Wilson Wei Huo

31/33/36/37/F, SK Tower,
6A Jianguomenwai Avenue
Beijing 100022
Senior Associate, Coudert Brothers Beijing Office and Hogan & Hartson LLP Beijing Office.
Member of Council, China Academy of Arbitration Law;
Invited Expert, Committee on Investment Arbitration of China Academy of Arbitration Law.
Several arbitration institutions in the mainland of China
Acting as counsel in arbitration cases before CIETAC, BAC, SHIAC, SCIA, HKIAC, SIAC, DIAC, LCIA, and ICDR of AAA, etc. The arbitration cases represented by Wilson range from traditional “onshore arbitration” in the mainland of China to “offshore/overseas arbitration” with the mainland of China companies’ foot-steps of engaging “One Belt One Road (OBOR/BRI)” to go abroad.
In the past 3 years I have been appointed by either the parties or the institutions as arbitrator with the seat of arbitration to be Hong Kong SAR and Singapore, rules include CIETAC, HKIAC, AAA, SIAC and laws such as the mainland China law, Hong Kong law and Singapore law.
Banking and Financing Adjust to New Economy—Swell in Disputes Impacts Financial, Judicial and Legal Professionals (Wolters Kluwer China Law & Reference, 2018);
The Banking Litigation Law Review-China (The Law Reviews, 2017);
Arbitration + and Loser Pays to Cure Judges’ Overwork Disease (AmCham China Tracing China’s Policy, 2017);
How Do I Draft An Arbitration Clause? (China Law & Practice, 2014).