Frédéric G. Sourgens

Washburn University School of Law
1700 SW College Ave
Topeka, KS 66621
Phone Number:
1978, Münster (Germany)
University of Oslo, candidatus magisterii (2000)
University of York (UK), MA (2003)
Tulane University Law School, JD (2005)
Bar Admission or Professional License:
District of Columbia
Present Position:
Associate Professor of Law
Professional Experience:
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP; Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
Professional Associations:
American Society of International Law
Publications from JURIS:
1. A Nascent Common Law, The Process of Decisionmaking in International
Legal Disputes Between States and Foreign Investors (Brill | Nijhoff, 2015)
(manuscript in production).
Edited Volumes
2. New Developments in Investment Treaty Arbitration: A Return to
Fundamentals?, Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law, vol.
viii (with Ian Laird, Borzu Sabahi & Todd Weiler: Juris Publishing,
anticipated 2015).
3. Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law, vol. vii (with Ian
Laird, Borzu Sabahi & Todd Weiler: Juris Publishing, 2014) (proceedings of
conference entitled “BIT, Contract, or a Bit of Both? Investor-State Dispute
Resolution in the Energy Sector”).
4. Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law, vol. vi (with Ian Laird,
Borzu Sabahi & Todd Weiler: Juris Publishing, 2013) (proceedings of
conference entitled “NAFTA, DR-CAFTA & Beyond”).
5. Reports of Overseas Private Investment Corporation Determinations
(contributing editor; Mark Kantor et al. eds.: Oxford University Press 2011)
(peer reviewed).
6. Functions of Freedom, Privacy, Dignity, and the Transnational Legal
Process, 48 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law __ (2015)
7. Reconstructing International Law as Common Law, 42 George Washington
International Law Review __ (2015) (forthcoming).
8. Reason and Reasonableness, The Necessary Diversity of the Common Law,
64 Maine Law Review __ (2015) (forthcoming).
9. Law’s Laboratory: Developing International Law on Investment Protection
as Common Law, 34 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business
181 (2014) (lead article, issue 2).
10. Truth in Method, The Interpretation of International Investment Law:
Equality, Discrimination and Minimum Standards of Treatment by Dr. Todd
Weiler, 28 ICSID Review, Foreign Investment Law Journal 247 (2014)
(invited article).
11. What is a Distressed Investor to Do?, 1 Journal of Damages in International
Arbitration 103 (with Michael D. Nolan: 2014) .
Republication of 2 Transnational Dispute Management (2008).
12. Doubling Down on Deference? Treatment Standards and the Public Law
Fallacy, 8 World Arbitration & Mediation Review 379 (with Baiju Vasani:
2013) (peer reviewed).
13. By Equal Contest of Arms, Jurisdictional Proof in Investor-State
Arbitrations, 38 North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial
Regulation 875 (2013).
Republished in 1 Transnational Dispute Management (2014) (invited).
14. Keep the Faith, Investment Protection Following the Denunciation of
International Investment Agreements, 11 Santa Clara Journal of International
Law 335 (2013) (invited).
15. Issues of Proof of General Principles of Law in International Arbitration, 4
World Arbitration & Mediation Review 505 (with Michael Nolan: 2009)
(peer reviewed).