Alejandro M. Garro

School of Law, Columbia University
435 West 116th Street
New York, NY 10027
Adjunct Professor of Law and Senior Research Scholar, Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia University (1994-); Lecturer in Law, Columbia Univ., New York (1981-94); Collaborateur scientifique, Swiss Inst. of Comparative Law (1982-1983); Asst. Professor of Law, Louisiana State Univ. (1979-1980)
ABA; Assoc. of the Bar of the City of New York; Inter-American Bar Assoc.; AAA
Editor, Commercial and Labor Arbitration in Central America(1991); Cuba’s System of International Commercial Arbitration, 15 Lawyer of the Americas 442 (1984); Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements in Latin America, 1J. Int’l Arb. 293 (1984); numerous contributions to the World Arbitration Reporter,Editor of Arbitration in Latin America; Law and Practice of Commercial Arbitration in Latin (editor, Transnational Publishers, 2000).