Klaus Reichert

Law Library/Brick Court Chambers
145-151 Church Street
Dublin 7
Barrister in private practice, 1992 to present
ICDR International Panel
Extensive experience in advocacy and advice for parties and as an arbitrator in the international arena in a substantial number of cases in many of the world's major arbitration venues under the ICSID, LCIA, ICC, ICDR and UNCITRAL Rules
Published materials include numerous articles, chapters and case notes in several journals and loose-leaf publications on private international law, commercial litigation, arbitration and mediation. These have included the International Arbitration Law Review, Global Arbitration Review, The Journal of International Arbitration, Arbitration, Dispute Resolution Journal, The Bar Review, Commercial Law Practitioner, the Law Society of Ireland Gazette, The Maritime Advocate, The Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation, Enforcement of Foreign Money Judgments, Attachment of Assets, Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, and the Newsletters of both the Litigation Committee and Arbitration Committee of the IBA; authored the Irish chapter in the second edition of Arbitration World; served as Co-Chair of the IBA Litigation Committee, is a member of the LCIA European Users' Council, the ICC Commission on Arbitration, the ILA International Arbitration Committee and several other arbitral bodies; serves on the editorial boards of various international legal publications and in 2008 chaired the host committee for the ICCA Conference marking the exact 50th anniversary of the New York Convention; was the IBA delegate to the Hague Conference on Private International Law in 2008 and 2009.