True or False: Security for Costs Should be Mandated for Investor-State Arbitration? - Chapter 12 - Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 14
Originally from Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 14
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MR. TODD WEILER: Good morning, everybody. Welcome to the fourth edition of the Juris 14th annual conference on investment treaty law and arbitration. This year’s topic: evidence of systemic reform - true or false. Our host of course, is Juris conferences. Juris, a leading publisher and provider of arbitration and dispute resolution information has hosted over 100 of the live form of conferences that people may remember the ones where we actually can touch each other. This is one of Juris’ first forays, however, into a virtual conference doing everything online. It can last actually began three weeks ago now and we are really happy with the progress so far. This of course is a fourth of our four sessions. The final passage next week will be for anybody who’s attended any of the previous sessions will be a treat. It will be Lucinda Lowe giving her keynote address and Freddy Sourgens who’s on the show today, will be emceeing that project. So we’re looking forward to next week. Of course, we’re also looking forward to today. So, let’s see who we have.
Tim Nelson is going to be the leader of this show this week. And Tim is a partner at Skadden Arps. He has about 25 years, I might be cutting under a couple of years, there but 25 years of international Dispute Settlement experience so he is a true veteran. He’s also a true veteran of support for our program he met for many years. He and Skadden, Arps have been key contributors and we’re very thankful for that. He’s an Australian American. He’s also a really good storyteller, which is convenient because when I googled him to see if there was anything new on his website, I first noticed that he’s also been in movies like Oh Brother, Where Art Thou and Buster Scruggs unless it’s a different Tim Nelson.