Rosabel E. Goodman-Everard

2850 Davenport St NW
Washington, DC 20008-1013
Special Conference Advisor, Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa), Johannesburg (SA) (1995-1997); Associate/Partner (1993), Derains & Associés, Paris (F) (1988-1995); Deputy Secretary-General, Netherlands Arbitration Institute, Rotterdam (NL) (1986- 1987); Counsel, Legal Department AAA, New York (1984-1986); Member Legal Staff, Iran-US Claims Tribunal, The Hague (NL) (1983-1984); Director, Int’l Arbitration Dept., TMC Asser Inst. for Int’l Law, The Hague (NL) (9179- 1983); Intern, General Secretariat EEC, Brussels (B) (1979)
ICC (Netherlands National Committee); Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa), Johannesburg (SA); Cairo Regional Centre AALCC
Sole arbitrator (1993) contract dispute between Maltese and French companies; party-appointed arbitrator (1994) contract dispute US and French companies; party-appointed arbitrator (2005) contract dispute Canadian and Dutch companies. As counsel: numerous cases, mostly
ICC, mostly large international construction cases (involving a.o. Brazil, Philippines, Iraq, Italy, Hong Kong, Indonesia, France, the UK, Belgium)
between 1988 and 1995
Books/Articles (selection):International Commercial Arbitration in New York (Ed., with J.S. McClendon), Transnational Publishers, 1986 “Profile/Profil – Arthur Rovine,” 4 Int’l Law FORUM du dr. int’l No. 3 (2002),pp. 170-175 “Directory of Arbitration Websites and Information Available Online,” XXV ICCA Yearbook Comm. Arb. (2000), pp. 1203-1256 “France,” in ICCA Int’l Handbook on Comm. Arb. (with Y. Derains), Kluwer,1998, 70 pp. + 13 pp. annex “Arbitration in Cyberspace – An Off-line, Low-tech Guide for Compucowards,”14 Arb. Int’l No. 3, pp. 345-358 (1998)“Compte Rendu du Congrès de Johannesbourg, Afrique du Sud, 1997” (with Dr. Roland Amoussou-Guénou), Rev. Arb. 1998“Cultural Diversity in International Arbitration – A Challenge for Decision Makers and Decision Making,” 7 Arb. Int’l 155 (1991)"”Choosing a Place for International Arbitration: the New York Option,” 2 J. Int’l Arb. (June 1985), pp. 39-52“ Herziening Nederlands Arbitragerecht”, Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage (Netherlands Arbitration Journal), 1983 No. 1, pp. 1- 9. Websites “Directory of Arbitration Websites and Information Available Online” on the sites of the ICCA and of the PCA: and"Arbitration in Cyberspace – An Off-line, Low-tech Guide for Compucowards" on the site of the LCIA: