Royston "Roy" M. Goode

St John’s College
Oxford OX1 3JP
Norton Rose Professor of English Law in the University of
Oxford, Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford.
Professor of Law (1971-1973); Head of Dept. and Dean of Faculty of Law (1976-1980); Crowther Professor of Credit and Commercial Law
(1973-1989); Founder and Director, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Univ. of London (1979-1989); Partner, Victor Mishcon & Co., Solicitors (1966-1971); barrister (Inner Temple) (1988- ); QC (1990); Member, Department of Trade and Industry Advisory Committee on Arbitration; Chairman, Pension Law Review Committee (1992- ).
British Board, Euro-Arab Arbitration System; LCIA
Chairman of tribunal, re: international commercial transaction dispute (1988-1989); ICC Arbitration, involved in numerous cases as solicitor; Opinions on English Law in international arbitration
Hire-Purchase Law and Practice (London 1962, 1972, supplement 1975); Commercial Law (London 1982); Payment Obligations in Commercial and Financial Transactions (London 1983); Legal Problems of Credit and Security (1982, 1988); Proprietary Rights and Insolvency in Sales Transactions (1985 and1989); Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law (1990); Halsbury’s Laws of England, contributor to 4th ed.