Malcolm F. Holmes

Eleven Wentworth Chambers
11/180 Phillip Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
President of the Australian Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Visiting Professorial Fellow UNSW (2006-2010); Adjunct Professor Sydney University (2009-2013); and Adjunct Professor University of Queensland (2014-).
Fellow and member of Board of Trustees of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2009-2016), Director and Fellow of Australian Centre of International Commercial Arbitration, Arbitrator member of chambers at 20 Essex Street London and Maxwell Chambers, Singapore.
International Centre for Dispute Resolution, the international division of the American Arbitration Association (ICDR), Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA), Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC); China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC); Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC); Asian International Arbitration Centre in Kuala Lumpur (AIAC)); Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI); Japanese Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA); Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB); Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia (BANI); X’ian Arbitration Commission; Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators (MIArb); Australian Centre of International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA); Resolution Institute; Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).
Have acted as party appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator and chair of the panel in over 100 international arbitrations under ad hoc and institutional arbitration rules concerning maritime, construction, commercial contract, international transaction, joint venture and sports disputes.
“The Multi-Door Courthouse; an international perspective” (a chapter in The Future of Dispute Resolution, Ed. Michael Legg, LexisNexis,2013; “The International Arbitration Act: A Commentary” (text by Malcolm Holmes and Chester Brown, 3rd Edition, LexisNexis, 2018);“The Juridical Seat of an International Arbitration” ADR Reporter, (July 2011), at 41; “Recent developments in relation to the use of mediation during an arbitration to facilitate a resolution of the dispute”, The ACICA Review, June 2017, Vol 5, No 1, p. 24; “The 2016 Rules of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration: Towards Further Cultural Reform” by Malcolm Holmes, Luke Nottage and Robert Tang, [2016] 12 Asian International Arbitration Journal 211; “Taking an uncomfortable seat – International template unsuited to domestic arbitration law,” The Proctor, April 2013, published by the Queensland Law Society; “Litigate or arbitrate; what are the procedural differences?” (2012) IAMA Journal, November, at 43; “The Juridical Seat of an International Arbitration” The ADR Reporter, (July 2011), at 41; “Drafting an Effective International Arbitration Clause” (2009) 83 Australian Law Journal 305-318;“The Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia Clarifies the Law in Relation to Arbitration Agreements in Landmark Decision”, (2007) 26 The Arbitrator & Mediator 55; “The art of writing an effective international arbitration clause”, The Australian Corporate Lawyer, June 2007, Vol. 17, at p12; “The Ad Hoc Division of CAS at the XX Olympic Games in Torino 2006” [2006] ISLR 58; and “The CAS: A case study of an international arbitration institution” (2005) 27 Australian Bar Review 56.