Michael E. Schneider

35, rue de la Mairie
CH-1207 Geneva 12
1994- Founding Partner, LALIVE; 1970-1994 Associate and Counsel with Lalive, Budin and Partners; 1978-1987 in-house Counsel, UNEFICO, Swiss Bank Corporation Consultants Group, specific emphasis on engineering and other projects in developing countries. Various academic assignments at Geneva Law School, the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Director of Studies at the Center for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations at the Hague Academy of International Law (1987 Transnational Arbitration and State Contracts) and the University of Fribourg (lecturer on international contracts for the LLM Program).
Honorary President of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA); immediate Past President of the International Academy of Construction Lawyers (IACL); Vice-Chair of the ICC Commission on Arbitration until 2014 and a member of its Drafting Subcommittee on the revision of the ICC Arbitration Rules (2010), the ICC Working Parties on the revision of the ICC Arbitration Rules (1998), on Construction Arbitration and on the Pre-Arbitral Referee Procedure; member of the Board of Trustees and of the Executive Committee of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) 2004-2012, member of the Board of Trustees of the Cairo Regional Centre of International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA). Past chairman of the UNCITRAL Working
Group II (Arbitration) at its Sessions in New York and Vienna (2006-2010) on the revision of the Arbitration Rules and on the revision of the Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings (2014-2015) and Vice-chair of the Commission (2015-2017). ; member of the UNCITRAL Expert Groups on International Contracts of Industrial Works and on Arbitral Practice; Co-Chairman of the IBA/SBL Committee T (International Construction Projects 2001-2003) and chair of its Subcommittee on the Resolution of Construction Disputes (1996-2000). Member of the WIPO Arbitration and Consultative Commission (1994- ), the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Construction Law Review and of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Swiss and International Construction Law. As a member of the Executive Committee of the Section of Foreign Lawyers of the Geneva Bar (2005-2011), he dealt in particular with questions of professional ethics. Member of the American Bar Association (ABA) and of the Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS)
ICC, Swiss national committee, and other arbitral institutions.
Counsel (representing governments, corporations or private persons) and arbitrator in a great number of international proceedings under various rules, including ICC, UNCITRAL, ICSID, European Development Fund (EDF), LCIA, Geneva, Vienna, Stockholm Chambers of Commerce, Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), Cairo Regional Centre of International Commercial Arbitration, UNECE, in Switzerland and elsewhere as well as in other forms of international dispute resolution including WTO-DSU, UNCC and various ADR procedures. His cases relate to investments, concessions and State Contracts, including Oil and Gas; procurement, contracts for construction, supply of goods and services, including long term deliveries, joint ventures, consortia and concern various industries, in particular industrial and civil engineering, telecommunications, natural resources, commodities, finance and service industries. These cases were subject to various procedural and substantive laws, including international law, civil and various common law systems and the law of several Middle Eastern countries.
Numerous publications in the areas of arbitration and other forms of dispute settlement, international contracts (construction and other), public international law (international organizations, UNCC)