Werner Melis

c/o Baier Attorneys at Law
Kärntner Ring 12
A-1010 Vienna
Honorary President and former President, International Arbitral Centre of the Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna, Bank working experience 1961 – 1964; Federal Economic Chamber of Austria, Vienna 1964 – 1995 (responsible for European Integration and the negotiations with EFTA and the European Communities, international arbitration and the Austrian National Committee of the ICC); Member of the delegation of Austria in the working group of UNCITRAL negotiating the UNCITRAL Arbitration and Conciliation Rules, the UNCITRAL Model Law and the Vienna Sales Convention.
ICCA (Honorary Vice-President and former Secretary General); Honorary President of VIAC; Founding member of ARBAUT; former Vice-President LCIA ; Member of ASA, DIS ; IAI ; etc.
ICSID, the Arbitration Centers in Beijing, Bucharest, Budapest, Cairo, Delhi, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Kiev, Kuala Lumpur, Ljubljana, Moldova, Moscow, Prague, Shanghai, Singapore, Vienna, Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb.
More than 160 international arbitrations worldwide, over 60% of them as chairman, in ad-hoc arbitrations, arbitrations under the Vienna, the ICC and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and the Rules of many other arbitration institutions.
Author and co-author of various contributions in professional journals and text books on civil procedure, international arbitration, trade terms (esp. INCOTERMS) and international trade law (sep. the Vienna Sales Convention).