J. Martin Hunter

Essex Court Chambers
24 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London, WC2A 3EG, UK
Partner, Freshfields, 1967–1994; Chairman, Dubai International Arbitration Centre, 2004–; Member, ICC’s International Arbitration Court, 1988–1990; Member. LCIA’s Arbitration Court, 1985–1995; Deputy-Chairman, UK governmental committee on arbitration law, 1990–1997;
Chairman, ICC Commission’s Working Group on Dissenting Opinions and Partial Awards, 1985–1989; NGO Observer, UNCITRAL’s Working Group II on international commercial arbitration, 1984–
CAS, CIArb, CIETAC, Czech Chamber, HKIAC, Hungarian Chamber, KLRCA, ICDR, JCAA, NAI, Polish Chamber, SIAC, etc.
Mexico v. USA, “cross-border trucking”, chairman, (NAFTA Chap. 20) (See http://registry.nafta-sec-alena.org/cmdocuments/ 8f70c18a- 7f02-4126-96f6-182a11c90517.pdf); S.D. Myers v. Canada, chairman, (NAFTA Chap. 11) (See http://www.international. gc.ca/trade-agreementsaccords- commerciaux/disp-diff/SDM_archives.aspx? lang=en); William Nagel v. Czech Republic, co-arbitrator, (BIT) (See SCC Case No. 40/2002, ICSIDReports, Vol 13., pp. 30 et seq.); Consortium of Investors v. India, co-arbitrator, (BIT); Oscar Pistorius, chairman, v. IAAF (CAS) (See CAS 2008/A/1480, http://jurisprudence.tascas.org/sites/CaseLaw/Shared%20 Documents/1480.pdf) Also, about 200 unpublished private international commercial arbitrations as adviser, counsel or arbitrator since the 1980s.
Redfern & Hunter on International Arbitration, (5th edn, 2009,OUP), with others; The English Arbitration Act 1996, (1999, Kluwer) with Toby Landau; Arbitration Title, Halsbury’s Laws of England, 4th edn reissue, (2003 Butterworth’s); Numerous articles in various international journals.