David R. Parratt

1 Cumin Place,
Solicitor; Advocate; Q.C., Barrister; Director of Training and Education in the Faculty of Advocates (2012-17); Hon Professor of International Arbitration in the University of Aberdeen.
Fellow of the Society of Advanced Legal Studies; Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Fellow of the Royal Historical Society; Member of Society of Legal Scholars; Member of The British Institute of International and Comparative Law; Supporting Member of the London Maritime Arbitration Association; Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators.
ICC membership; LCIA membership; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Scottish Branch); Hong Kong (HKIAC); Kuala Lumpur (AIAC); Cairo (CRCICA); WIPO (Geneva); Dubai (DIAC); Qatar (QICCA); CIArb London (President’s Panel) & Scotland (CIArb Panel).
As Counsel:
LCIA arbitration in respect of telecommunications works (seat: Sweden)
DIFC Arbitration in connection with the supply of oil and gas parts between Iran and the Emirates . $14m. (Seat, Dubai)
DIFC Arbitration - in respect of the kit out of all electrical works in a large building in Dubai. $1billion. (Seat, Dubai)
An ad hoc domestic arbitration in respect of maintenance obligations of roads in a lease. (Seat, London)
ICC Arbitration - large Turkish Infrastructure project (Railway system and Tunnel). $10m. (Seat, Geneva)
An ad hoc Arbitration under the Arbitration Act 1996 in respect of failure of design of coastal defences. (£1m) (Seat, Edinburgh)
An Application to the Arbitration Judge under the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010 (legal error appeal; rule 69) under the 2010 Act.)
Arbitration Application No. 2 of 2013 – Challenge to Decision of an Arbitrator under rules 68 (serious irregularity) and 69 (legal error appeal).
Challenge to a Decision on Jurisdiction on a point of law on the effect of section 10 of the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010. (Scottish Courts)
LCIA Arbitration in connection with IPR and Hire Chares for Oil and Gas Equipment in Angola. £6m. (Seat, London.)
Ad Hoc Arbitration between two large Scottish institutions in respect of interest payments on outstanding claims. (£250k) (Seat: Edinburgh)
Party Appointed Arbitrator in Scottish Domestic Arbitration (2010 Act) in a dispute between landlord and tenant in respect of rent review in implement of commercial lease.
Party Appointed Arbitrator in Scottish Domestic Arbitration (2010 Act) in a dispute between two parties in respect of a supply agreement for valve components.
Counsel in DIAC Arbitration in respect of Saudi Arabian Petrochemical Plant dispute. $9m (Seat, Dubai)
Counsel in M73 Motorway Spur Construction Dispute Adjudication (2018)
Counsel in Queensferry Bridge Crossing Adjudication (2018)
The Development and Use of Written Pleadings in Scotland, Volume 28, Stair Society, (2006); The Scottish Arbitration Handbook, Avizandum Publishing, (2011); Chapter relating to Scotland (World Arbitration Reporter, 2018)