Andrew de Lotbinière McDougall

White & Case LLP
19, Place Vendôme
75007 Paris
Articling Student, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Toronto and Montréal, 1996-1997; Associate, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Montréal, 1997; Fox Scholar, Middle Temple, Inns of Court, London, 1997-1998 (Essex Court Chambers, Brick Court Chambers, and 4 Pump Court); Associate, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, London, 1998; Associate, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Toronto, 1998-2000; Associate, White & Case LLP, Paris, 2000-2003; Partner, White & Case LLP, Paris, 2004-2008; Professor, International Arbitration, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2008; Professor, International Arbitration, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, 2010-2012; Partner, Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall LLP, 2009-2011.
ICC Court Member, Canada, 2018-present; ICC Canadian National Committee; ICC French National Committee; ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR; ICC Institute of World Business Law; ICDR; Court of Arbitration for Sport; FIAA, Board of Trustees and Executive Committee Past Chair; IBA, Arbitration Committee; ITA, Advisory Board; Journal of Arbitration and Mediation, Editorial Board; IAI; LCIA; CPR, Arbitration Committee; CIArb (MCIArb); ADR Institute of Canada; CBA, International Law Section Business Dispute Resolution Committee; SAHCA; Cercle international Rouge et Or de l’Université Laval, Founding Member; The Harold G. Fox Education Fund, Canadian Trustee; Goodenough College, Alumnus.
ICC Canadian National Committee; ICC French National Committee; ICDR; BVI International Arbitration Centre; CAS.
Counsel and arbitrator in numerous disputes involving institutional and ad hoc arbitration (e.g., ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, ICSID, Swiss Rules, Vienna Rules) across of a range of sectors (e.g., oil & gas, construction, intellectual property, international joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions, natural resources, power) and with amounts claimed of up to several billion US dollars.
Author of numerous articles and conference presentations around the world on international arbitration.