Simon Greenberg

Clifford Chance Europe LLP
1 rue d'Astorg
CS 60058, 75377 Paris Cedex 08
Deputy Secretary General of the ICC Court International of Arbitration (Paris), 2008 – 2012; associate then Senior Associate, Dechert LLP, Paris; associate Coudert Frères, Paris; associate Clayton Utz, Melbourne Australia.
Court Member of the Jerusalem Arbitration Center ("JAC"); Member (Australia) of the ICC International Court of Arbitration; Visiting Professor of international commercial arbitration, University of Hong Kong; Lecturer of international commercial arbitration, Institute of Political Science of Paris (Sciences Po); Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration; Australian Government Delegate to UNCITRAL.
Over 25 arbitrations as counsel, and over 5 as party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman.
Representative ICC Arbitration experience:
• Hong Kong company against a Swedish company concerning a mobile phone patent license agreement. Domestic court patent infringement or revocation proceedings four jurisdictions as well as ICC arbitration proceedings in Stockholm with Swedish law, $ 90 million (for arbitration).
• French company against an Egyptian company concerning mobile phone network investment. ICC, Egyptian law, Brussels, US$ 1.2 billion.
• South Korean electronics company against a French chemicals company concerning the sale of a resin used in electronic products. ICC, Brussels, Belgian law plus CISG, $210 million.
• French subsidiary of an Asian mobile telephone maker against a northern European contract manufacturer and European mobile telephone provider. ICC Rules, Swiss law, Zurich seat. Total claims of € 24 million.
• Northern European construction contractors against a Portuguese state owned energy utility in an arbitration arising from the construction of an off-shore gas pipeline in Portugal. ICC, Portuguese law, Lisbon seat, US$ 34 million.
• International organisation against US construction company re. construction of a steel mill. ICC, Vienna seat, Austrian law, US$ 55 million.
• French company against a French/UK JV concerning the supply of engines for military helicopters. UNCITRAL, Paris seat, French law, €240 million.
• Chinese company against Canadian company in relation to an iron ore supply partnership. ICC, New York, New York law plus CISG, US$210 million.
• Asian state against a Western European public company seeking recovery of illicit commissions paid in connection with the sale of weapons. ICC Rules, French law, Paris seat. Total claims of US$ 1.4 billion.
• Listed English private equity company against Finnish and French companies concerning an acquisition with allegations of fraud, culpa culpa in contrahendo, pre-contractual misrepresentation, breaches of representations and warranties. ICC, German law, Frankfurt, € 18 million.
• Brazilian subsidiary of a European cement company against Luxembourg and Brazilian companies. Dispute arose from a shareholders agreement. ICC, Brazilian law, Zurich seat. Total claims of US$ 90 million.
• French mobile phone designer against a Scandinavian manufacturer and Chinese company in relation to a mobile phone design contract. Finnish Chamber of Commerce Rules, Helsinki, Finnish law, € 12 million.
• US mining company against an international construction company in relation to the construction of a Nickel mine. Ad hoc arbitration, Western Australian law. Total claims of AU$ 1.5 billion.
Books: The Secretariat’s Guide to ICC Arbitration: A Practical Commentary on the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration from the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, ICC Publishing 2012 (co-authors J Fry & F Mazza); International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia Pacific Perspective, 2010, Cambridge University Press (co-authors C Kee & R Weeramantry.
Articles: more than 25 relating to international arbitration. See full list at