Houston Putnam Lowry

Polivy, Taschner, Lowry & Clayton
6 Central Row-Second Floor
P.O. Box 0294
Hartford, CT 06123-0294
Associate, Tarlow, Levy & Droney (1983–1988); Member, Tarlow, Levy & Droney (1988–1993); Chair of litigation Department of Tarlow, Levy & Droney (1992–93); Member of Brown & Welsh, P.C. and chair of litigation department (1993-2015), Attorney Trial Referee (1992–present); Fact-Finder/Arbitrator (1996–present); Member, Connecticut Advisory Council on Housing Matters (1994–present); Member, Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Private International Law (various dates).
AAA (Commercial Panel of Arbitrators-Prudential Policyholders Appeals Committee; Large, Complex Case Panel; International Panel.); ABA (ADR Section); American Law Institute; American Society of International Law; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators-Fellow and Chartered Arbitrator (London, England); Connecticut Bar Association; LCIA (North American Council member); The Honorable Society of Gray’s Inn (London, England); Liveryman, Worshipful Company of Arbitrators (London)
AAA; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Chartered Arbitrator and holder of a Panel Appointment Certificate); London Court of International Arbitration; National Arbitration Forum, World Intellectual Property Organization
Counsel, arbitrator, numerous cases, re: construction, admiralty law, shareholder disputes, computers (including domain names), franchise disputes, general business matters; acted as a neutral in over 1,000 cases.
“Enforcing International Judgments,” American Bar Association GP Solo magazine, April-May 2011, page 34; “How do I get my stolen domain name back?” Connecticut CPA magazine, July-August 2007, volume 48, page 12; “Survey of 2004-2005 Developments in International Law in Connecticut,” 79 Connecticut Bar Journal 131 (2005); “Connecticut and International Law,” 12 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 575 (2006); “Recent Developments in International Commercial Arbitration,” 10 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 335 (2004); “Survey of 2002–2003 Developments in International Law in Connecticut,” 77 Connecticut Bar Journal 171 (2003); “Early Implementation of the 1988 UNCITRAL Bills and Notes Convention” published as a chapter of “Legal Harmonization in the Americas: Business Transactions, Bijuralism and the OAS”, published by the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, ISBN 0-8270-4424-0, 2002; “Recent Developments in the International Law of the Sea,” 35 International Lawyer 787 (2001); “1996 United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Model Law on Electronic Commerce and Guide to Enactment” 5 ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law 433 (1999); “So Your Client Wants to Engage in Deep Seabed Mining” 5 ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law 325 (1999); “Survey of 1997 Developments in International Law in Connecticut”, 72 Connecticut Bar Journal 364 (1998); “Survey of 1996 Developments in International Law in Connecticut,” 71 Connecticut Bar Journal 185 (1997); “Survey of 1995 Developments in International Law in Connecticut,” 70 Connecticut Bar Journal 68 (1996); “Survey of 1994 Developments in International Law in Connecticut,” 69 Connecticut Bar Journal 143 (1995); and numerous other articles.