Markham Ball

International Law Institute
The Foundry Building
1055 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20007
Holland & Knight LLP (Wash, DC), partner, 1998- 2002, leader of int’l arb. Practice; U. of Va. Law School, lecturer in int’l commercial arbit, 1991-2001; Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP (Wash, DC), partner, 1985-98, leader of int’l arb. Practice; Wald, Harkrader & Ross (Wash, DC), partner, 1980-85, lead counsel in int’l arbs.; U.S.Agency for Int’l Development, General Counsel, 1977-79; Leva, Hawes, Symington (Wash, DC), assoc. and partner, 1967- 77. Gov’t contracts practice; Peace Corps, Staff Director, 1966-67; Office of Economic Opportunity, Ass’t Gen’l Counsel, 1964-66; Covington & Burling (Wash, DC), associate, int’l and litigation practice, 1961-64; U.S. Supreme Court, law clerk to Warren, C.J. and Reed and Burton, JJ., 1960-61
Amer. Arbit. Assoc. (international panel); CPR Insti. for Dispute Resolution; Cairo Regional Centre for Int’l Commercial Arb.; Center for Arb. and Dispute Resolution, Kampala, Uganda
Roughly 20 cases as arbitrator in int’l and domestic disputes under AAA commercial and int’l; rules (as sole arbitrator or tribunal member), under ICC rules (sole arbitrator or tribunal member), and under CPR rules (sole arbitrator); Roughly 40 cases as counsel in international and domesticarbitrations, including cases as counsel for claimant in int’l contract, investment and expropriation disputes. Cases in which awards were published (all in Iran- U.S.C.T.R. (UK)): Phillips Petroleum Co. Iran v. Iran (1989), FMC Corp v. Min. of Nat’l Defense (1987), Motorola, Inc. v. Iran Nat’l Airlines (1988), Schlegel Corp. v. Nat’l Iranian Copper Co. (1987)
The Essential Judge: The Role of the Courts in a System of National and International Arbitration, 22 Arb. Int’l 73 (UK), 2006; The College of Commercial Arbitrators Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration (USA), contributing author, 2006; Probity Deconstructed—How Helpful, Really, are the New International Bar Association Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest, 21 Arb.Int’l 323 (UK), 2004; The Revised Uniform Arbitration Act in the United States: State Law in a Complex Federal System, 5 Int’l Arb. L. Rev. no. 2 (USA), 2002; Consolidation of Arbitrations, AAA Punch List (USA), Feb. 2002; Damages in Claims by Investors Against States—Please! Don’t Split the Baby, 16 ICSID Rev.408 (USA), 2001; The Initiation of Arbitration Proceedings, 13 ICSID Rev. (USA),1998; Sovereign Immunity from Suit in the United States: When is a Government Subject to Suit Based on Its Commercial Activities, Int’l Q. (USA), July 1994; Just Do It—Drafting the Arbitration Clause in an International Agreement, J. Int’l Arb. (SWI), Dec. 1993.