Edna Sussman

Suite 3500
10 East 40th Street
New York, NY 10016
Former Partner, White & Case
Currently: Board of the American Arbitration Association; Vice-Chair of the New York International Arbitration Center; immediate past president of the College of Commercial Arbitrators; Chair of Board AAA/ICDR Foundation; co-editor-in-chief of New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer; Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Certified, International Mediation Institute. Formerly: Chair Dispute Resolution Section of New York State Bar Association, Co-Chair of Arbitration Committees of American Bar Association’s Section of International Law and Section of Dispute Resolution, Chair of ABA Environment Section’s Renewable Energy Committee; Chair New York City Bar Association’s Energy Committee; Chair Energy Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution Committee.
AAA, ICDR, CPR; panels in Hong Kong, Singapore, South China, Shanghai, Singapore, Switzerland, Vienna, Kuala Lumpur, Korea, Vietnam, Dubai, Kigali, Lagos, Brazil, and British Columbia; U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc., National Futures Association; listed by ICC.
Ranked by Chambers USA and Chambers Global for International Arbitration; Over 200 arbitrations of complex multi-million dollar disputes both international and domestic as chair, sole and party appointed arbitrator under many institutional rules in administered and ad hoc proceedings concerning contract interpretation, financing and banking transactions, energy, environment, franchises/distributorships, partnerships/joint ventures, insurance, mergers/acquisitions, accounting, intellectual property, construction, securities, real estate and professional liability. Current Examples: 2017 - $250 million claim for misrepresentations in connection with investments in renewable energy in Latin America; 2017 $30 million claim for failure to pay royalties on a pharmaceutical product license; 2017 $5 million claim for wrongful termination of a distributor in the Middle East ; 2017- $300 million claim for breach of contract relating to use of marine terminals; 2017 $2 million claim of overpayment of royalties on a telecommunication IP license; 2017 $2 million claim for breach of fiduciary duties in a closely held company; 2017 $2.5 million dollar claim for defective pollution remediation installation; 2017 $20 million claim for insurance coverage for professional liability; 2017 $25 million claim for negligent audit work.
A General Overview of the Conduct of International Arbitration Proceedings in the United States, (in International Arbitration in the United States, Kluwer Publ. 2017); The Arbitrator Survey, Practices, Preferences and Changes on the Horizon, (Am. Rev. Intl. Arb. 2015)Evaluating the Advantages and Drawbacks of Emergency Arbitrators (New York Law Journal, March 2015) (with Alexandra Dosman); A Path Forward: A Convention for the Enforcement of Mediated Settlement Agreements (Transnational Dispute Management, March 2015); Ethics in International Arbitration: Soft Law Guidance, in Soft Law in International Arbitration, (Juris Publ. 2014); Arbitrator Decision Making: Unconscious Psychological Influences (Am. Rev. of Int’l Arb., Winter 2013); Can Counsel Ethics Beat Guerrilla Tactics?: The New IBA Guidelines (NY Dispute Resolution Lawyer, fall 2013) Drafting the Arbitration Clause: A Primer (Dispute Resolution Journal, spring 2012); Reflections on An International Code of Ethics for Counsel in Arbitration (Am. Rev. of Int’l. Arb. 2012); Use of Dispositive Motions in Arbitration (NY Dispute Resolution Lawyer 2011); Time and Cost Solutions for Commercial Arbitration (Dispute Resolution Journal 2011); A Multilateral Energy Sector Investment Treaty (Int’l Law 2011); Combinations and Permutations of Arbitration and Mediation: in ADR in Business (Kluwer 2011); The Advantages of Mediation and the Special Challenges in Investor State Disputes (Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, 2011) The Energy Charter Treaty Can Foster Solutions to Global Warming in Sustainable Development in International Investment Law (Kluwer 2010), numerous other articles on arbitration, mediation and energy.