John Gotanda

Villanova University School of Law
299 N. Spring Mill Road
Villanova, Pennsylvania 19010
Villanova University School of Law, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (2009-2010), Associate Dean for Research (2003-2010), Director, J.D./M.B.A. Program (1999-2010), Professor of Law (1998-Present), Associate Professor (1996-98), Assistant Professor (1994-96); University of Mainz, Invited Lecturer, Mini Course, “Damages: A Comparative and International Perspective” (2009); University of Geneva and Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva Master in International Dispute Settlement, Invited Lecturer, Seminar, “Damages and Interest in International Arbitration” (2008); Hague Academy of International Law, Invited Lecturer, “Damages in Private International Law” (2007); Goodwin, Procter & Hoar, Associate Attorney (1993-1994); Covington & Burling, Associate Attorney (1989-1993); United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Staff Attorney (1987-1989).
Member, Advisory Council of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) (2005-Present); Associate Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law, Paris, France (2008-2013); Institute Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law, Paris, France (2013-Present); Co-Editor, Journal of Damages in International Arbitration (Juris Publishing, Inc.); Associate Editor, Transnational Dispute Management (2004-Present).
Arbitrator in international arbitrations (including cases administered under the auspices of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the Permanent Court of Arbitration); Legal expert to the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. State Department and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative in NAFTA arbitration; Legal expert to private parties involved in international disputes, including investment treaty arbitrations between multinational companies and governments, as well as disputes involving the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; member of law firm team representing private parties in arbitrations before the ICC and the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal.
- Supplemental Damages in Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 1998).
- Damages in Private International Law, 326 Recueil des Cours 73-407 (Hague Academy of International Law, Martinus Njhoff Publishers, 2007).
Articles and Book Chapters:
- Consistently Inconsistent: The Need for Predictability in Awarding Costs and Fees in Investment Treaty Arbitrations, ICSID Review (Oxford University Press, forthcoming, 2013) (refereed journal).
- Conflict of Interest: CISG Article 78 and Post Judgment Interest Statutes, in Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer zum 60. Geburtstag 597 (A. Büchler & Müller-Chen, eds., Stämpfli Verlag AG Bern, 2011).
- Yin and Yang: A Comparison of Monetary Remedies in International Investment and Transnational Commercial Disputes, in Papers from the Annual MAA Peter Schlechtriem CISG Conference: Towards Uniformity 49 (I. Schwenzer & L. Spagnolo, eds., Eleven International Publishing, 2011).
- Bringing Efficiency to the Awarding of Fees and Costs in International Arbitrations in Liber Amicorum Eric Bergsten -- International Arbitration and International Commercial Law: Synergy, Convergence and Evolution 141 (S. Kroll, L. Mistelis, P. Perales Viscasillas & V. Rogers, eds., Kluwer Law International, 2011).
- Articles 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 in UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Good (CISG) Commentary 990-1053 (L. Mistelis, S. Kroll & P. Perales eds., Beck & Hart Publishing, 2011).
- Compounding Interest in Interest: The Global Economy, Deflation and Interest in 2009 Fordham Conference Papers on International Arbitration and Mediation 261 (A. Rovine, ed., Martinus Njhoff Publishers, 2010).
- Attorneys' Fees Agonistes: The Implications of Inconsistency in the Awarding of Fees and Costs in International Arbitrations, in Liber Amicorum for Bernardo Cremades 539 (La Ley and Wolters Kluwer, 2010).
- Assessing Damages in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparison with Investment Treaty Disputes, in Investment Treaty Law: Current Issues III 75 (A. Bjorkland, I. Laird, and S. Ripinsky, eds., British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2009).
- Interest as Damages, 47 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 491 (2009) (with T. Sénéchal).
- When Recessions Create Windfalls: The Problems of Using Domestic Law to Fix Interest Rates under Article 78 CISG, 13(1) Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 229 (2009) (invited article to be included in Gedenschrift for Peter Schlechtriem).
- The Unpredictability Paradox: Punitive Damages and Interest in International Arbitration, 10(4) Journal of World Investment & Trade 553 (2009) (invited article presented at the Geneva Global Arbitration Forum).
- A Study of Interest, V Dossiers of the ICC Institute of World Business Law 169 (ICC Publications, 2008).
- Using the UNIDROIT Principles to Fill Gaps in the CISG, in Contract Damages: Domestic and International Perspectives 107 (D. Saidov & R. Cunnington, eds., Hart Publishing, 2008).
- Charting Developments Concerning Punitive Damages: Is the Tide Changing?, 45 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 507 (2007) (cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker, 554 U.S. 471 (2008)).
- Awarding Damages under the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods: A Matter of Interpretation, 37 Georgetown Journal of International Law 95 (2005).
- Recovering Lost Profits in International Contract Disputes, 36 Georgetown Journal of International Law 61 (2004).
- Punitive Damages: A Comparative Analysis, 42 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 391 (2004) (cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker, 554 U.S. 471 (2008)).
- The Foggy Road for Evaluating Punitive Damages: Lifting the Haze from the BMW/State Farm Guideposts, 37 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 441 (2004) (with S. Chanenson).
- Compound Interest in International Disputes, 34 Law and Policy in International Business 393 (2003) (substantially revised and published in 2004 Oxford University Comparative Law Forum 2 (refereed journal) and reviewed in Double Your Money, Foreign Policy 88 (Nov./Dec. 2004)).
- Renegotiation and Adaptation Clauses in International Investment Contracts, Revisited, 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1461 (2003).
- An Efficient Method for Determining Jurisdiction in International Arbitrations, 40 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 11 (2001).
- Setting Arbitrators’ Fees: An International Survey, 33 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 779 (2000).
- Awarding Costs and Attorneys’ Fees in International Commercial Arbitrations, 21 Michigan Journal of International Law 1 (1999).
- Awarding Punitive Damages in International Commercial Arbitrations in the Wake of Mastrobuono v. Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc., 38 Harvard International Law Journal 59 (1997).
- Awarding Interest in International Arbitration, 90 American Journal of International Law 40 (1996) (refereed journal).
- Glomar Denials Under FOIA: A Problematic Privilege and a Proposal for Alternative Procedures of Review, 56 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 165 (1994).
- Co-Author, The Responsible Corporate Officer: Designated Felon or Legal Fiction?, 25 Loyola University of Chicago Law Journal 169 (1994).
- The Emerging Standards for Issuing Appellate Stays, 45 Baylor Law Review 810 (1993).
- Joint & Several Liability in Hawaii: An Analysis of Proposed Changes, 21 Hawaii Bar Journal 175 (1988).
- Recent Developments, Development of Occupational Hazard in Hawaii, 8 University of Hawaii Law Review 245 (1986).