Niuscha Bassiri

Hanotiau & van den Berg
480 Avenue Louise B.9
1050 Brussels
Associate, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr, 2002-2003; Arbitration Consultant to Robert Knutson, 2003-2006; Hanotiau & van den Berg, 2006- present; Lecturer in International Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution, ICHEC Master’s Degree Program, 2009- present.
Member of the International Board of the Finnish Arbitration Institution; Vice-President of the Belgian Chapter, Club Español de Arbitraje; Editorial Board, Journal of International Arbitration; IBA Investment Arbitration Sub-Committee; IBA Rules and Guidelines Sub-Committee; ICC Belgium Commission on Arbitration; ICC Task Force on Emergency Arbitrator Proceedings; ICC Institute of World Business Law; SIAC Users Council; Inaugural Panel of Arbitrators of the BVI IAC; Austrian Arbitration Association; CEPANI; Cologne Bar Association; DIS; German Lawyers’ Association; TRAC.
Counsel, arbitrator (chair, sole and co-arbitrator) and formerly arbitral secretary in numerous international arbitration matters under a variety of institutional rules (AAA, CEPANI, CIMAR, CRCICA, DIAC, DIS, ICC, ICSID, LCIA, NAF, NAI, UNCITRAL, SCC, SIAC, Vienna Arbitration Rules), governed by various procedural and substantive laws, relating to diverse legal issues. Frequent speaker at international arbitration conferences.
Frequent publisher, amongst others: “Arbitrators and their online identity”, Christian Aschauer and Maud Piers (eds.), The brave new world of arbitration – The role of technology and the internet in international arbitration” (forthcoming 2017); “Arbitration in Belgium”, Niuscha Bassiri and Maarten Draye (eds), Kluwer International Law (2016); “Young ICCA Guide on Arbitral Secretaries”, The ICCA Reports No. 1, April 2014; “Back to Basics – The First PCA Award of 14 October 1902”, ICCA Newsletter, p. 11, December 2013; “ICC-SchO, DIS-SchO, Praxiskommentar zu den Schiedsgerichtsordnungen”, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Köln 2013, Commentaries to Articles 6, 28 and 29 (Article 29 together with Heiko Haller) of the ICC Rules and Article 30 of the DIS Rules (second edition, forthcoming 2018); “Arbitral Secretaries”, International Arbitration – The Coming of a New Age? ICCA Congress Series No. 17, p. 327, Kluwer Law International 2013 (with C. Partasides, U. Gantenberg, L. Bruton and A. Riccio); “Armand de Mestral & Céline Lévesque (eds), Improving International Investment Agreements”, Book Review, Global Trade and Customs Journal, Volume 8 (2013), Issue 9, pp. 306-310; “The Practice of Arbitration, Essays in Honour of Hans van Houtte”, Book Review, Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, Vol. 2, 2013, p. 541; ICCA Guide on the New York Convention (Official German Translation) (forthcoming 2017); IBA Guidelines on Conflict of Interest 2014 (Official Farsi Translation) (forthcoming 2017); IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration 2013 (Official Farsi Translation) (forthcoming 2017).