Steven C. Bennett

Park Jensen Bennett LLP
40 Wall Street, 41st Floor
New York, NY 10005 USA
Partner—Jones Day (1994-2014); Adjunct Professor—Hofstra Law School (2011-present); Adjunct Professor—Manhattan College (2016-present); Adjunct Professor—Rutgers Law School (2007–2011); Adjunct Professor—Brooklyn Law School (1998–2006); Assistant U.S. Attorney—Southern District of New York (1988–1994); Associate—Sullivan & Cromwell (1986–1988); Clerk—United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (1984–1986).
AAA; USDC—SDNY; Commercial Division—NYS Sup. Ct.
Hearing Officer, USA v. Local 14 (EDNY); Election Appeals Officer, USA v. District Council (SDNY); Arbitrator, Investors v. Production Company (AAA); Arbitrator, US Distributor v. Foreign Manufacturer (AAA); Arbitrator, Restaurant v. Service Supplier (AAA); Counsel to Litigant, Foreign Supplier v. Domestic Distributor (ICDR); Counsel to Litigant, Former Employee v. Company (AAA); Counsel to Litigant, Manufacturing Company v. Manufacturing Company (JAMS); Counsel to Litigant, Dealer v. Telecomm Company (AAA).
Bennett & Lopata, Commercial Settlement Agreements: Line By Line (Thomson 2012); Garrie & Griver (eds.), Dispute Resolution And E-Discovery (Thomson 2012) (chapter on AAA/JAMS e-discovery rules); Bond & Bachand (eds.), International Arbitration Court Decisions (Juris 2011) (chapter on U.S. developments); Slate (ed.), AAA Handbook On Commercial Arbitration (Juris 2010) (chapter on arbitrability); Carbonneau (ed.), AAA Handbook of Arbitration Practice (Juris 2010) (chapter on ethics in arbitration); Leading Lawyers Series, Best Practices for International ADR, Chapter 1,
A Wide Spectrum of Approaches and Techniques (Aspatore 2007); Bennett, Arbitration: Essential Concepts (Am. Law. Media Pubs. 2002); Estreicher & Bennett, Arbitration, N.Y.L.J., 2004–2012.