Homayoon Arfazadeh

Python & Peter
8 Av. Jules Crosnier
1206 Geneva
Lecturer in Geneva Institute of International and Development Studies, Counsel, Regional Centre for Arbitration, Kuala Lumpur 1991; Internship: ICC Court of International Arbitration (1991); Iran-US Claims Tribunal (1990); Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee, New Delhi, (1990).
Geneva and Swiss Bar Associations; List of Int’l Arbitrators of major arbitration institutions; Swiss Arbitration Association; N.Y. Bar Association; Am. Soc. Int’l L.
A Practitioner's Approach to Interest Claims under Sharia law in International Arbitration, in Interest, Auxiliary and Alternative Remedies in International Arbitration, Ed. Filip De Ly and Laurent Levy, Dossier of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, 2008, pp. 211 ff. Ordre Public et Arbitrage International à l’Epreuve de la Mondialisation. Une théorie critique des sources du droit des relations transnationales, Bruylant (Bruxelles), LGDG (Paris), Schulthess (Zurich), 2005, 352 pages. Second Edition appeared in December 2006. Iran: la Médiation Européenne ou le Dangereux Engrenage, Le Temps, 5 mai 2006, p. 1 et 17. In the shadow of the “unruly horse”: International Arbitration and the Public Policy Exception, in AMERICAN REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION, 2004 special edition, 50th anniversary of the Institute of Judicial Administration of New York University, pp. 43 ff. Draft Model Enactment (Model Law) on NATIONAL EXPORT COUNCIL, including article by article commentary and recommendations concerning by-laws, International Trade Centre, WTO/UNCTAD Executive Forum, Montreux, September 2004. Israel’s Best Bet: True Justice or International Law?, in SWISS REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN LAW (RSDIE), Fall 2002, no. 4, pp. 479 ff. Considérations pragmatiques sur la Compétence respective de l’Arbitre et du Juge en matière des contrats de corruption, in BULLETIN OF THE SWISS ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, 2001, no. 4, pp. 672 ff. Arbitrability under the 1958 New York Convention: the lex fori revisited, in ARBITRATION INTERNATIONAL (Journal of the London Court of International Arbitration) vol.17,no.1, 2001, pp. 73 ff. Actionnariat responsable et état de droit international, dans Ateliers pour la pratique du droit international public et du droit international humanitaire, Institut Henry Dunant, Genève, April 1998, AUDIO, ED. BIBLIOTHEQUE PUBLIQUE D'INFORMATION, CENTRE POMPIDOU, Paris. Costs under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and their Adaptation to an institutional Setting, in SWISS ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE PAPERS, Zurich, Jan.1997. Juge d'appui et for de nécessité, in BULLETIN OF THE SWISS ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, 1996, N° 2, pp. 325 ff (see commentary on this article by
Professor Pierre Lalive in BULLETIN OF THE SWISS ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, 2002, No. 3, pp. 555-556). L'ordre public du fond et l'annulation de sentences arbitrales internationales en Suisse, in REVUE SUISSE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL ET DE DROIT EUROPEEN, 1995, pp. 245 ff. Settlement of international trade disputes in South East Asia: The experience of the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration, in THE MALAYAN LAW JOURNAL, MLJ cxxii, Singapore, April 1992. New Perspectives in South East Asia and Delocalised Arbitration in Kuala Lumpur, in JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION, JIA, Vol. 8 N° 4, p. 104, December 1991. Law, Religion and Family in the Islamic Republic of Iran: An Introduction, in IRAN SEMINAR - DANISH AND NORDIC REFUGEE COUNCILS, IN COOPERATION WITH THE UNHCR REGIONAL OFFICE, Copenhagen, November 1991. Development Arrested by Law? Globalisation, Culture and Choice in a Legal Gridlock, work in progress; draft available on request.