); The New Rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation, SchiedsVZ 2007, 88-94 (co-author); 75th Year Anniversary of the International Commercial Arbitration Court in Moscow, SchiedsVZ 2007, 259-261 (co-author); Designation of an Arbitration Commission as a Requirement for the Validity of an Arbitration Agreement, SchiedsVZ 2007, 300-303 (co-author).