Christian Hausmaninger

Franz-Josefs-Kai 3
Vienna 1010
Phone Number:
0043 (1) 513 95 40
Fax Number:
0043 (1) 513 95 40/12
Harvard Law School, LL.M. June 7, 1990; University of Vienna School of Law, Dr.iur. (graduate degree) May 1989 (with honors); University of Vienna School of Law, Mag..iur (basic law degree) July 1987; Université de Paris II, Study of International Law and
Bar Admission or Professional License:
Austrian Bar admitted November 29, 1995; New York Bar admitted January 22, 1991
Present Position:
Hausmaninger Kletter Attorney at Law; University of Virginia School of Law Visiting Professor for European business law; University of Salzburg School of Law Professor for Corporate Law, European Business Law and Capital Markets Law
Panels of Arbitrators:
Arbitrator, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC); International Arbitral Center of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber; Zurich Chamber of Commerce
Arbitration Experience:
Party-appointed arbitrator: various international disputes regarding corporate law, contract law, construction law; (in front of ICC, Zurich Chamber of Commerce, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and ad hoc arbitration) sole arbitrator: ICC case regarding international contracts, delivery of goods; party counsel: several disputes in front of ICC; Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and ad hoc arbitration regarding corporate law, contract law.
Areas of Specialization:
Commercial Law
International Commercial Arbitration
International Transactions
Mergers & Acquisitions
Publications from JURIS: