Donald Francis Donovan

Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP
919 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Law Clerk, Judge Jerome Farris, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Seattle, Washington (1982-83); Law Clerk, Judge Abraham D. Sofaer, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, N.Y. (1983-84); Law Clerk, Associate Justice Harry A. Blackman, U.S. Supreme Court, Washington, DC (1984-85); Legal Assistant, Judge Howard Holtzmann, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague (1985-86)
American Society of International Law (President, 2012-2014); International Council for Commercial Arbitration (Vice President, 2002-2010); Institute for Transnational Arbitration (Chair, 2000-2005); ICC (Chair, US National Committee, 2000-2003); Human Rights First (Chair, Litigation Committee), New York City Bar Association; Advisory Committee on International Law of the US Secretary of State (Member); Advisory Committee for the Restatement of the US Law of International Commercial Arbitration of the American Law Institute (Member); ICCA (Honorary Vice President and Member, 1998-2014).
Serve regularly as counsel and arbitrator (including president, chair, sole, and co-arbitrator) in cases in venues around the world under the ICC, ICDR, ICSID, and other rules, and involving cases under both treaties and the full range of commercial arrangements, including concessions, joint venture agreements, share purchase agreements, construction contracts, supply agreements, distribution agreements, manufacturing agreements, oil and gas agreements, and insurance and reinsurance agreements; most recent service as arbitrator: chair in ICC arbitration involving aircraft design; chair in ICC arbitration involving satellite agreement; sole arbitrator in ICC arbitration involving technology agreement; chair of ICDR arbitration arising from settlement agreement; president of ad hoc treaty tribunal; president of ICSID tribunal arising from contract; co-arbitrator in two ICSID arbitrations arising from treaty.
(Recent) “United States,” in the International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration (2013); Investment Treaty Arbitration, in Bermann & Mistelas, eds., Mandatory Rules in International Arbitration (2010); Towards a Unified Approach to the Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement in United States Courts, in Between East and West: Essays in Honour of Ulf Franke (2010) (with Rivkin); El Impacto del Artículo VII, in El Arbitraje Comercial Internacional: Estudio del la Convención de Nueva York con motivo de su 50° aniversario (Abelado Perrot 2008) (with Prager); The Emerging Recognition of Universal Civil Jurisdiction, 100 Am. J. Int’l L. 142 (2006) (with Roberts); Mitsubishi After Twenty Years: Mandatory Rules Before Courts and International Arbitrators, in Lew & Mistelis, eds., Pervasive Problems in International Arbitration 11 (Kluwer 2006) (with Greenawalt); United States Report, in International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration (Kluwer rev’d 2005) (with Holtzmann); The Public Policy Defense in Recognition of Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in US Courts, in Global Reflections on International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolution: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Robert Briner (ICC 2005); Speak the Speech: Arbitral Advocacy, 21 Arbitration Int’l 537 (2005); Universal Civil Jurisdiction: The Next Frontier?, 99 Proceedings of the American Society of Int’l Law 117 (2005); The Allocation of Authority Between Courts and Arbitral Tribunals to Order Interim Measures, in New Horizons in International Commercial Arbitration and Beyond (ICCA Congress Series No. 12/Kluwer 2005).