Juris Conferences is a leading organization developed to promote discourse among figures in international arbitration and dispute resolution. To date, we have presented over 100 conferences. Our goal is to give interested legal practitioners an entrée into these fora. As a division of JurisNet, LLC, the leading legal publisher of materials on arbitration and dispute resolution, Juris Conferences is in a prime position to provide the most accurate and relevant information to those practicing in the areas of arbitration and ADR.
JURIS Conference’s annual Investment Treaty Arbitration conference is “going digital.” Starting on May 26, 2020, JURIS Conferences has been holding a weekly series of sessions with leading arbitration practitioners and scholars hosted on Zoom.
The 14th Annual Investment Treaty Arbitration conference tackles four questions of systemic reform in the field of international investment law and arbitration.
The fifth and last session, to be held on June 23, 2020, is the capstone Keynote Address by Lucinda Low (Steptoe) with an introduction and post-Address Q&A Session by Frédéric Sourgens (Washburn University School of Law).
Please join us for the KEYNOTE ADDRESS on
June 23, 2020
from 4:00-5:00 PM EST / 20:00-21:00 CET.
Keynote Address by Lucinda A. Low: The Difference Between Evolution and Revolution in Trade and Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanisms: Of Chaos, Crossroads, and the ‘R’ Factor
In her Address, Lucinda Low will address whether the systems (ISDS and WTO) are in chaos and in need of complete revamping, or whether there are more incremental reforms that could address the issues that have been raised about both systems throughout the conference. Ms. Low will argue that both systems--ISDS and WTO--are at a crossroads, and she will elaborate on a number of specific areas where system reforms could be implemented. Some proposed reforms, such as eliminating barriers to negotiated resolutions, will tie into topics covered in earlier sessions of the conference series, while others (such as consolidation) may be new to the discussion.
To access recordings of all previous sessions (I-IV) of this conference, see below.
The conference registration fee also includes one month of complimentary access to Arbitration Law, a database powered by JURIS covering virtually all forms of international, as well as U.S., arbitration. Arbitration Law’s digital library, containing 13,500 documents and over 200 proprietary treatises, practice manuals, and monographs, offers exclusive access to comprehensive and authoritative works that analyze all aspects of the arbitral process. In addition to primary resources, Arbitration Law contains exclusive works contributed by preeminent arbitration practictioners and scholars, including Emmanuel Gaillard, Lawrence Newman, Doak Bishop, George Bermann, Edna Sussman, Loukas A. Mistelis, Michael Moser, Lucy Reed, Laurence Shore, and dozens more. Arbitration Law also offers access to 11 of JURIS’s exclusive arbitration journals and their archives, including the Dispute Resolution Journal, American Review of International Arbitration, European International Arbitration Review, World Arbitration and Mediation Review, and more.
NYS CLE credit (transitional and non-transitional) in the Areas of Professional Practice (1.5 hours for an individual session; 7 hours for the full conference) and a general certificate of attendance will be provided.
Please note that this conference will be recorded and may be made publicly available after the event. By registering you consent to being recorded and/or included in published recordings of this conference.

ITA Conference Sessions I-IV Recordings
Register for all four sessions to receive a discounted rate. Conference fees include conference participation and written course materials, including a copy of the book resulting from this conference, Investment Treaty Arbitration, Volume 14 (when published). Recordings of sessions that have already taken place will be made available to registrants in full. Registration for individual sessions are available below.
Check the box below then click Add to Cart
ITA 14 Webinar Session I Recording
May 26, 2020
True or False: The USMCA Chapter on Investment Represents the New State-of-the-Art in Investment Protection Treaties. (RECORDING)
Moderator: Todd Weiler – Independent counsel, consultant, expert, and arbitrator at Investment Treaty Arbitration (London, Ontario)
Jennifer Ivers (White & Case, DC) & Alyssa Howard (White & Case, DC) (co-authors)
Kate McNulty – Covington (DC)
Michael Nolan - Milbank Tweed (DC)
Devin Bray – De Brauw (Amsterdam)
Ted Posner – Weil (DC)
Jennifer Thornton – Arent Fox (DC)
Elizabeth Whitsitt – University of Calgary Faculty of Law
Please note: This registration fee only includes participation in Session I in this four-session series of conferences. If you would like to attend all four sessions, we offer a discounted price for the 4-session package above. Registration for this session may be combined with other session registrations.
ITA Conference Session III Recording
June 9, 2020
True or False: Thanks to Reforms Proposed Under the Auspices of the ICSID and UNCITRAL, Investor-State Dispute Settlement is Finally Headed in the Right Direction.
Moderator: Todd Weiler – Independent counsel, consultant, expert, and arbitrator at Investment Treaty Arbitration (London, Ontario)
Eva Chan – Skadden (NYC)
John Laird – Crowell & Moring (DC)
José Antonio Rivas – Independent Counsel (DC)
Joshua Fellenbaum – Fieldfisher (London)
Mark Kantor – Independent Arbitrator
Anna Holloway – ICSID
Diora Ziyaeva – Dentons (NYC)
Please note: This registration fee only includes participation in Session III in this four-session series of conferences. If you would like to attend all four sessions, we offer a discounted price for the 4-session package above. Registration for this session may be combined with other session registrations.
ITA Conference Session II Recording
June 2, 2020
True or False: The Time Has Come to Outlaw Double-Hatting.
Moderator: George Ruttinger – Crowell Moring (DC)
Katelyn Horne – Arnold & Porter (DC)
Guled Yusuf – Allen & Overy (London)
Kabir Duggal – Arnold & Porter (New York)
Ian Laird – Crowell Moring; JURIS Conference Co-Chair Emeritus (DC)
Danielle Morris – WilmerHale (DC)
Fernando Tupa – Curtis Mallet (Buenos Aires)
Please note: This registration fee only includes participation in Session II in this four-session series of conferences. If you would like to attend all four sessions, we offer a discounted price for the 4-session package above. Registration for this session may be combined with other session registrations.
ITA Conference Session IV Recording
June 16, 2020
True or False: Security for Costs Should be Mandated for Investor-State Arbitration.
Moderator: Timothy Nelson – Skadden (New York)
Carlos Guzmán – Squire Patton Boggs (DC)
Matilde Flores – Chaffetz Lindsey
Jeffery Commission – Burford Capital
Lindsay Gastrell – Arbitration Chambers
Miriam K. Harwood – Squire Patton Boggs (DC)
Frédéric Sourgens – Washburn University School of Law; JURIS Conference Co-Chair Emeritus
Please note: This registration fee only includes participation in Session IV in this four-session series of conferences. If you would like to attend all four sessions, we offer a discounted price for the 4-session package above. Registration for this session may be combined with other session registrations.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the
Fourteenth Annual Investment Treaty Arbitration - Online Conference
e-mail us at marketing@jurispub.com