Christoph M. Pestalozzi

Mühlebachstrasse 54
CH-8032 Zurich
Partner, Pestalozzi Haegi & Wettenschwiler (1990); Sole Practitioner (1987-1990); Manager of Financial Planning and Engineering Department, Shell Switzerland, Zurich (1985-1987); Legal Department, Shell Switzerland, Zurich (1982-1985); Associate, Pestalozzi & Gmür (1978-1981); Clerk, District Court of Horgen (1977-1978)
Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats; IBA; Schweizerischer und Zürcher Juristenverein; ASA; SBA; Union Internationale des Avocats; Swiss and Zurich Bar Association
ICC, Swiss national committee; Swiss Arbitration Association; Zurich Chamber of Commerce
Sole Arbitrator, re: international construction business; Party-appointed arbitrator, ad hoc case, re: EEC competition law and Swiss Corporate Law; Co-arbitrator, Zurich Chamber of Commerce proceeding
Mehrstimmenrecht in Generalversammlung und Urabstimmung der Genossenschaft (Zurich 1977); The Validity of Arbitration Clauses Under N.Y. UCC 2-207 (The Battle of Forms) (New York/Seoul 1984); Co-author, Textbook on the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) (Basel 1992); Co-author, Art 39 of the Lugano Convention (Zurich 1992).