Alfredo De Jesús O.

Alfredo De Jesús O.
4, rue Quentin Bauchart
75008 Paris
Co-Director, Transnational Petroleum Law Institute; Member of the Steering Committee, Groupe de Beaune; Member, ICC Latin American Arbitration Group, ICC Institute of World Business Law, LCIA YIAG Representative for Latin America, ICSID Review, Member of the Peer Review Board; Director, French Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture
Over 30 transnational arbitration proceedings under the Rules of Arbitration of the ICC, ICSID, ICSID’s Additional Facility, LCIA and UNCITRAL. Recent engagements include: Of Counsel to the Office of the Attorney General of a Latin American State in several ad-hoc and institutional transnational commercial and Investor-State arbitration proceedings under the rules of arbitration of the ICC, ICSID, ICSID’s Additional Facility and UNCITRAL and involving several billion US dollars, Co-Counsel to a Latin American State in an ICSID BIT arbitration brought by an investor over the alleged expropriation of its investments in the manufacturing sector (amount in dispute exceeds US$ 1.2 billion), Co-Counsel to a Latin American State in an ad-hoc arbitration with a military contractor over a contract to refurbish two warships (amount in dispute exceeds US$ 450 million), Co-Counsel to a Latin American State in an ICSID BIT arbitration brought by an investor over the alleged expropriation of its investments in the agro-industrial sector (amount in dispute exceeds US$ 230 million).
- The Prodigious Story of the Lex Petrolea and the Rhinoceros. Philosophical Aspects of the Transnational Legal Order of the Petroleum Society (Transnational Petroleum Law Institute, 2012)
- The New World Order of Economic Relations in the light of Arbitral Jurisprudence (Co-author, ICC, 2014)
- La cession du contrat international. Contribution à l’étude du droit transnational des contrats (University of Paris II, 2010)